SharpGrip FileSystem is a file system abstraction supporting multiple adapters.
Reference NuGet package SharpGrip.FileSystem
For adapters other than the local file system (included in the SharpGrip.FileSystem
package) please see the Supported adapters section.
- Local (included in the
package) - AmazonS3 (
) - AzureBlobStorage (
) - AzureFileStorage (
) - Dropbox (
) - MicrosoftOneDrive (
) - SFTP (
For a full list of the supported operations please see the IFileSystem interface.
var adapters = new List<IAdapter>
new LocalAdapter("adapterPrefix", "adapterRootPath")
// Instantiation option 1.
var fileSystem = new FileSystem(adapters);
// Instantiation option 2.
var fileSystem = new FileSystem();
fileSystem.Adapters = adapters;
var adapters = new List<IAdapter>
new LocalAdapter("local1", "/var/files"),
new LocalAdapter("local2", "D:\\Files")
var fileSystem = new FileSystem(adapters);
// Amazon connection.
var amazonClient = new AmazonS3Client("awsAccessKeyId", "awsSecretAccessKey", RegionEndpoint.USEast2);
var adapters = new List<IAdapter>
new LocalAdapter("local", "/var/files"),
new AmazonS3Adapter("amazon", "/Files", amazonClient, "bucketName")
var fileSystem = new FileSystem(adapters);
// Azure connection.
var blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient("connectionString");
var azureClient = blobServiceClient.GetBlobContainerClient("blobContainerName");
var adapters = new List<IAdapter>
new LocalAdapter("local", "/var/files"),
new AzureBlobStorageAdapter("azure", "/Files", azureClient)
var fileSystem = new FileSystem(adapters);
// Azure connection.
var azureClient = new ShareClient("connectionString", "shareName");
var adapters = new List<IAdapter>
new LocalAdapter("local", "/var/files"),
new AzureFileStorageAdapter("azure", "/Files", azureClient)
var fileSystem = new FileSystem(adapters);
// Dropbox connection.
var dropboxClient = new DropboxClient("oAuth2AccessToken");
var adapters = new List<IAdapter>
new LocalAdapter("local", "/var/files"),
new DropboxAdapter("dropbox", "/Files", dropboxClient)
var fileSystem = new FileSystem(adapters);
// MicrosoftOneDrive connection.
var scopes = new[] {""};
var tenantId = "tenantId";
var confidentialClient = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder
var oneDriveClient = new GraphServiceClient(new DelegateAuthenticationProvider(async requestMessage =>
var authResult = await confidentialClient.AcquireTokenForClient(scopes).ExecuteAsync();
requestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", authResult.AccessToken);
var adapters = new List<IAdapter>
new LocalAdapter("local", "/var/files"),
new MicrosoftOneDriveAdapter("onedrive", "/Files", oneDriveClient, "driveId")
var fileSystem = new FileSystem(adapters);
// SFTP connection.
var privateKeyFile = new PrivateKeyFile("/home/userName/.ssh/id_rsa");
var privateKeyAuthenticationMethod = new PrivateKeyAuthenticationMethod("userName", privateKeyFile);
var sftpConnectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo("hostName", "userName", privateKeyAuthenticationMethod);
var sftpClient = new SftpClient(sftpConnectionInfo);
var adapters = new List<IAdapter>
new LocalAdapter("local", "/var/files"),
new SftpAdapter("sftp", "/var/files", sftpClient)
var fileSystem = new FileSystem(adapters);
// Azure connection.
var azureClient = new ShareClient("connectionString", "shareName");
// Dropbox connection.
var dropboxClient = new DropboxClient("oAuth2AccessToken");
var adapters = new List<IAdapter>
new LocalAdapter("local", "/var/files"),
new AzureFileStorageAdapter("azure", "/Files", azureClient),
new DropboxAdapter("dropbox", "/Files", dropboxClient)
// Copies a file from the `local` adapter to the `azure` adapter.
await fileSystem.CopyFileAsync("local://foo/bar.txt", "azure://bar/foo.txt");
// Moves a file from the `azure` adapter to the `dropbox` adapter.
await fileSystem.MoveFileAsync("azure://Foo/Bar.txt", "dropbox://Bar/Foo.txt");
// Writes string contents to the `azure` adapter.
await fileSystem.WriteFileAsync("azure://Foo.txt", "Bar!");
// Reads a text file from the `dropbox` adapter.
var contents = fileSystem.ReadTextFileAsync("dropbox://Foo.txt");