Non-C Junior: Automating the life's work of MVP community member Non Creative Guy. Supplies helpful information and guides to players upon a phrase in the Discord, amongst other helpful things
- Push changes to main
- Wait for workflow
- Done
When DEV_TOKEN is set, PROD_TOKEN will not be checked to prevent deploying dev commands to prod accidentally. Default hardcoded dev CLIENT and GUILD ID's will be used; If only PROD_TOKEN is set, it will be expected the ID variables are also set.
- DEV_TOKEN: Development bot token
- PROD_TOKEN: Production bot token
CLIENTID: ID of the bot client to deploy the commands
GUILDID: ID of the guild to deploy the commands
Junior: 888800450533548123
2HOL Discord: 423293333864054833
Dev Junior: 912705407850532904
Dev 2HOL Discord: 678098930503909386
bun run build
bun run start
Deploy commands GUILDID and CLIENTID defaults to dev token if unset
export GUILDID=
export CLIENTID=
bun run commands
Update packages
bun update
bun npm-check-updates -u