My name is Skip Baney, and I occasionally write software.
- twelvelabs/generator-app - App scaffolding generators for use with the stamp CLI. (3 months ago)
- twelvelabs/stamp - A project scaffolding tool written in Go (3 months ago)
- twelvelabs/stylist - Manage all your code quality tools with a single executable (3 months ago)
- twelvelabs/depctl - Install project dependencies with a single command. (3 months ago)
- twelvelabs/.github (3 months ago)
- ohler55/ojg (v1.26.2, 2 weeks ago) - Optimized JSON for Go
- twelvelabs/termite (v0.13.2, 4 months ago) - Termite is a collection of utilities for building CLI tools in Go
- twelvelabs/stamp (v0.7.0, 4 months ago) - A project scaffolding tool written in Go
- twelvelabs/stylist (v0.5.0, 1 year ago) - Manage all your code quality tools with a single executable
- twelvelabs/schemadoc (v0.6.0, 1 year ago) - Generate markdown documents from JSON schema files.
- rickb777/date - A Go package for working with dates (6 days ago)
- edoardottt/depsdev - CLI client (and Golang module) for API. Free access to dependencies, licenses, advisories, and other critical health and security signals for open source package versions. (1 week ago)
- sharkdp/pastel - A command-line tool to generate, analyze, convert and manipulate colors (4 months ago)
- mattgialelis/dutycontroller - Pagerduty Kubernetes CRD (4 months ago)
- survivorbat/huhtest - huhtest is a work-in-progress test library for your huh forms (5 months ago)
- Go's build system (2 years ago)
- Hello World (2 years ago)
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