Django template for tunel apps.
under development
You might want to quickly deploy an application to show off your analysis, paper, or even create a programmatic RestFul API for others to use and run on a high performance computing cluster. You should not need to start from scratch to do this! Brought to you by tunel, this template templates will get you started with a solid base for your development.
This particular teplate will get you started to deploy a Django application that deploys via a web socket (most likely to be supported by your center, and it's less common that ports are available on compute nodes). The template includes:
- several branded themes to choose from
- a basic user and registration model
- a restful API example
- several database options supported by Django (sqlite, postgres and mysql)
- examples of testing for your code
- Add structured API
You can jump in to the documentation to get started. If you have any requests for features or questions, please don't hesitate to open an issue.