ETH Nostr
This application allows for CLI communication between nostr and an ETH address. Think of the nostr network as a persistence.
The way that nostr and Ethereum connect these two together is through nostr metadata, which registers an Ethereum address. To prove that we have control of that address, a sig with a standard payload is stored in the metadata.
npx tsc
We have a couple of different actors in nostr.
Registered nostr - This registers an ETH address on a relay.
Unregistered nostr - This has not registered an ETH address but chooses to send or receive messages.
ETH receivers - These are pure ETH addresses with no recognition of nostr.
ETH senders - Ethereum users that want to send messages to nostr clients cannot do this without an nostr pub.
Nostr receivers - A nostr user can accept an encrypted message.
- nostr pub to unregistered eth - Not possible without a targetted nostr pub. (Future spec?)
- unregistered eth to nostr - TBD
- registered nostr to registered nostr - base case. both nostr users have signed an ETH tx.
Define eth event specification
Publish registration event to user metadata
Retrieving an ethereum address from a nostr pub
Sending a signed message
Publish change of ETH address (re-registration event)
Interactive mode
- implement nostr prv and mnemonic splitting