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stable-20241112.1: Stable (F41.20241112, #853a8ec)

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@github-actions github-actions released this 12 Nov 21:24
· 3 commits to main since this release

This is an automatically generated changelog for release stable-20241112.1.

From previous stable version stable-20241110 there have been the following changes. One package per new version shown.

Major packages

Name Version
Kernel 6.11.3-200 ➡️ 6.11.3-300
Gnome 46.4-1 ➡️ 47.1.1-1
KDE 6.2.2-1 ➡️ 6.2.3-1
Mesa 24.1.7-1 ➡️ 24.2.4-1
Podman 5.2.3-1 ➡️ 5.2.5-1

Major DX packages

Name Version
Incus 6.6-0.1
Docker 27.3.1-1
Devpod v0.5.22-1


Hash Subject
853a8ec feat: Enable F41 for Stable (#1922)
f1302c8 feat: enable kernel_pin and pin kernel for stable/gts (#1921)

All Images

Name Previous New
f41-backgrounds-base 41.0.1-1
framework-laptop-kmod-common 0.0.git.172.3f9ba585-1
graphviz-libs 12.1.0-1
hdparm 9.65-6
kmod-xpadneo 0.9.6^20241101gitbe65dbb-4
libdeflate 1.22-2
librtmp 2.6-1.20240301git6f6bb13
libunibreak 6.1-2
perl-MIME-Base32 1.303-21
python3-jaraco-context 6.0.1-1
python3-linux-procfs 0.7.3-6
tesseract-libs 5.4.1-5
tuned 2.24.0-5
zix 0.4.2-2
🔄 Judy 1.0.5-36 1.0.5-37
🔄 ModemManager 1.22.0-3 1.22.0-4
🔄 NetworkManager 1.46.2-1 1.50.0-1
🔄 NetworkManager-openconnect 1.2.10-5 1.2.10-6
🔄 NetworkManager-openvpn 1.12.0-1 1.12.0-2
🔄 NetworkManager-vpnc 1.2.8-7 1.2.8-8
🔄 SDL2 2.30.3-1 2.30.3-2
🔄 aardvark-dns 1.12.2-2 1.13.1-1
🔄 abattis-cantarell-fonts 0.301-12 0.301-13
🔄 accountsservice 23.13.9-4 23.13.9-5
🔄 acl 2.3.2-1 2.3.2-2
🔄 adcli 0.9.2-6 0.9.2-7
🔄 adobe-mappings-pdf 20190401-7 20190401-8
🔄 adobe-source-code-pro-fonts
🔄 adw-gtk3-theme 5.3-1 5.5-1
🔄 adwaita-cursor-theme 46.2-2 47.0-1
🔄 adwaita-gtk2-theme 3.28-19 3.28-20
🔄 alsa-firmware 1.2.4-12 1.2.4-13
🔄 alsa-lib 1.2.12-1 1.2.12-2
🔄 alsa-tools-firmware 1.2.11-2 1.2.11-3
🔄 alternatives 1.27-1 1.30-1
🔄 antiword 0.37-38 0.37-39
🔄 appstream 1.0.2-2 1.0.2-4
🔄 appstream-data 40-8 41-8
🔄 apr-util 1.6.3-16 1.6.3-21
🔄 at-spi2-atk 2.52.0-1 2.54.0-1
🔄 atkmm 2.28.4-1 2.28.4-2
🔄 attr 2.5.2-3 2.5.2-4
🔄 authselect 1.5.0-6 1.5.0-8
🔄 autofs 5.1.9-7 5.1.9-8
🔄 avahi 0.8-26 0.8-29
🔄 avif-pixbuf-loader 1.0.4-3 1.0.4-7
🔄 b43-fwcutter 019-36 019-37
🔄 b43-openfwwf 5.2-33 5.2-44
🔄 basesystem 11-20 11-21
🔄 bash 5.2.26-3 5.2.32-1
🔄 bash-color-prompt 0.4.2-1 0.5-2
🔄 bash-completion 2.11-14 2.13-2
🔄 bc 1.07.1-21 1.07.1-22
🔄 bcache-tools 1.1-7 1.1-8
🔄 bind-libs 9.18.28-2 9.18.30-1
🔄 binutils 2.41-37 2.43.1-2
🔄 bolt 0.9.8-2 0.9.8-3
🔄 boost-atomic 1.83.0-5 1.83.0-8
🔄 bootupd 0.2.19-1 0.2.24-1
🔄 borgbackup 1.2.8-1 1.4.0-2
🔄 braille-printer-app 2.0~b0^386eea385f-6 2.0~b0^386eea385f-7
