4p03 advanced algorithms project
Generates well formed sudokus that have a minimal number of clues. A well formed sudoku is one with only one solution. Several different solving strategies are employed, as well as a few different generating strategies. Recommended only to be run on computers with at least three cores as multiple threads are use in the solving of the sudoku problems.
to run from bash, go to the SudokuGenerator.jar file (default in SudokuGenerator/dist) and enter
java -jar SudokuGenerator.jar [-s p q] -g t|b|d [-n number] [-o path] [-v]
-s Specifiy the size of the sudoku boards to create.
p: width of the box regions
q: height of the box regions
By default, 9x9 (p=q=3) boards are created.
-g Specifiy which type of generator to use.
t: use a top down generator
b: use a bottom up generator
d: use a deduction generator
-n Specify the number of sudokus to create.
number: the number of sudokus to create
By default, 100 sudokus are created.
-o Specify the location to store the sudokus.
path: the file to store all the sudokus in
By default, "[system_time].sudoku.txt" is used.
-v Turn verbose mode on, default off.