Releases: turboblack/HamsterCMS
HamsterCMS 4th edition (blogged)
in this release there is an option to expand the blog so that the blog is displayed - on the desired page in any place you need, insert the structure [[BLOG_CONTENT]]
blog pages are saved in the blog folder, and you can also assign each its own template
You can also link to any page from the blog to any page on the site, and format it however you like, which will make your posts unique
HamsterCMS third edition (cosmetic, new features added)
Improvements are mostly related to ease of use, cleaning up the appearance, a built-in visual editor is now in the distribution.
During the time elapsed between releases, several dozen templates were made; on the hosting there are versions of the templates, links to which are posted in the release, and their modifications.
The script still supports the ability to edit web pages under old operating systems, such as DOS or Windows 3.11 (IE5 browser, DOS Links browser). for old systems there are ready-made new templates created in HTML3.2
so with this CMS you can administer the site both from your old 8086-386 computer and under modern operating systems, backward compatibility.
You can also connect templates based on well-known frameworks (there are also templates based on these frameworks), so you can create both old-style and new-fashioned sites
New features have appeared in the editing panel, these are additional 5 functions and several additional fonts.
The system is still installed by simply copying it to the hosting, or server, it works on PHP 8.* versions
HamsterCMS second edition (modernized)
if you compare the previous and the first (on the website) versions, you will see a large number of changes,
such as: improved admin panel (editing text has become easier, there are more options, and saving has become more convenient, now the file address will be entered automatically)
simplified layout of HTML templates (now you don’t need to rename and paste the code inside, just create a text file in the directory includes and write it in the template in the place where it should be displayed like this [[filename.txt]] and this will be enough to create a widget, footer, or additional menu (for example with links).
if your template is hard-coded, then you can create a multi-page website, even hundreds of pages, without harming the system.
multi-template: now each page can be assigned its own personal template (there are 4 templates in the distribution to show how this works). you can have one template, but save it several times in different folders, while changing the color scheme in each template, and as a result you will have an interesting website with different lighting for each section.
support for old templates: templates from previous versions can be easily adapted to the new version in just a few clicks.
The system is still installed by simply copying it to the hosting, it works on PHP 8.* versions
HamsterCMS first edition (improved) with Win95 theme
HamsterCMS is the world's smallest and very simple flatfile content management system.
No database required!
You only need one file to work!
Works on PHP without preinstalled frameworks
Just copy the files to the server (or hosting). No settings needed.
Perfect for a simple home page.
The hamster works very quickly.
The hamster code is simple and clear!
Open source and free!
Easy to adapt templates. Hamster code takes less than a kilobyte! shock!
follow the news, detailed instructions, and download new templates
appearance of the main page
this is what cms looks like
appearance of the admin panel
this is what cms looks like
admin panel (login password)
This assembly works on PHP 5,6 to 7,4 versions
What is all this for?
The script is intended for people who are not knowledgeable in programming and who want to quickly create a home page on the Internet
this script is an example of how websites should be made, as I see it, how it should be. all these thick frameworks, a bunch of additional languages, various hundred-megabyte hipster crafts just to deploy an editable home page? - this is not about this script.
This script is also useful for training, the simple code allows for this. The script is suitable for adherents of old technologies, for ascetic users, downgraders, lovers of retro computers and computer equipment, who want to create a quick, simple, and beautiful home page, or multi-page.
tests showed that the site on this template launched on a 386 computer with 16 MHz and 8 RAM under Windows 95 (it will also launch under 3.11 if Internet Explorer 5 is installed), and specifically on this engine it is easily opened by browsers under DOS, and the content is edited through the admin panel. On the hamster website there are many templates for downloading that will work correctly in the Links browser under DOS
you can also create an HTML5 template and work with it, it’s not difficult, about 10 mouse movements, and your site is ready (if you have a ready-made template, you replace the HTML code with PHP scripts according to the instructions, link above),
in general, for minimalists this is what you need
Now a little description of this particular template.
as you can see, it is a little similar to the Windows 95 interface, made in HTML4 without frameworks and add-ons that could work with very old browsers from the 90s (will work in IE5 since it has support for UTF8).
For the script to work, you only need free hosting with support for PHP 7.4 (although it will work on 5.*). copy the files as is to the hosting, open, check - it works. so that you have 5 pages (for which it is designed), open and edit .txt files, you can change them, but to do this you will have to edit index.php go to the admin panel admin.php, enter your login and password (login password), select open the file at the top, edit, save. Don’t forget to also change your login and password by editing the admin.php file, the name of which can also be changed, this will not affect performance.
articles that we create in the admin panel and save below in the bottom menu by writing ./article.txt and click save. This creates a page that is not visible in the navigation bar, but will be visible separately on the page where we place the link yourwebpagename/article
The admin panel (login password by default) can be renamed, this does not affect the functionality. an admin panel is not necessarily needed on hosting; you can use any text editor, or if you don’t plan to edit pages anymore, remove this file from the folder.
*** P.S. ***
I deliberately did not write copyrights in the template, because you are erasing them )))
in addition, with copyrights the template will not look authentic
Enjoy your use.
thank you for your attention
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