is a simple language inspired by Erlang. It implements a subset of Erlang's features with
some modifications. I wrote it as a project intended to understand better the concepts behind Erlang, but also
to compare the differences in the approach to concurrency in Erlang vs Go.
Both Erlang's and Go's treat it as message passing.
While the two languages are very different, and Go was designed over twenty years after Erlang, you can find many
parallels in how they treat concurrency. By implementing Erlang in Go, I wanted to have a better feeling of how
far-reaching are the similarities. Moreover, in the past, I implemented Scheme several times, this time, I wanted
to create a parser for a language that has a syntax. Another inspiration for this was Rob Pike's
talk about implementing lexers in Go.
is a toy language, with a very basic set of functionalities. It doesn't even implement
any other numerical types than integers. The set of features is minimal by design, whatever can be implemented
using goer
s primitives, would not be implemented as a part of the language itself. For example, strings
have very limited support, if you want to manipulate them, use split
to transform them into lists of character-string
- The language uses Erlang-like syntax, the syntax coloring for Erlang would mostly work for it out-of-the-box.
- As in Erlang, everything is immutable.
- There's extensive support for pattern matching.
- The language is tail-call optimized and looping is done by making recursive function calls.
- It has basic data types like atoms, booleans, integers, strings, lists, and tuples.
- It has a REPL.
- It is a small subset of the Erlang language.
- It is interpreted, not compiled.
- Names of some functions (e.g. it has
) or the operators (e.g.!=
instead of/=
) differ. - Erlang has two different syntaxes for defining anonymous and named functions. In
functions are only defined usingfun
keywords (see below). - Erlang relies on linked lists, while
uses Go slices instead, this forces using different programming patterns. - There are also some small differences, like
_ = _
not raising an error. - You wouldn't be able to use it to build a distributed system running on multiple machines, as you would with Erlang.
Expressions that are evaluated need to be finished with .
, as in Erlang. They can consist of multiple sub-expressions,
in such a case, they would be separated with ,
- Atoms are data types defined only by their names. The names are written as words starting with a lowercase letter
and can have letters, numbers,
in their names. Examples arefoo
, etc. - Booleans:
, are special kinds of atoms. There are basic boolean operations likenot
, andor
1 that can be applied to booleans. - Integers map to Go's
type, so are at least 32-bit signed integers. Arithmetic operations+
(integer division), andrem
(reminder) can be used with integers. They can also be compared with<
, and the standard==
3. - Strings are surrounded by double quotes, like
"Hello, World!"
. They respect the same escape characters as Go does, so"\"Hello,\nWorld!\""
is a string that has double quotes and a newline. You can usestr
to convert an arbitrary value to a string (including functions). Withsplit
string can be converted to a list of single-character strings, this may be used for string manipulation. Strings can be concatenated with the++
operator. - Tuples like
{foo, bar, 1, "hi", {}, false}
can contain values of other data types. They can be accessed by pattern-matching their content. - Lists of other values
[1, 2, [foo, {3, 4}], "bar"]
. Lists can be concatenated with++
. They can be cheaply reversed withrev(Lst)
. Their size can be checked withlen(Lst)
. Their last value can be accessed withlast(Lst)
and list containing all the values but last withrest(Lst)
. Additionally,nth(Lst, Idx)
allows for accessing the value at theIdx
position (zero-indexed) of the listLst
There are is_atom
, is_bool
, is_int
, is_str
, is_list
, and is_tuple
functions to check if a value belongs to
a specific type.
Functions can have lowercase names as well, so print("hi")
is a function with the "hi"
argument, not an atom.
The operations in goer
, like the arithmetic ones, are evaluated left-to-right but follow the standard rules of
precedence, and the precedence is consistent with Erlang.
Erlang, the same as lisps, and functional languages like OCaml or Haskell, extensively use linked lists. Many of
the programming patterns in it evolved from this dependency. Linked lists however are in practice less efficient
than in theory, and have better modern alternatives. goer
uses Go slices instead, which leads to different
programming patterns.
