Tags: ubirch/ubirch-testkit
v1.2.0 Added: - This changelog and a patch level in versioning. - Handling of unsolicited messages from modem as needed with the newer pycom firmware. Changed: - Update pycom firmware dependency to version v1.20.2.r4. This version is tested with modem firmware version 41019 and 41065 (NB-IoT). Fixed: - Rework of modem communication module. Known issues: - When the mobile network signal is weak the modem gets quite busy with handling connection losses and reconnects. This reduces the reliability of the communication between modem and the microprocessor. Characteristic of this situation are SIM commands failing with APDU exceptions such as '6D00' (unsupported command) and similar because of transmission errors. A solution to this problem is to position the device in a place with better network coverage.
sending data in json format to ubirch json data endpoint
updated ubirch protocol version, fixed wrong unsigned message size in… … message_verify method