All versions in the 3.1.x series except for 3.1.0 are unofficial releases maintained by me.
Version 3.1.7
- Use case-insensitive detection of YubiKey CCID reader.
- Fix correctness of CCID behavior around HMAC, OATH AID length, etc
- Implemented SHA-512 support for YubiKey 5
- Improve installer build reliability
- Switch to new code signing certificate
Binary releases
All binary release packages are signed using my ed25519 PGP keypair, which you can retrieve from
Windows binary release
- Built using:
- Python 3.8.3
- cryptography 2.9.2
- psutil 5.6.2 (for win32 build only, to work around a crash bug)
- psutil 5.7.0 (for win64 build)
- PyInstaller 3.6
- PyQt5 5.13.2
- pyscard 1.9.9
- Qt 5.13.2
- Python 3.8.3
Mac OS X binary release
- Built using MacPorts packages for macOS 10.15 (Catalina):
- Python 3.7.7
- cryptography 2.9.2
- psutil 5.7.0
- PyInstaller 3.5
- PyQt 5.14.2
- pyscard 1.9.9
- Qt 5.14.2
- Python 3.7.7