1.6.0 (2025-02-18)
add all test cases (0255a1e )
add handling for comments during issue assignment (3623fd8 )
add mod to processor, fix the mod, add metadata to comment (63ff526 )
add pull review parsing and reward parsing (5c9fa6f )
add startup instructions and update payload config handling (c1c727f )
add support for multiple pull and assignees (367064b )
add support for priority label (fc5a63b )
added review events (b03b8f1 )
change to new lock format (294ee24 )
chunks calculation, retry delay (d16defd )
command input (6b3a53b )
command interface (1925cb9 )
flesch: updated the configs (df9bc71 )
initial implementation (51296ee )
mul the reward by priority (81b1595 )
only use PRs from assignees (8a58529 )
optimization and tests (9af58db )
refactor existing test results and add tests (e0cd2f4 )
remove SQLite dependency and add hono package (8bcf6c8 )
requested review events (7fcb02c )
retry mechanism (f1c3408 )
rewards: add limitRewards to cap non-task rewards (9ff6ba9 )
seperate diff pull reviews to diff tables (6aaf5fd )
track unique URLs in formatting evaluator (8e8fc82 )
Bug Fixes
add a check for reviews (e2285b8 )
add a description to the new config (a2093ed )
add example configs (6d437b7 )
add priority parsing tests (dbf0ab3 )
add priority parsing tests (7889d58 )
add tokenCountLimit to test (7603d0a )
add useCache option to payload processing (134a18f )
add useCache option to payload processing (b01dc77 )
added skipBotEvents to manifest.json (b0b5ff0 )
base branch can be from outside repo and skip review reward for pr author (bf1e87e )
check collaborator admin grants before checking on org level (079442e )
check if comment posting is turned on (6e673e0 )
comapare issue creator and not assignee (322d6a2 )
config and reward-split html for test (48e8317 )
config: add descriptions to JSON schema properties (faf4fc4 )
configuration (c7e4049 )
configuration: adjust role-based multiplier and rewards (ebb4940 )
correctly fetch user perm (4e3305c )
correctly generate permit comments (805a1a6 )
correctly label issue to be collaborative and fix tests (086af49 )
cors (d5d24fc )
cspell (1490e2c )
cspell (6f2a8eb )
cspell and one spelling mistake (fba1b27 )
disable review incentivizer instead of throwing if there is no linked pull-request (3566057 )
enable cross fork diffs, update tests and bump plugin sdk version (404b939 )
eslint (8759422 )
exclude and octokit (8c0a729 )
fetch excluded files from base (ac6705f )
file exclusion, refcator pull fetching and add a test (03823ab )
if no pull req return false for reviews (f0b0bc3 )
ignore limit for assigned users (377e8f2 )
long prompts are now split by n-chucks and averaged after evaluation (93308f4 )
node retrieval is split by chunks of 100s when fetching user comments (3c28b4d )
only fetch merged pulls and use cached reviews (be1cdca )
parser: handle URLs with query parameters correctly (c7b55dc )
parser: remove footnotes and improve URL extraction (ab2f9be )
parser: simplify priority label parsing (94ec7de )
parser: simplify priority label parsing (17070e6 )
payload (5a937bb )
payload for backend uses the owner and repo payload (cd42282 )
priority multiplier does not apply to specification anymore (a1103e5 )
refactor (3aabed9 )
refactor failing tests (f2e522b )
remove unnecessary mock in favour of mocked api endpoint (a5d16a2 )
remove unnecessary Promise.resolve (352cebc )
review parsing and make code more efficient (7644062 )
reward-limits: adjust rewards limit calculation (171f523 )
reward-split html for test (c18ccb7 )
set relevance to multiply the whole result (revert 8c4fe1b ) (d5838e6 )
simplify commentType generation and default multipliers (0b0243e )
stop review rewards from reinitializing (87456c1 )
testing leftover (e370a3b )
tests (53519db )
tests (439f781 )
the capping message is not displayed if there is no task reward (28d3b88 )
the comment splitting now processes differently pull-request and issue comments (9ac8052 )
the cosine similarity is evaluated for top comments and bot comments are ignored (c3d091b )
update Octokit import in test file (6a2acc7 )
update regex for OpenAI route validation (0d5995b )
user permission level is also retrieved from the repository itself (2de619f )
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