🔄 brlapi 0.8.5-13 0.8.5-19
🔄 brltty 6.6-13 6.6-19
🔄 broadcom-wl
🔄 buildah 1.37.3-1 1.37.5-1
🔄 bzip2 1.0.8-18 1.0.8-19
🔄 c-ares 1.28.1-1 1.33.0-1
🔄 cairo 1.18.0-3 1.18.0-4
🔄 cairomm 1.14.5-3 1.14.5-5
🔄 catatonit 0.1.7-22 0.1.7-23
🔄 cdparanoia-libs 10.2-44 10.2-45
🔄 certmonger 0.79.19-5 0.79.20-2
🔄 chafa 1.10.3-7 1.14.2-1
🔄 cifs-utils 7.0-5 7.1-2
🔄 cldr-emoji-annotation 45-4 46-1
🔄 codec2 1.2.0-4 1.2.0-5
🔄 color-filesystem 1-33 1-34
🔄 colord 1.4.7-3 1.4.7-5
🔄 composefs 1.0.3-1 1.0.6-1
🔄 compsize 1.5-8 1.5-9
🔄 conmon 2.1.12-2 2.1.12-3
🔄 containers-common 0.60.4-2 0.60.4-4
🔄 coreutils 9.4-8 9.5-10
🔄 cpio 2.15-1 2.15-2
🔄 cracklib 2.9.11-5 2.9.11-6
🔄 criu 4.0-1 4.0-2
🔄 crun 1.17-1 1.18.1-1
🔄 cryfs 0.11.3-7 0.11.3-9
🔄 crypto-policies 20241011-1.git5930b9a 20241029-1.git8baf557
🔄 cups 2.4.11-1 2.4.11-2
🔄 curl 8.6.0-10 8.9.1-2
🔄 cyrus-sasl-gssapi 2.1.28-19 2.1.28-27
🔄 dbus 1.14.10-3 1.14.10-4
🔄 dbus-broker 36-2 36-4
🔄 dbus-glib 0.112-8 0.112-9
🔄 dconf 0.40.0-12 0.40.0-14
🔄 ddcutil 2.1.2-1 2.1.2-2
🔄 default-editor 7.2-7 8.1-1
🔄 default-fonts-am 4.0-13 4.1-2
🔄 desktop-file-utils 0.26-12 0.27-2
🔄 device-mapper 1.02.199-1 1.02.199-4
🔄 device-mapper-persistent-data 1.0.12-1 1.0.12-3
🔄 dhcp-client 4.4.3-13.P1 4.4.3-14.P1
🔄 diffutils 3.10-5 3.10-8
🔄 dmidecode 3.6-1 3.6-4
🔄 dnsmasq 2.90-1 2.90-3
🔄 dosfstools 4.2-11 4.2-13
🔄 dotconf 1.3-35 1.4.1-3
🔄 double-conversion 3.3.0-3 3.3.0-4
🔄 dracut 102-2 102-3
🔄 duktape 2.7.0-7 2.7.0-8
🔄 e2fsprogs 1.47.0-5 1.47.1-6
🔄 efi-filesystem 5-11 5-12
🔄 efibootmgr 18-6 18-7
🔄 efivar-libs 39-2 39-6
🔄 elfutils-debuginfod-client 0.192-4 0.192-5
🔄 emacs-filesystem 29.4-9 30.0-3
🔄 enchant2 2.6.9-1 2.8.1-2
🔄 epson-inkjet-printer-escpr 1.7.21-6.1lsb3.2 1.7.21-7.1lsb3.2
🔄 epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2 1.1.49-5.1lsb3.2 1.1.49-6.1lsb3.2
🔄 espeak-ng 1.51.1-8 1.51.1-9
🔄 evtest 1.35-7 1.35-8
🔄 exiv2 0.27.6-7 0.28.3-1
🔄 expat 2.6.3-1 2.6.4-1
🔄 f2fs-tools 1.16.0-4 1.16.0-5
🔄 fastfetch 2.27.1-1 2.29.0-1
🔄 fedora-bookmarks 28-30 28-31
🔄 fedora-chromium-config 3.0-4 3.0-5
🔄 fedora-flathub-remote 1-8 1-9
🔄 fedora-gpg-keys 40-2 41-1
🔄 fedora-logos 38.1.0-5 38.1.0-6
🔄 fedora-release-common 40-39 41-27
🔄 fedora-third-party 0.10-8 0.10-10
🔄 fedora-workstation-backgrounds 1.6-5 1.6-6
🔄 fedora-workstation-repositories 38-5 38-6
🔄 ffmpeg 6.1.2-2 7.0.2-4
🔄 ffmpegthumbnailer-libs 2.2.2-1.20240105git1b5a779 2.2.3-1
🔄 fftw-libs-double 3.3.10-12 3.3.10-13
🔄 file 5.45-4 5.45-7
🔄 filesystem 3.18-8 3.18-23
🔄 findutils 4.9.0-9 4.10.0-4
🔄 firewall-config 2.1.4-2 2.2.3-2
🔄 fish 3.7.0-2 3.7.0-4
🔄 flac-libs 1.4.3-4 1.4.3-5
🔄 flatpak-spawn 1.0.5-6 1.0.5-7
🔄 flite 2.2-8 2.2-9
🔄 fmt 10.2.1-5 11.0.2-2
🔄 fontconfig 2.15.0-6 2.15.0-8
