Asynchronous RESTful API built with .NET, complete with persistent entities via MongoDB running in a Docker container.
This example API made for demonstration purposes is for collecting person-project feedback, but not all functionality is implemented.
Project is configured to run from VSCode with one press of f5
to run the Docker container (from dockerhub): In VSCode terminal: docker run -it --rm -p 8080:80 -e MongoDbSettings:Host=mongo --network=feedbackapidemo ttheland/feedbackapi:v3
As usual when running locally, the SwaggerUI API documentation is available at https://localhost:5001/swagger/index.html
OR http://localhost:5000
Tested with Postman, unit testing using Xunit.
This work is based on Julio Casal's wonderful .NET 5 REST API Tutorial - Build From Scratch With C#
Next steps after implementing remaining API features would be to create a frontend. Here's an example API frontend using React, including user access management with JWT, e2e-testing etc.