In Erlang, the recommended way to add an element to a list is by using the cons operator
[Elem | List]
(which has O(1) complexity). The syntax is not available in goer
. Since underneath goer
's lists
are Go slices, the cheaper way is to append the new element at the back of the slice. For this reason, goer
uses the ++
operator, which in Erlang is mostly used to combine lists, e.g. [1,2] ++ [3,4] == [1,2,3,4]
In goer
, to add an element to the list, you would use List ++ Elem
which adds the element at the back of the list.
The ++
operator is overloaded, [foo] ++ bar
is interpreted the same as [foo] ++ [bar]
For the same reason as above, head and tail functions are not as useful for dealing with lists as in Erlang.
Instead, there are last
and rest
for accessing the last and everything but the last value.
This leads to different patterns, for example, to reverse a list in Erlang you could use a recursive function:
reverse(Lst) -> reverse(Lst,[]).
reverse([], Acc) -> Acc;
reverse([Head|Tail], Acc) -> reverse(Tail, [Head|Acc]).
in goer
the same function would work in reverse (pun intended):
fun reverse
(Lst) -> reverse(Lst, []);
([], Acc) -> Acc;
(Lst, Acc) -> reverse(rest(Lst), Acc ++ last(Lst))
As with every other language, goer
has variables. Their names need to start with uppercase letters. The same as with
Erlang, the variables however are immutable.
X = 1.
X = 8. % ERROR: 'X' and '8' do not match
X = X+1. % ERROR: 'X' and '2' do not match
2+5 = Y. % also works
This prevents race conditions and promotes communicating by message passing, not sharing memory.
Many functional languages heavily use pattern matching. The same applies to Erlang and goer
. As shown above,
assigning a value to the variable is done using the "match" operator =
. X = 1
"match X
against 1
", if X
didn't have any value before, it now is equivalent to 1
. The next attempt to match
it with a different value would fail with an error. Pattern matching can also be used to access the values of tuples:
{First, 2, Third} = {1, 2, 3}.
First = 1. % ok
Third = 3. % ok
There is also the wildcard character _
which matches anything. For example, we could match elements of a four-element
list to extract a specific one:
[_, _, X, _] = [foo, bar, baz, qux].
X = baz. % ok
(The Erlang's [Head | Tail]
matching is not implemented.)
has the standard Erlang's if
statement, which can consist of multiple conditional blocks
(so it is more like cond
in Scheme, than if
in other languages).
Cond1 ->
CondN ->
The conditions Cond1
... CondN
need to evaluate to booleans. For example,
X > 5 -> yes;
_ -> no
It also has the case
case Expr of
Pattern1 [when Guard1] ->
PatternN [when GuardN] ->
For example, FizzBuzz written using the case statement would be:
fun fizzbuzz (X) ->
case { X rem 3, X rem 5 } of
{0, 0} -> fizz_buzz;
{0, _} -> fizz;
{_, 0} -> buzz;
_ -> X
We could use the case
with the guard (after when
) to check if a value is larger than 5 in an
overengineered way:
case 10 of
X when X > 5 -> yes;
_ -> no
Unlike Erlang, there are no restrictions on guard statements other than that they need to evaluate to booleans.
Both if
and case
would throw an error when no branch matches the conditions.
Instead of Erlang's try ... catch ... end
, there is a much simpler try ... recover ... end
statement. It evaluates
the expression in the try
block and in case of an error, and only if, it executes the expression in the
block. It is not possible to catch specific errors. Neither of the blocks can be empty.