🔄 fonts-filesystem 2.0.5-14 2.0.5-17
🔄 foo2zjs 0.20201003-25 0.20201003-26
🔄 foomatic-db-filesystem 4.0-79.20230810 4.0-80.20230810
🔄 fprintd 1.94.2-11 1.94.2-12
🔄 freeglut 3.6.0-1 3.6.0-2
🔄 freeipa-client 4.12.2-1 4.12.2-4
🔄 freetype 2.13.2-5 2.13.3-1
🔄 fribidi 1.0.14-2 1.0.15-2
🔄 fros 1.1-35 1.1-37
🔄 fstrm 0.6.1-10 0.6.1-11
🔄 fuse 2.9.9-21 2.9.9-22
🔄 fuse-common 3.16.2-3 3.16.2-4
🔄 fuse-encfs 1.9.5-20 1.9.5-22
🔄 fuse-overlayfs 1.13-1 1.13-2
🔄 fwupd 1.9.21-100.ublue 1.9.26-100.ublue
🔄 fxload 2008_10_13-27 2008_10_13-28
🔄 game-music-emu 0.6.3-14 0.6.3-15
🔄 gawk 5.3.0-3 5.3.0-4
🔄 gcr3 3.41.1-8 3.41.1-9
🔄 gd 2.3.3-16 2.3.3-17
🔄 gdbm 1.23-6 1.23-7
🔄 gdk-pixbuf2 2.42.10-8 2.42.12-6
🔄 gdouros-symbola-fonts 10.24-15 10.24-16
🔄 geoclue2 2.7.0-5 2.7.0-6
🔄 geolite2-city 20191217-12 20191217-13
🔄 gettext-envsubst 0.22.5-4 0.22.5-6
🔄 ghostscript 10.02.1-12 10.03.1-3
🔄 giflib 5.2.2-1 5.2.2-2
🔄 glib-networking 2.80.0-1 2.80.0-4
🔄 glib2 2.80.3-1 2.82.2-1
🔄 glibc 2.39-22 2.40-9
🔄 glibmm2.4 2.66.7-1 2.66.7-2
🔄 glx-utils 9.0.0-6 9.0.0-8
🔄 gmp 6.2.1-8 6.3.0-2
🔄 gnupg2 2.4.4-1 2.4.5-3
🔄 gnutls 3.8.6-1 3.8.6-7
🔄 gobject-introspection 1.80.1-1 1.82.0-1
🔄 google-droid-sans-fonts 20200215-19 20200215-21
🔄 google-noto-color-emoji-fonts 20231130-1 20241008-1
🔄 google-noto-fonts-common 20240301-2 20240701-2
🔄 google-noto-sans-cjk-fonts 2.004-7 2.004-8
🔄 google-noto-serif-cjk-vf-fonts 2.002-4 2.003-1
🔄 gpgme 1.23.2-3 1.23.2-5
🔄 gpm-libs 1.20.7-46 1.20.7-48
🔄 graphene 1.10.6-8 1.10.6-9
🔄 graphite2 1.3.14-15 1.3.14-16
🔄 grep 3.11-7 3.11-9
🔄 groff-base 1.23.0-6 1.23.0-7
🔄 grub2-common 2.06-123 2.12-10
🔄 gsettings-desktop-schemas 46.1-1 47.1-1
🔄 gsm 1.0.22-6 1.0.22-7
🔄 gssdp 1.6.3-2 1.6.3-3
🔄 gssproxy 0.9.2-3 0.9.2-4
🔄 gtest 1.14.0-4 1.14.0-5
🔄 gtk-update-icon-cache 3.24.43-1 3.24.43-2
🔄 gtk2 2.24.33-18 2.24.33-19
🔄 gtk4 4.14.5-1 4.16.5-1
🔄 gtkmm3.0 3.24.9-1 3.24.9-2
🔄 gtksourceview4 4.8.4-6 4.8.4-7
🔄 gupnp 1.6.6-2 1.6.7-1
🔄 gupnp-igd 1.6.0-4 1.6.0-5
🔄 gutenprint 5.3.4-16 5.3.4-18
🔄 harfbuzz 8.5.0-1 9.0.0-3
🔄 hfsplus-tools 540.1.linux3-31 540.1.linux3-32
🔄 hicolor-icon-theme 0.17-18 0.17-19
🔄 highway 1.2.0-2 1.2.0-3
🔄 hostname 3.23-12 3.23-13
🔄 hunspell 1.7.2-7 1.7.2-8
🔄 hunspell-en 0.20201207-9 0.20201207-10
🔄 hwdata 0.388-1 0.389-1
🔄 hwloc-libs 2.11.1-1 2.11.2-1
🔄 hyperv-daemons 0-0.44.20220731git 0-0.48.20240616git
🔄 i2c-tools 4.3-10 4.3-13
🔄 ibus 1.5.30-6 1.5.31~rc1-2
🔄 ibus-anthy 1.5.16-6 1.5.16-15
🔄 ibus-hangul 1.5.5-5 1.5.5-6
🔄 ibus-typing-booster 2.26.6-1 2.26.8-1
🔄 ifuse 1.1.4-15 1.1.4-16
🔄 iio-sensor-proxy 3.5-3 3.5-4
🔄 ilbc 3.0.4-10 3.0.4-12
🔄 inih 58-1 58-2
🔄 initscripts-service 10.23-1 10.26-1
🔄 input-remapper 2.0.1-11 2.0.1-14
🔄 intel-gmmlib 22.3.20-1 22.5.2-1
