Releases: tuxecure/crackle
unmount /var/cache/apt and /var/lib/apt if they were mounted when remounting as readonly
reindent remount
make rorw independant, let it remount to ro itself
rewrite remount in awk
mount /var/cache/apt and /var/lib/apt in remount for easier experimentation
clean up remnants after package removal
update help text
rename the desktop file crackle click produces
fix crackle setup
fetch the desktop file from the correct location in crackle click
improve verbosity of crackle update and crackle setup
fix desktop issues with crackle click
fix fetch_desktop for crackle click
update repos independant of crackle releases
fetch the latest files from the cracklebin
submodule update: setup mc's environment more completely
add the mozilla apt repo
make upgrade actually upgrade multiple packages
fix tailscale cache directory
introducing crackle sudok, the opposite of crackle sudo
only link files, if there is symlink yet
add crackle upgrade
fix crackle nuke not cleaning up /root/.profile
update readme and help text
setup additional repos
add the tailscale repo in
clean crackle sudo links
introducing crackle sudo; make your commands available under sudo -i command
reinstall is just remove and install
fix regression with desktop files not copying properly
make crackle also clean up /root/
make the search for desktop files more silent
clean desktopfiles, if there are any
ensure sudo asks for password at least once
only invalidate sudo cached credentials for the current session
don't touch the /root directory, if the pkg didn't have any symlinks there....
don't try to silence the sudo runs
fix regressions and improve linking
fix regression with crackle crack
properly remove desktop files and their icons
make the icon and desktop func more package specific
catch dangling symlinks at crackle remove
improve sudo experience
add the link to the xdg base directory specification to the readme
enable sudo -i $cmd by appending root's profile
update the readme
add package removal functionality and a way to list installed package
Revert "convert trusted.gpg.d into symlink"
silence ln -s
qrencode no longer needed in submodule, works out of the box now
update submodule
implement a general library linking function
improve verbosity install command
make use of /root/{.config/.local}
restructure crackle rootfs to be per package
clean up xmir remnants
remove xmir support, tis dead
refactor check release code
clean up crackle.conf
remove redundant bash_completion script
clean up more transition remnants
clean up transition remnants
fix grammar
set the plan for 0.3.x in stone
clarify a limitation of setting up the correct env
improve library linking
drop support for xenial
updted submodule bin adb99a6...096b856 (1):
start fresh, no more need for "transition_crackle"
convert trusted.gpg.d into symlink
update cracklebin for focal
break loop in CI
fix syntax error
no need to check path in CI
fix crackle CI
check on $CI not on $CLICKABLE
change order the directories and files are created
fix crackle for focal
shelve cracklerc deprecation plans, to 0.3x!
handle tarball installs
at -p to mkdir for robustness
handle tarball downloads
optimize install script
update crackle bin git
add a install script for gcc
improve desktop_trunc
update cracklebin
optimize crackle setup for upgrades
fix more regressions (thanks Solrac)
don't talk about files that don't exist
link trusted apt's gpg keys
fix regression with installing packages
only create/amend ~/.bash_completion on 16.04
enforce a readonly rootfs only on 16.04
lay the groundwork for letting crackle work with a readwrite rootfs
- take the icons directory symlink into account on nuke
- link the icons directory to make it discoverable
- place desktop files in the right directory
- utilize xdg env vars
- separate install bins from install libs
- set PKG_PREFIX in cracklerc
- fix regression with bash complete
- fix library loading and updating
- make the shebang more portable
- update the readme