Erlang has two ways of defining the functions. It allows for either anonymous functions
fun(X) -> X + 10 end
or named functions
fact(0) -> 1;
fact(N) when N > 0 ->
N * fact(N-1).
combines both syntaxes. The anonymous functions are written the same way, but named functions are written
like the anonymous ones, but with the (atom-like) name after the fun
keyword. This syntax is similar to
OCaml's function
. The fact
function from above in goer
would be
fun fact
(0) -> 1;
(N) when N > 0 ->
N * fact(N-1)
Every function, build-in or user-defined, needs to return something. Side-effects-only functions are not possible.
When it is not possible to return anything, some functions would throw an error, for example, last([])
would fail,
because an empty list does not have the last value.
As in Erlang, it is super-easy to start a concurrent process (in goer
, there's a goroutine underneath!) with the
function. In the example below, it would concurrently print "hi!", which is a completely pointless thing to do.
The spawn
function returns the process ID (Pid
below) of the process. The process ID of the current process
can be obtained by calling self()
Pid = spawn(fun() -> print("hi!") end).
The process ID can be used to send messages and to communicate with the other processes. The !
operator means
send Msg
message to the process identified by Pid
. Sending a message to a process that is not alive anymore
would have no effect and no error would be shown as well, the same as in Erlang.
Pid ! Msg
The messages can and need to be received. For this, we use the receive
block that pattern-matches the messages.
If a message that does not match the pattern is received, it is silently dropped. It is possible to specify a timeout
so that after a specific time the after
block gets evaluated.
Pattern1 [when Guard1] -> Body1;
PatternN [when GuardN] -> BodyN;
Expr -> BodyM
In Erlang, you could use the is_process_alive
function to check if the process is still alive. There is no nice way
of checking if a goroutine is alive, so such a function is not implemented. It can be done by implementing the
processes in such a way that they would respond to a healthcheck query, for example:
fun loop()->
{Sender, ping} ->
Sender ! {self(), pong},
Pid = spawn(loop),
Pid ! {self(), ping},
{Pid, pong} -> ok
100 -> timeout
It is also not possible to kill the goroutine from the "outside", so there's no exit/2
function in goer
do this. It could be implemented in a similar way as above, where the process would terminate itself after receiving
the "terminate" message. It is similar to the link
function, which makes the linked processes in Erlang die together.
Linking could be implemented in goer
by the linked processes keeping the list of linked processes and on exit
(you could use try ... recover ... end
here) they would send the "terminate" signal to the other processes.
's grammar in EBNF form is:
Dummy = '_'
Atom = ( 'a'..'z' ) [ 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' | '_' | '@' ]*
Variable = ( 'A'..'Z' ) [ 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' | '_' | '@' ]*
Bool = 'true' | 'false'
Int = ( '0'..'9' )*
String = '"' ( Any - '\"' )* '"'
Tuple = '{' Exprs '}'
List = '[' Exprs ']'
Bracket = '(' Expr ')'
Term = Atom | Bool | Int | String | Tuple | List
Expr = Term | Variable | Dummy | Bracket | UnaryOperation | BinaryOperation | Call | Fun
Exprs = Expr [ ',' Expr ]*
Block = Exprs '.'
Op = '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | 'rem' | '==' | '!=' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | '=' | '!' | 'and' | 'or'
UnaryOperation = ( '+' | '-' | 'not' ) Expr
BinaryOperation = Expr Op Expr
Call = ( Atom | Variable | Bracket ) '(' Exprs ')'
Guard = 'where' Exprs
FunBranch = '(' Exprs ')' [ Guard ] '->' Exprs
Fun = 'fun' [ Atom ] FunBranch [ ';' FunBranch ]* 'end'
IfBranch = Expr '->' Exprs
If = 'if' IfBranch [ ';' IfBranch ]* 'end'
CondBranch = Expr [ Guard ] '->' Exprs
Case = 'case' Expr 'of' CondBranch [ ';' CondBranch ]* 'end'
Receive = 'receive' CondBranch [ ';' CondBranch ]* 'after' IfBranch 'end'
Try = 'try' Exprs 'recover' Exprs 'end'