🔄 intel-mediasdk 23.2.2-5 23.2.2-6
🔄 intel-vpl-gpu-rt 24.2.5-1 24.3.3-1
🔄 ipcalc 1.0.3-9 1.0.3-10
🔄 iproute 6.7.0-2 6.10.0-1
🔄 ipset 7.21-1 7.22-1
🔄 iptables-libs 1.8.10-7 1.8.10-15
🔄 iptstate 2.2.7-4 2.2.7-6
🔄 iputils 20240117-4 20240905-1
🔄 iso-codes 4.16.0-3 4.16.0-5
🔄 iw 6.7-2 6.9-2
🔄 jansson 2.13.1-9 2.13.1-10
🔄 jasper-libs 4.2.1-1 4.2.3-2
🔄 jbig2dec-libs 0.20-4 0.20-5
🔄 jbigkit-libs 2.1-29 2.1-30
🔄 jemalloc 5.3.0-6 5.3.0-7
🔄 jetbrains-mono-fonts 2.304-6 2.304-7
🔄 jomolhari-fonts 0.003-41 0.003-42
🔄 jq 1.7.1-7 1.7.1-8
🔄 json-c 0.17-3 0.17-4
🔄 json-glib 1.8.0-3 1.10.0-1
🔄 jxl-pixbuf-loader 0.8.3-1 0.10.3-5
🔄 kbd 2.6.4-3 2.6.4-4
🔄 kernel-tools 6.11.6-200 6.11.7-300
🔄 kmod 31-5 33-1
🔄 kpartx 0.9.7-7 0.9.9-3
🔄 krb5-libs 1.21.3-1 1.21.3-3
🔄 kvazaar-libs 2.3.1-1 2.3.1-2
🔄 kyotocabinet-libs 1.2.80-5 1.2.80-6
🔄 ladspa 1.17-4 1.17-5
🔄 lame-libs 3.100-17 3.100-18
🔄 langtable 0.0.68-1 0.0.68-2
🔄 lcms 1.19-39 1.19-40
🔄 lcms2 2.16-3 2.16-4
🔄 leptonica 1.84.1-3 1.84.1-4
🔄 less 643-6 661-2
🔄 libICE 1.1.1-3 1.1.1-4
🔄 libSM 1.2.4-3 1.2.4-4
🔄 libXau 1.0.11-6 1.0.11-7
🔄 libXcomposite 0.4.6-3 0.4.6-4
🔄 libXcursor 1.2.1-7 1.2.3-1
🔄 libXdamage 1.1.6-3 1.1.6-4
🔄 libXdmcp 1.1.4-3 1.1.5-2
🔄 libXext 1.3.6-1 1.3.6-2
🔄 libXfixes 6.0.1-3 6.0.1-4
🔄 libXft 2.3.8-6 2.3.8-7
🔄 libXinerama 1.1.5-6 1.1.5-7
🔄 libXmu 1.2.1-1 1.2.1-2
🔄 libXpm 3.5.17-3 3.5.17-4
🔄 libXrandr 1.5.4-3 1.5.4-4
🔄 libXrender 0.9.11-6 0.9.11-7
🔄 libXres 1.2.2-3 1.2.2-4
🔄 libXt 1.3.0-3 1.3.0-4
🔄 liba52 0.7.4-48 0.7.4-49
🔄 libadwaita 1.5.4-1 1.6.1-1
🔄 libaio 0.3.111-19 0.3.111-20
🔄 libao 1.2.0-27 1.2.0-28
🔄 libappindicator-gtk3 12.10.1-4 12.10.1-5
🔄 libarchive 3.7.2-7 3.7.4-4
🔄 libass 0.17.1-4 0.17.3-2
🔄 libassuan 2.5.7-1 2.5.7-2
🔄 libatasmart 0.19-28 0.19-29
🔄 libavc1394 0.5.4-22 0.5.4-24
🔄 libb2 0.98.1-11 0.98.1-12
🔄 libbabeltrace 1.5.11-7 1.5.11-9
🔄 libbasicobjects 0.1.1-56 0.1.1-57
🔄 libblkid 2.40.2-1 2.40.2-4
🔄 libblockdev 3.1.1-1 3.2.1-1
🔄 libbluray 1.3.4-5 1.3.4-7
🔄 libbrotli 1.1.0-3 1.1.0-5
🔄 libbs2b 3.1.0-33 3.1.0-34
🔄 libbsd 0.12.2-3 0.12.2-4
🔄 libcaca 0.99-0.73.beta20 0.99-0.75.beta20
🔄 libcamera 0.3.1-3 0.3.2-1
🔄 libcanberra 0.30-35 0.30-36
🔄 libcap 2.69-8 2.70-4
🔄 libcap-ng 0.8.4-4 0.8.5-3
🔄 libcbor 0.11.0-1 0.11.0-2
🔄 libcdio 2.1.0-12 2.1.0-13
🔄 libcdio-paranoia 10.2+2.0.1-12 10.2+2.0.1-13
🔄 libchewing 0.6.0-4 0.9.1-1
🔄 libchromaprint 1.5.1-17 1.5.1-22
🔄 libcloudproviders 0.3.5-3 0.3.5-5
🔄 libcollection 0.7.0-56 0.7.0-57
🔄 libcupsfilters 2.1.0-1 2.1~b1-3
🔄 libdaemon 0.14-29 0.14-30
🔄 libdatrie 0.2.13-9 0.2.13-10
🔄 libdav1d 1.5.0-2 1.5.0-1
🔄 libdbusmenu 16.04.0-27 16.04.0-28
🔄 libdecor 0.2.2-3 0.2.2-4
🔄 libdhash 0.5.0-56 0.5.0-57
🔄 libdisplay-info 0.1.1-4 0.2.0-2
🔄 libdvdnav 6.1.1-8 6.1.1-9
