This is a Laravel 5 Package
for Pushwoosh Notification Integration. This package currently supports IOS & Android
other support is coming soon.
This package is built upon gomoob/php-pushwoosh package. With feew changes and Laravel 5 Compatibility.
This package is compatible with Laravel 5.2 or Higher. Old version support (Laravel 5.1.*) is coming soon for those who are still using PHP 5.4.*
Via Composer
$ composer require tzsk/push
'providers' => [
'aliases' => [
'Push' => Tzsk\Push\Facade\Push::class,
To publish the Configuration file in config/push.php
php artisan vendor:publish
use Tzsk\Push\Facade\Push;
$response = Push::send("Message Text", function($push) {
$push->setToken("Device Token");
# OR...
$push->setTokens(["Device 1", "Device 2"])
->setTitle("You have a new notification") # For Android.
->setBody("Message Text") # To override the Message. Optional.
->setBadge(1) # Default: 1.
->setPayload(["type" => "ANYTHING", "data" => [] ]) # Default: []
->setIcon("http://path/to/icon.png") # For Android.
->setSmallIcon("pw_notification.png") # For Android.
->setBanner("http://path/to/banner.png") # For Android. Optional.
->setSound("res/sound/file/path") # Default: "default"
->setPriority(1) # Default: 1
->setVibration(1) # Default: 1
->setIbc("#ffffff"); # Icon Background Color. Default: '#ffffff'
if ($response->isOk()) {
# Successfully Sent.
} else {
# Something went wrong.
echo $response->getStatusMessage(); # Get failure message.
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.