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00. Ubiquity Protocol Overview (Extra) [Delete?]

ChefYaboyardi edited this page Jun 29, 2022 · 1 revision



The cryptocurrency industry is ever-evolving and the landscape has been heavily changing through the past couple of years. Each new innovation presents new problems to solve and it's exciting to watch players battle over long-term growth and price action.

The eternal argument against cryptocurrencies is their instability and volatility. As such, they have become the playground for speculators but are poor stores of long-term value. The response to this initial problem is to create centralized stablecoins that are controlled and pegged to the United States Dollar.

While this has somewhat worked so far, relying on a centrally controlled currency runs counter to the principles of crypto and is subject to risk from centralized structures. We want a token that is both stable and independent of centrally controlled currencies. But that's not all. What the industry needs is a stablecoin that can adapt and evolve whenever needed.

Without stability, we have nothing.

Hence the creation of the Ubiquity Dollar (uAD) stablecoin, Ubiquity’s flagship product and the first polymorphic stablecoin in decentralized finance. uAD is a sovereign, scalable, and secure digital stablecoin designed to become the reserve currency of DeFi.

Usage & Integration

The ultimate goal of Ubiquity DAO is to drive mass adoption of the Ubiquity Dollar. This is accomplished through integrations which allow the Ubiquity Dollar to be used in real-world scenarios. The starting point for this adoption is to focus on solidifying ourselves as the premier stablecoin of crypto gaming & the metaverse.

While crypto gaming is a high growth sector, stablecoins are severally underrepresented in the space. We plan to tackle this problem by serving these communities directly and providing specialized support to GameFi projects, such as helping design bespoke tokenomics solutions, offering Ubiquity Credit incentives to projects that implement the Ubiquity Dollar, and sharing proprietary resources such as the Ubiquity Lootbox.

For technical details related to each of the smart contracts the protocol is comprised of, see the Ubiquity Smart Contracts page and the Solidity code on Github.

If you have any questions, or if you are a gaming organization who would like to partner with us, feel free to drop by our Discord Server!