🔄 libdvdread 6.1.3-6 6.1.3-7
🔄 libeconf 0.6.2-2 0.6.2-3
🔄 libepoxy 1.5.10-6 1.5.10-8
🔄 libev 4.33-11 4.33-12
🔄 libevent 2.1.12-12 2.1.12-14
🔄 libexif 0.6.24-7 0.6.24-8
🔄 libffi 3.4.4-7 3.4.6-3
🔄 libfontenc 1.1.7-3 1.1.8-2
🔄 libftdi 1.5-12 1.5-14
🔄 libgcrypt 1.10.3-3 1.11.0-3
🔄 libglvnd 1.7.0-4 1.7.0-5
🔄 libgpg-error 1.49-1 1.50-2
🔄 libgphoto2 2.5.31-1 2.5.31-2
🔄 libgudev 238-5 238-6
🔄 libgusb 0.4.9-1 0.4.9-2
🔄 libhangul 0.1.0-31 0.1.0-32
🔄 libibverbs 48.0-4 51.0-4
🔄 libical 3.0.18-1 3.0.18-2
🔄 libicu 74.2-1 74.2-2
🔄 libidn2 2.3.7-1 2.3.7-2
🔄 libiec61883 1.2.0-34 1.2.0-35
🔄 libieee1284 0.2.11-43 0.2.11-44
🔄 libijs 0.35-22 0.35-23
🔄 libimobiledevice 1.3.0^20230705git6fc41f5-4 1.3.0^20230705git6fc41f5-5
🔄 libimobiledevice-glue 1.0.0-3 1.0.0-4
🔄 libini_config 1.3.1-56 1.3.1-57
🔄 libipa_hbac 2.9.5-1 2.10.0-1
🔄 libjaylink 0.3.0-5 0.3.0-6
🔄 libjose 14-1 14-2
🔄 libksba 1.6.6-1 1.6.7-2
🔄 libldac
🔄 libldb 2.9.1-4 4.21.1-7
🔄 liblerc 4.0.0-6 4.0.0-7
🔄 liblouis 3.28.0-5 3.28.0-7
🔄 liblouisutdml 2.12.0-1 2.12.0-3
🔄 liblqr-1 0.4.2-24 0.4.2-25
🔄 libmbim 1.30.0-3 1.30.0-4
🔄 libmodplug
🔄 libmodulemd 2.15.0-12 2.15.0-14
🔄 libmpc 1.3.1-5 1.3.1-6
🔄 libmpeg2 0.5.1-29 0.5.1-30
🔄 libmspack 0.10.1-0.12.alpha 0.10.1-0.13.alpha
🔄 libmtp 1.1.19-7 1.1.19-8
🔄 libndp 1.8-9 1.9-2
🔄 libnet 1.3-3 1.3-4
🔄 libnetfilter_conntrack 1.0.9-5 1.0.9-6
🔄 libnfnetlink 1.0.1-27 1.0.1-28
🔄 libnftnl 1.2.6-5 1.2.7-2
🔄 libnghttp2 1.59.0-3 1.62.1-2
🔄 libnice 0.1.22-1 0.1.22-2
🔄 libnl3 3.10.0-1 3.11.0-1
🔄 libnotify 0.8.3-3 0.8.3-4
🔄 libnvme 1.8-1 1.10-1
🔄 libogg 1.3.5-8 1.3.5-9
🔄 libpaper 2.1.1-3 2.1.1-7
🔄 libpasswdqc 2.0.3-4 2.0.3-5
🔄 libpath_utils 0.2.1-56 0.2.1-57
🔄 libpciaccess 0.16-12 0.16-13
🔄 libpinyin 2.8.1-7 2.9.91-1
🔄 libpipeline 1.5.7-5 1.5.7-6
🔄 libpkgconf 2.1.1-2 2.3.0-1
🔄 libplacebo 6.338.2-1 7.349.0-4
🔄 libplist 2.3.0-4 2.3.0-6
🔄 libpng 1.6.40-3 1.6.40-4
🔄 libportal 0.8.1-1 0.8.1-2
🔄 libproxy 0.5.5-1 0.5.8-1
🔄 libpsl 0.21.5-3 0.21.5-4
🔄 libpwquality 1.4.5-9 1.4.5-11
🔄 libqmi 1.34.0-5 1.34.0-6
🔄 libqrtr-glib 1.2.2-5 1.2.2-6
🔄 librabbitmq 0.14.0-2 0.14.0-3
🔄 libraqm 0.8.0-7 0.8.0-8
🔄 libratbag-ratbagd 0.17-6 0.17-7
🔄 libraw1394 2.1.2-20 2.1.2-21
🔄 libref_array 0.1.5-56 0.1.5-57
🔄 libreport-filesystem 2.17.15-1 2.17.15-3
🔄 librist 0.2.7-4 0.2.7-5
🔄 librsvg2 2.57.1-7 2.59.1-1
🔄 libsamplerate 0.2.2-8 0.2.2-9
🔄 libsane-airscan 0.99.29-1 0.99.29-2
🔄 libsbc 2.0-4 2.0-5
🔄 libseccomp 2.5.5-1 2.5.5-2
🔄 libsecret 0.21.4-2 0.21.4-3
🔄 libshout 2.4.6-6 2.4.6-7
🔄 libsigc++20 2.12.1-2 2.12.1-3
🔄 libslirp 4.7.0-6 4.8.0-2
🔄 libsodium 1.0.20-1 1.0.20-2
🔄 libssh 0.10.6-5 0.10.6-8
🔄 libstemmer 2.2.0-10 2.2.0-13
🔄 libtalloc 2.4.2-1 2.4.2-4
🔄 libtasn1 4.19.0-6 4.19.0-9
🔄 libtdb 1.4.10-1 1.4.12-3
