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Setup with Docker

Needed: Docker

Tested on: Ubuntu 20.04, Windows 10 w/ Docker Desktop 4.2.0 using WSL 2

Use these instruction if you can install Docker and don't want to both trying to setup Ruby/RubyGems and other dependencies. Otherwise, check out the next section.

cd path/to/
docker build . -t systopia-website
docker run -p 4000:4000 --mount src="$(pwd)",target=/home/systopia/website,type=bind systopia-website

This command will build and run a new Docker image called systopia-website. All necessary dependencies to build and serve the site locally are in this container. See page at http://localhost:4000 There is no need to re-build the container once it is running. Changes are dynamically reflected as you write files; just reload pages.

When you're done, you can close the container by pressing ctrl + c or if you're on Windows removing it in Docker Desktop. You can also delete the image to save space on your device.


Needed: relatively recent version of Ruby/RubyGems

gem install bundler jekyll
cd path/to/
bundle install


Run with bundle exec jekyll serve --config _config.yml See page at http://localhost:4000 Changes are dynamically reflected as you write files; just reload pages.


Committing to the master branch and pushing it to GitHub automatically "deploys to production" after a few minutes.

Managing the site

If you are updating the site, you must run the local installation and review changes before pushing to master. Breaking the public site can result in your write access being taken away. Seriously -- this is the public face of our lab. How embarrassing would it be to have a broken web site?

How to ...

Add yourself as a new student

  1. Add a square sized picture to assets/images/profiles (convention is firstname.jpg, but at some point we'll have a name conflict; do something sensible).
  2. Edit the file _data/people.yml. Find the right category and follow the formatting (described below) to add yourself.
  3. Check that everything looks good on your local installation (it should update automatically when you add/edit things; just reload pages).
  4. git add your changes, git commit everything, and git push.

When you graduate

  1. Add yourself to _data/alumni.yml
  2. Remove yourself from _data/people.yml

Creating a new research area

Create a new Research Topic by adding the following three lines to _data/research-topics.yml:

  - topic:
  • Topic: Specify the research topic name
  • Description: Enter a short description of the research topic enclosed in quotation marks
  • Tag: Create a one-word tag that will be used to categorize research projects under this research topic (to prevent future headaches, please refrain from using special characters).

Creating a new project

Create a new Research Project by creating a new markdown file in _posts/:

  • File naming convention:
  • Use the following template:
layout: post
<!-- Project Overview section -->
<div class="container-fluid bg-gray my-5 py-5">
    <div class="container pt-4">
        <h5>This is a Big Heading</h5>
        <P>Page content / project overview. Regular HTML can be used in this space.</P>
<!-- /Project Overview section -->
<!-- Project Details and Additional Info -->
<div class="container">
    <h6>Additional Information</h6>
        <P>Here is a numbered list of additional project components:</P>
            <li>List item</li>
            <li>List item</li>
            <li>List item</li>
<!-- /Project Details and Additional Info -->

Post frontmatter guide:

  • layout: (don't change this)
  • date: date you created the post in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
  • tags: Specify which research area(s) this project falls under (refer to tag: in _data/research-topics.yml). Separate each tag with a space
  • headerimg: If desired, upload a header image for the project to _assets/images/ and add the file name + extension (i.e. unicorn.jpg) here
  • permalink: specify the permalink for this post
  • topic: Specify project sub-title (which appears in smaller text above the project title)
  • heading: Specify the project title
  • description: A short one-sentence description for the project, enclosed in quotation marks.

Content updating

The *.md files in the root directory are the pages of the site, all in Markdown with bits of HTML such as <hr>. The special cases are:

  • is the splash page that's the root for the website
  • (see below section)
  • (this file, which won't be in the site)
  • config.yml has some metadata.

Files such as background images are in assets, and they need a line like this: {{'/assets/background.jpg' | relative_url }} to work. You can replace them with different files to change the images.

_includes has stuff for the layout files, such as the header content, navigation bar, and footer content.

_layouts has the surrounding layouts for each page (some of which are shared) but there's some less-frequently-updated content mixed in (to keep the Markdown files cleaner).

css is the set of stylesheets.

_site is the generated site, which you can typically ignore.

_data contains data files to generate things such as publications, news, etc.

  • _data/people.yml has a list of all the current members
  • _data/alumni.yml has a list of all former members
  • _data/news.yml this is where you put news items

This reads data from _data/publist.yml Enter a publication by entering three lines:

  - title: "Paper title in quotes"
    info: Authors, separated by commas. Conference Year.
    link: URL

This reads data from _data/news.yml News items are subcategorized into PAPERS & POSTERS, TALKS, and INTERNSHIPS.

Adding a new Paper / Poster

To create a new entry under PAPERS & POSTERS, enter the following lines after papers-posters::

- title: 
  • If the title of the publication has a :, please put the entire title inside quotation marks.
  • Authors should each be separated by a comma. Do not include a period at the end.
  • Please place the description for under "Info", and put the contents inside quotation marks.

Adding a new Talk

To create a new entry under TALKS, enter the following lines after talks::

- title: 
  • link: should be a link to the event page for the talk.
  • video-link: If applicable, specify a separate link for the video.

Adding a new Internship

INTERNSHIPS have been divided up by semester/year. To create a new semester heading (i.e. Summer 2019), enter the following lines after internships::

- date:
  • date: specify the semester/year heading (i.e. Summer 2019)
  • internship: (leave this blank--individual internship entries will be added below)

Add new internships within a semester/year by pasting this template on a new line after internship::

- intern: 
  • intern: name of the intern
  • organization: name of the organization where the internship took place
  • org-link: If applicable, add a link to the internship organization under "org-link"

Updates to the seminar page should be done directly through the UBC Wiki page.