Plugin provides 3 macro: {{related_issues}}, {{child_issues}} and {{issue(ID)}}.
{{related_issues}} displays all issues, related with curent. If related issue has subtasks, they will be displayed after related issue's description.
{{child_issues}} displays all subissues. If subissue has it's own subissues, they will be displayed after subissue's description.
{{issue(ID)}} displays issue with the passed id, if current user allows viewing it. WARNING! permission to view sub or related tasks (if you use one of the macros below) are not checking.
Just clone the plugin and restart Redmine
git clone
# and restart Redmine
Avaliable parameters for {{related_issues}} and {{child_issues}}: {{[related|child]_issues(level_param=(all|1,2,3...), subject_param=(3|none,1,2,3...), task_param=(none|full,link)}}
For {{issue(ID)}}: {{issue(ID, subject_param=(3|none,1,2,3...), task_param=(none|full,link))}} "ID" parameter is required.
- level_param - amount of nesting levels, default "all" - i.e. all, or set number of levels.
- subject_param - size of tag for issue's subject, default from h3, or you can specify 'none' for no subject or number.In each subtask level below the header size is reduced by 1.
- task_param - 'none' - by default do not displays the ids of tasks, you can also specify "full" for subject displayed in the style of "Tracker #id: Subject", or "link" for subject displayed as "Subject #id".
Subtasks case:
Usage for {{related_issues}} is the same.