🔄 libtevent 0.16.1-1 0.16.1-4
🔄 libthai 0.1.29-8 0.1.29-9
🔄 libtheora 1.1.1-36 1.1.1-38
🔄 libtiff 4.6.0-5.1 4.6.0-6
🔄 libtool-ltdl 2.4.7-10 2.4.7-12
🔄 libtraceevent 1.8.2-2 1.8.2-4
🔄 libtracker-sparql 3.7.3-1 3.7.3-3
🔄 libudfread 1.1.2-8 1.1.2-9
🔄 libudisks2 2.10.1-5 2.10.1-6
🔄 liburing 2.5-3 2.6-2
🔄 libusb1 1.0.27-2 1.0.27-4
🔄 libusbmuxd 2.0.2^20230620git8d30a55-5 2.0.2^20230620git8d30a55-6
🔄 libutempter 1.2.1-13 1.2.1-15
🔄 libverto 0.3.2-8 0.3.2-9
🔄 libvisual 0.4.1-4 0.4.1-5
🔄 libvmaf 2.3.0-7 3.0.0-2
🔄 libvncserver 0.9.14-2 0.9.14-5
🔄 libvorbis 1.3.7-10 1.3.7-11
🔄 libvpx 1.14.1-1 1.14.1-2
🔄 libwebp 1.3.2-5 1.4.0-4
🔄 libwmf-lite 0.2.13-5 0.2.13-6
🔄 libxcb 1.17.0-2 1.17.0-3
🔄 libxcrypt 4.4.36-8 4.4.36-10
🔄 libxcvt 0.1.2-6 0.1.2-8
🔄 libxkbfile 1.1.3-1 1.1.3-2
🔄 libxml2 2.12.8-1 2.12.8-2
🔄 libxslt 1.1.42-1 1.1.42-2
🔄 libyaml 0.2.5-14 0.2.5-15
🔄 libyubikey 1.13-22 1.13-23
🔄 libzip 1.10.1-3 1.11.2-1
🔄 libzstd 1.5.6-1 1.5.6-2
🔄 lilv-libs 0.24.20-3 0.24.24-2
🔄 linux-atm-libs 2.5.1-39 2.5.1-40
🔄 lksctp-tools 1.0.19-6 1.0.19-9
🔄 llvm-libs 18.1.8-2 19.1.0-1
🔄 lm_sensors 3.6.0-18 3.6.0-20
🔄 lmdb-libs 0.9.33-1 0.9.33-2
🔄 lockdev 1.0.4-0.42.20111007git 1.0.4-0.50.20111007git
🔄 logrotate 3.21.0-6 3.22.0-2
🔄 low-memory-monitor 2.1-10 2.1-11
🔄 lpcnetfreedv 0.5-5 0.5-6
🔄 lrzsz 0.12.20-64 0.12.20-65
🔄 lsb_release 3.3-3 3.3-4
🔄 lshw B.02.20-3 B.02.20-4
🔄 lsof 4.98.0-4 4.98.0-5
🔄 lttng-ust 2.13.7-3 2.13.8-3
🔄 lua-libs 5.4.6-5 5.4.6-6
🔄 lv2 1.18.8-8 1.18.8-9
🔄 lvm2 2.03.25-1 2.03.25-4
🔄 lzo 2.10-12 2.10-13
🔄 m17n-lib 1.8.4-3 1.8.4-6
🔄 madan-fonts 2.000-38 2.000-39
🔄 mailcap 2.1.54-5 2.1.54-7
🔄 make 4.4.1-6 4.4.1-8
🔄 man-pages 6.06-1 6.9.1-2
🔄 mbedtls 2.28.8-1 2.28.9-1
🔄 mcelog 175-10 175-11
🔄 mdadm 4.2-8 4.3-4
🔄 memstrack 0.2.5-4 0.2.5-5
🔄 mesa-libGLU 9.0.3-4 9.0.3-5
🔄 microcode_ctl 2.1-61.3 2.1-65
🔄 mkpasswd 5.5.20-3 5.5.20-4
🔄 mobile-broadband-provider-info 20230416-5 20240407-2
🔄 mokutil 0.7.1-1 0.7.1-2
🔄 mozilla-filesystem 1.9-33 1.9-34
🔄 mpage 2.5.7-19 2.5.7-20
🔄 mpdecimal 2.5.1-9 2.5.1-16
🔄 mpfr 4.2.1-4 4.2.1-5
🔄 mpg123-libs 1.31.3-4 1.31.3-5
🔄 mtdev 1.1.6-8 1.1.6-9
🔄 mtr 0.95-9 0.95-10
🔄 ncurses 6.4-12.20240127 6.5-2.20240629
🔄 net-snmp-libs 5.9.4-5 5.9.4-8
🔄 net-tools 2.0-0.69.20160912git 2.0-0.71.20160912git
🔄 netavark 1.12.2-1 1.13.0-1
🔄 nettle 3.9.1-6 3.10-3
🔄 nftables 1.0.9-3 1.0.9-7
🔄 nilfs-utils 2.2.9-6 2.2.11-3
🔄 noopenh264 0.1.0~openh264_2.4.0-1 0.1.0~openh264_2.4.1-2
🔄 npth 1.7-1 1.7-2
🔄 nss-altfiles 2.23.0-4 2.23.0-5
🔄 nss-mdns 0.15.1-11 0.15.1-12
🔄 ntfs-3g 2022.10.3-5 2022.10.3-6
🔄 ntfs-3g-system-compression 1.0-16 1.0-17
🔄 numactl-libs 2.0.16-5 2.0.19-1
🔄 nvme-cli 2.8-1 2.10.2-2
🔄 nvtop 3.1.0-2 3.1.0-3
🔄 ocl-icd 2.3.2-6 2.3.2-7
