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JamesChenX committed Jul 14, 2024
1 parent 790dee6 commit 90abd8d
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Showing 52 changed files with 4,055 additions and 872 deletions.
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions turms-client-cpp/include/turms/client/model/response_status_code.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -233,6 +233,10 @@ const int kUpdatingTypingStatusIsDisabled = 4100;
const int kNotGroupMemberToSendTypingStatus = 4101;
const int kNotFriendToSendTypingStatus = 4102;

// Conversation - Setting
const int kNotRelatedUserToUpdatePrivateConversationSetting = 4200;
const int kNotGroupMemberToUpdateGroupConversationSetting = 4201;

// Message

// Message - Send
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,6 +286,28 @@ const int kNotUploaderOrSharedWithUserToDownloadMessageAttachment = 6107;
const int kNotFriendToQueryMessageAttachmentInfoInPrivateConversation = 6130;
const int kNotGroupMemberToQueryMessageAttachmentInfoInGroupConversation = 6131;

// Search
const int kSearchingUserIsDisabled = 7100;
const int kSearchingGroupIsDisabled = 7200;

// Conference
const int kConferenceNotImplemented = 8000;

// Conference - Meeting
const int kCreateMeetingExceedingMaxActiveMeetingCount = 8100;
const int kNotCreatorToCancelMeeting = 8101;
const int kCancelingMeetingIsDisabled = 8102;
const int kCancelNonexistentMeeting = 8103;
const int kNotCreatorToUpdateMeetingPassword = 8104;
const int kUpdateInfoOfNonexistentMeeting = 8105;

const int kAcceptMeetingInvitationWithWrongPassword = 8200;
const int kAcceptMeetingInvitationOfCanceledMeeting = 8201;
const int kAcceptMeetingInvitationOfEndedMeeting = 8202;
const int kAcceptMeetingInvitationOfExpiredMeeting = 8203;
const int kAcceptMeetingInvitationOfPendingMeeting = 8204;
const int kAcceptNonexistentMeetingInvitation = 8205;

auto isSuccessCode(int businessCode) -> bool;

auto isErrorCode(int businessCode) -> bool;
Expand Down
229 changes: 229 additions & 0 deletions turms-client-cpp/include/turms/client/service/conference_service.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@

#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/future.hpp>
#include <chrono>
#include <unordered_set>

#include "turms/client/exception/response_exception.h"
#include "turms/client/model/proto/notification/turms_notification.pb.h"
#include "turms/client/model/response.h"

namespace turms {
namespace client {

class TurmsClient;

namespace service {

class ConferenceService : private boost::noncopyable {
using time_point = std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock>;
using ResponseException = exception::ResponseException;

template <typename T>
using Response = model::Response<T>;

using TurmsNotification = model::proto::TurmsNotification;
using TurmsRequest = model::proto::TurmsRequest;

using Meeting = model::proto::Meeting;

using Value = model::proto::Value;

explicit ConferenceService(TurmsClient& turmsClient);

* Create a meeting, and send a meeting invitation as a message to the participants, which
* means:
* * If the meeting is a private meeting, the meeting invitation message will be sent to the
* target user.
* * If the meeting is a group meeting, the meeting invitation message will be sent to all group
* members.
* * If the meeting is a public meeting, no meeting invitation message will be sent.
* To join a meeting, call acceptMeetingInvitation.
* Authorization:
* * If the logged-in user has created too many meetings,
* throws ResponseException with the code
* ResponseStatusCode::kCreateMeetingExceedingMaxActiveMeetingCount.
* For private meetings,
* * If the server property `turms.service.message.allow-send-messages-to-oneself`
* is true (false by default), the logged-in user can send meeting invitation messages to
* itself. Otherwise, throws ResponseException with the code
* ResponseStatusCode::kSendingMessagesToOneselfIsDisabled.
* * If the server property `turms.service.message.allow-send-messages-to-stranger`
* is true (true by default), the logged-in user can send meeting invitation messages to
* strangers (has no relationship with the logged-in user).
* * If the logged-in user has blocked the target user,
* throws ResponseException with the code ResponseStatusCode::kBlockedUserSendPrivateMessage.
* For group meetings,
* * If the logged-in user has blocked the target group,
* throws ResponseException with the code ResponseStatusCode::kBlockedUserSendGroupMessage.
* * If the logged-in user is not a group member, and the group does NOT allow non-members to
* send messages, throws ResponseException with the code
* ResponseStatusCode::kNotSpeakableGroupGuestToSendMessage.
* * If the logged-in user has been muted,
* throws ResponseException with the code ResponseStatusCode::kMutedGroupMemberSendMessage.
* * If the target group has been deleted,
* throws ResponseException with the code ResponseStatusCode::kSendMessageToInactiveGroup.
* * If the target group has been muted,
* throws ResponseException with the code ResponseStatusCode::kSendMessageToMutedGroup.
* @param userId the target user ID. If not null, the meeting will be a private meeting.
* If both userId and groupId are null, the meeting will be a public meeting.
* @param groupId the target group ID. If not null, the meeting will be a group meeting.
* If both userId and groupId are null, the meeting will be a public meeting.
* @param name the name of the meeting.
* @param intro the intro of the meeting.
* @param password the password of the meeting.
* @param startDate the start date of the meeting. If not null, the meeting will be a scheduled
* meeting.
* @return the meeting ID.
* @throws ResponseException if an error occurs.
* * If the server hasn't implemented the feature, throws ResponseException with the code
* ResponseStatusCode::kConferenceNotImplemented.
auto createMeeting(const boost::optional<int64_t>& userId = boost::none,
const boost::optional<int64_t>& groupId = boost::none,
const boost::optional<absl::string_view>& name = boost::none,
const boost::optional<absl::string_view>& intro = boost::none,
const boost::optional<absl::string_view>& password = boost::none,
const boost::optional<time_point>& startDate = boost::none)
-> boost::future<Response<int64_t>>;

