TTCN-3 is a standard for testing and test specification that is actively maintained by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).
20 years of development have resulted in a number of documents that are difficult to maintain, but also difficult to consume. Therefore a new major release of the TTCN-3 standard is planned.
This repository is a proof of concept to demonstrate how a new way of working could look like and how the upcoming major release of the TTCN-3 standard and its deliverables could be managed sustainably.
- Mention important principles:
- Single source of truth
- Future accessibility through plain text files
- Automation where possible (e.g. formatting, test extraction, BNF generation, ...)
- Collaboration and transparency (e.g. guidelines, decision records, version control, ...)
- Tool vendors first (e.g. developer oriented language and machine readable data (tests, BNF, predfined functions, interfaces, ...)
- Add a license
- Add contribution guidelines
- Add a code of conduct
- Issue templates for feature requests, bug reports, ...