🔄 oddjob 0.34.7-13 0.34.7-14
🔄 oniguruma 6.9.9-3 6.9.9-4
🔄 open-sans-fonts 1.10-21 1.10-22
🔄 open-vm-tools 12.4.0-1 12.4.0-2
🔄 openal-soft 1.23.1-5 1.23.1-6
🔄 openconnect 9.12-5 9.12-6
🔄 opencore-amr 0.1.6-6 0.1.6-7
🔄 opendyslexic-fonts 0.940-7 0.940-8
🔄 openexr-libs 3.1.13-1 3.2.4-3
🔄 openldap 2.6.7-1 2.6.8-5
🔄 openpgm 5.2.122-34 5.2.122-35
🔄 openrgb-udev-rules 0.9-10 0.9-12.20240702gite300b48
🔄 opensc 0.25.0-2 0.25.1-5
🔄 openssh 9.6p1-1.4 9.8p1-3.2
🔄 openssl 3.2.2-3 3.2.2-9
🔄 opus 1.5.1-1 1.5.2-1
🔄 os-prober 1.81-6 1.81-8
🔄 ostree 2024.8-1 2024.9-1
🔄 p11-kit 0.25.5-1 0.25.5-3
🔄 paktype-naskh-basic-fonts 6.0-12 6.0-13
🔄 pam 1.6.1-3 1.6.1-6
🔄 pam-u2f 1.3.0-5 1.3.0-6
🔄 pam_afs_session 2.6-21 2.6-22
🔄 pango 1.54.0-1 1.54.0-2
🔄 pangomm 2.46.4-1 2.46.4-2
🔄 paps 0.8.0-9 0.8.0-11
🔄 passim 0.1.7-1 0.1.8-2
🔄 passt 0^20240906.g6b38f07-1 0^20241030.gee7d0b6-1
🔄 pcaudiolib 1.1-15 1.1-16
🔄 pciutils 3.13.0-1 3.13.0-5
🔄 pcre 8.45-1.6 8.45-1.7
🔄 pcre2 10.44-1 10.44-1.1
🔄 pcsc-lite-ccid 1.5.5-3 1.6.1-2
🔄 perl-AutoLoader 5.74-506 5.74-512
🔄 perl-B 1.88-506 1.89-512
🔄 perl-Carp 1.54-502 1.54-511
🔄 perl-Class-Struct 0.68-506 0.68-512
🔄 perl-Data-Dumper 2.188-503 2.189-512
🔄 perl-Digest 1.20-502 1.20-511
🔄 perl-Digest-MD5 2.59-3 2.59-5
🔄 perl-DynaLoader 1.54-506 1.56-512
🔄 perl-Encode 3.21-505 3.21-511
🔄 perl-Errno 1.37-506 1.38-512
🔄 perl-Error 0.17029-15 0.17029-16
🔄 perl-Exporter 5.78-3 5.78-511
🔄 perl-Fcntl 1.15-506 1.18-512
🔄 perl-File-Basename 2.86-506 2.86-512
🔄 perl-File-Find 1.43-506 1.44-512
🔄 perl-File-Path 2.18-503 2.18-511
🔄 perl-File-Temp 0.231.100-503 0.231.100-511
🔄 perl-File-stat 1.13-506 1.14-512
🔄 perl-FileHandle 2.05-506 2.05-512
🔄 perl-Getopt-Long 2.57-4 2.58-2
🔄 perl-HTTP-Tiny 0.088-5 0.088-512
🔄 perl-IO 1.52-506 1.55-512
🔄 perl-IO-Socket-IP 0.42-2 0.42-512
🔄 perl-IO-Socket-SSL 2.085-1 2.089-1
🔄 perl-IPC-Open3 1.22-506 1.22-512
🔄 perl-MIME-Base64 3.16-503 3.16-511
🔄 perl-Mozilla-CA 20231213-3 20240730-1
🔄 perl-NDBM_File 1.16-506 1.17-512
🔄 perl-Net-SSLeay 1.94-3 1.94-7
🔄 perl-POSIX 2.13-506 2.20-512
🔄 perl-PathTools 3.89-502 3.91-511
🔄 perl-Pod-Escapes 1.07-503 1.07-511
🔄 perl-Pod-Perldoc 3.28.01-503 3.28.01-512
🔄 perl-Pod-Simple 3.45-6 3.45-511
🔄 perl-Pod-Usage 2.03-504 2.03-511
🔄 perl-Scalar-List-Utils 1.63-503 1.68-1
🔄 perl-SelectSaver 1.02-506 1.02-512
🔄 perl-Socket 2.038-1 2.038-511
🔄 perl-Storable 3.32-502 3.32-511
🔄 perl-Symbol 1.09-506 1.09-512
🔄 perl-Term-ANSIColor 5.01-504 5.01-512
🔄 perl-Term-Cap 1.18-503 1.18-511
🔄 perl-TermReadKey 2.38-21 2.38-23
🔄 perl-Text-ParseWords 3.31-502 3.31-511
🔄 perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap 2024.001-1 2024.001-511
🔄 perl-Time-Local 1.350-5 1.350-511
🔄 perl-URI 5.28-1 5.30-1
