A simple barebones SSR web framework for Deno. Uses preact JSX for templating. Support for file-based routing, dynamic routes, catch-all routes, and route-groups. Build pages using JSX components, pages, layouts, 'documents', and 'route-handlers'.
import { listen, serve, router, type ServeOptions } from "@neuf/neuf";
import { relative, join } from "@std/join";
import { render } from "preact-render-to-string";
const importFn: ServeOptions["importFn"] = async path => {
const thisModuleDir = import.meta.dirname!;
const toCwd = relative(thisModuleDir, Deno.cwd());
const fullPath = join(toCwd, path);
return await import(fullPath);
hostname: "",
port: 8080,
handler: (req, res, isError) => {
return serve(req, res, {
isNotFound: false,
staticOptions: { fsRoot: "src/public", quiet: true },
renderJSX: render,
- First-party i18n solution
- Middleware support
- More informative logging