* Cancel a meeting.
* Authorization:
* * If the server property `turms.service.conference.meeting.scheduling.allow-cancel`
* is false (true by default), throw ResponseException with the code
* ResponseStatusCode::kCancelingMeetingIsDisabled.
* * If the logged-in user is not the creator of the meeting, but is the meeting participant,
* throws ResponseException with the code ResponseStatusCode::kNotCreatorToCancelMeeting.
* * If the logged-in user is not the creator of the meeting, and is not the meeting
* participant, throws ResponseException with the code
* ResponseStatusCode::kCancelNonexistentMeeting.
* Notifications:
* * If the server property
* `turms.service.notification.meeting-canceled.notify-requester-other-online-sessions` is true
* (false by default), the server will send a meeting canceled notification to all other online
* sessions of the logged-in user actively.
* * If the server property
* `turms.service.notification.meeting-canceled.notify-meeting-participants` is true (false by
* default), the server will send a meeting canceled notification to all online sessions of the
* meeting participants.
* @throws ResponseException if an error occurs.
* * If the server hasn't implemented the feature, throws ResponseException with the code
* ResponseStatusCode::kConferenceNotImplemented.
auto cancelMeeting(int64_t meetingId) -> boost::future<Response<void>>;

* Update a meeting.
* Authorization:
* * All meeting participants can update the name and intro of the meeting,
* but only the meeting creator can update the password of the meeting.
* * If the meeting does not exist, or the logged-in user is not the meeting participant,
* throws ResponseException with the code ResponseStatusCode::kUpdateInfoOfNonexistentMeeting.
* * If password is not null, and the logged-in user is not the creator of the meeting,
* throws ResponseException with the code
* ResponseStatusCode::kNotCreatorToUpdateMeetingPassword.
* Notifications:
* * If the server property
* `turms.service.notification.meeting-updated.notify-requester-other-online-sessions` is true
* (false by default), the server will send a meeting updated notification to all other online
* sessions of the logged-in user actively.
* * If the server property
* `turms.service.notification.meeting-updated.notify-meeting-participants` is true (false by
* default), the server will send a meeting updated notification to all online sessions of the
* meeting participants.
* @param meetingId the target meeting ID.
* @param name a new name of the meeting.
* If null, the meeting name will not be updated.
* @param intro a new intro of the meeting.
* If null, the meeting intro will not be updated.
* @param password a new password of the meeting.
* If null, the meeting password will not be updated.
* @throws ResponseException if an error occurs.
auto updateMeeting(int64_t meetingId,
const boost::optional<absl::string_view>& name = boost::none,
const boost::optional<absl::string_view>& intro = boost::none,
const boost::optional<absl::string_view>& password = boost::none)
-> boost::future<Response<void>>;

* Find meetings.
* @param meetingIds the target meeting IDs.
* @param creatorIds the target creator IDs.
* @param userIds the target user IDs.
* @param groupIds the target group IDs.
* @param creationDateStart find meetings created after the start date.
* @param creationDateEnd find meetings created before the end date.
* @param skip the number of meetings to skip.
* @param limit the maximum number of meetings to be returned.
* @throws ResponseException if an error occurs.
auto queryMeetings(const std::unordered_set<int64_t>& meetingIds = {},
const std::unordered_set<int64_t>& creatorIds = {},
const std::unordered_set<int64_t>& userIds = {},
const std::unordered_set<int64_t>& groupIds = {},
const boost::optional<time_point>& creationDateStart = boost::none,
const boost::optional<time_point>& creationDateEnd = boost::none,
const boost::optional<int>& skip = boost::none,
const boost::optional<int>& limit = boost::none)
-> boost::future<Response<std::vector<Meeting>>>;

* Accept a meeting invitation.
* Authorization:
* * If the logged-in user is not the meeting participant, or the meeting does not exist,
* throws ResponseException with the code
* ResponseStatusCode::kAcceptNonexistentMeetingInvitation.
* * If the password is incorrect, throws ResponseException with the code
* ResponseStatusCode::kAcceptMeetingInvitationWithWrongPassword.
* * If the meeting has been canceled, throws ResponseException with the code
* ResponseStatusCode::kAcceptMeetingInvitationOfCanceledMeeting.
* * If the meeting has expired, throws ResponseException with the code
* ResponseStatusCode::kAcceptMeetingInvitationOfExpiredMeeting.
* * If the meeting has ended, throws ResponseException with the code
* ResponseStatusCode::kAcceptMeetingInvitationOfEndedMeeting.
* * If the meeting is pending, throws ResponseException with the code
* ResponseStatusCode::kAcceptMeetingInvitationOfPendingMeeting.
* @param meetingId the target meeting ID.
* @param password the password of the meeting.
* @return the access token.
* To join a meeting, use the access token to communicate with the media server.
* For example, if the conference service of turms-service is provided by
* the "turms-plugin-livekit" plugin, the media server will be the livekit server.
* @throws ResponseException if an error occurs.
* * If the server hasn't implemented the feature, throws ResponseException with the code
* ResponseStatusCode::kConferenceNotImplemented.
auto acceptMeetingInvitation(int64_t meetingId,
const boost::optional<absl::string_view>& password = boost::none)
-> boost::future<Response<std::string>>;

TurmsClient& turmsClient_;

} // namespace service
} // namespace client
} // namespace turms


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