Listry was created for the Tech Under 20 Cup 2022 and won first place 🏆
More than half of Canadians live paycheque to paycheque, and more than a quarter don't have enough for their daily needs. Additionally, with the average grocery bill increasing by 15% in the last 5 years, families needed a way to shop more efficiently. As such, Listry was created — a web app that aims to change the way people buy groceries by providing a data-driven shopping experience.
Listry analyzes the user's inputted grocery list and postal code, then uses the Google Maps API to locate the nearest grocery stores nearby. Behind the scenes, grocery prices webscraped from various online retailers — such as Walmart and Longos — are compiled. Finally, the total price at each store close by is presented to the user, allowing them to make an informed decision on where they want to do their groceries.
Currently, only grocery lists that are directly typed into Listry are supported. The image-recognition feature for handwritten lists is in the works, and will be added. Moreover, additional features such as house profiles and smart lists are planned for the future. Stay tuned for an even more streamlined grocery shopping process!