🔄 perl-base 2.27-506 2.27-512
🔄 perl-constant 1.33-503 1.33-512
🔄 perl-if 0.61.000-506 0.61.000-512
🔄 perl-interpreter 5.38.2-506 5.40.0-512
🔄 perl-lib 0.65-506 0.65-512
🔄 perl-libnet 3.15-503 3.15-512
🔄 perl-locale 1.10-506 1.12-512
🔄 perl-mro 1.28-506 1.29-512
🔄 perl-overloading 0.02-506 0.02-512
🔄 perl-parent 0.241-502 0.242-1
🔄 perl-podlators 5.01-502 6.0.2-2
🔄 perl-vars 1.05-506 1.05-512
🔄 pigz 2.8-4 2.8-5
🔄 pinentry 1.3.0-2 1.3.1-2
🔄 pinfo 0.6.13-6 0.6.13-7
🔄 pipewire 1.0.9-1 1.2.6-1
🔄 pixman 0.43.4-1 0.44.0-0
🔄 pkcs11-helper 1.30.0-1 1.30.0-2
🔄 pkcs11-provider 0.3-2 0.5-3
🔄 plocate 1.1.22-2 1.1.22-4
🔄 polkit 124-2 125-1.1
🔄 polkit-pkla-compat 0.1-28 0.1-29
🔄 poppler 24.02.0-2 24.08.0-1
🔄 poppler-data 0.4.11-7 0.4.11-8
🔄 popt 1.19-6 1.19-7
🔄 powerstat 0.03.03-3 0.04.02-2
🔄 ppp 2.5.0-7 2.5.0-13
🔄 printer-driver-brlaser 6.2.6-2 6.2.6-4
🔄 procps-ng 4.0.4-3 4.0.4-4
🔄 psmisc 23.6-6 23.7-3
🔄 ptyxis 46.7-1 47.3-1
🔄 publicsuffix-list-dafsa 20240107-3 20240107-4
🔄 pulseaudio-libs 16.1-8 17.0-2
🔄 pv 1.8.5-1 1.8.14-2
🔄 python-pip-wheel 23.3.2-2 24.2-1
🔄 python3-annotated-types 0.7.0-1 0.7.0-3
🔄 python3-augeas 1.1.0-12 1.1.0-14
🔄 python3-boto3 1.35.54-1 1.35.55-1
🔄 python3-cairo 1.25.1-3 1.25.1-5
🔄 python3-charset-normalizer 3.3.2-3 3.3.2-5
🔄 python3-click 8.1.7-4 8.1.7-6
🔄 python3-cryptography 41.0.7-1 43.0.0-2
🔄 python3-cups 2.0.4-1 2.0.4-3
🔄 python3-dateutil 2.8.2-13 2.8.2-16
🔄 python3-dbus 1.3.2-6 1.3.2-8
🔄 python3-decorator 5.1.1-9 5.1.1-11
🔄 python3-deprecated 1.2.14-5 1.2.14-7
🔄 python3-distro 1.9.0-3 1.9.0-5
🔄 python3-dns 2.6.1-1 2.6.1-4
🔄 python3-email-validator 2.2.0-2 2.2.0-3
🔄 python3-enchant 3.2.2-12 3.2.2-14
🔄 python3-fido2 1.1.2-4 1.1.2-5
🔄 python3-gobject 3.48.2-1 3.48.2-3
🔄 python3-gssapi 1.7.3-8 1.7.3-10
🔄 python3-hid-parser 0.0.3-7.20210228git7d94740 0.0.3-9.20210228git7d94740
🔄 python3-idna 3.7-1 3.7-4
🔄 python3-ifaddr 0.1.7-13 0.1.7-15
🔄 python3-jaraco 9.3.0-4 10.2.2-2
🔄 python3-jinja2 3.1.4-1 3.1.4-5
🔄 python3-jmespath 1.0.1-6 1.0.1-8
🔄 python3-jwcrypto 1.4.2-9 1.4.2-11
🔄 python3-keyring 24.3.1-1 25.4.1-4
🔄 python3-ldap 3.4.4-3 3.4.4-6
🔄 python3-llfuse 1.5.0-3 1.5.0-5
🔄 python3-markupsafe 2.1.3-4 2.1.5-3
🔄 python3-more-itertools 10.1.0-3 10.1.0-8
🔄 python3-msgpack 1.0.7-3 1.0.7-5
🔄 python3-olefile 0.47-3 0.47-5
🔄 python3-packaging 23.2-4 24.1-2
🔄 python3-pexpect 4.9.0-4 4.9.0-6
🔄 python3-pillow 10.3.0-1 11.0.0-1
🔄 python3-ply 3.11-23 3.11-25
🔄 python3-psutil 5.9.8-1 5.9.8-4
🔄 python3-ptyprocess 0.7.0-7 0.7.0-9
🔄 python3-pyasn1 0.6.0-1 0.6.0-3
🔄 python3-pyatspi 2.46.1-3 2.46.1-5
🔄 python3-pycparser 2.20-14 2.20-18
🔄 python3-pydantic 2.8.2-2 2.9.2-1
🔄 python3-pydantic-core 2.20.1-1 2.23.4-2
🔄 python3-pydbus 0.6.0-25 0.6.0-27
🔄 python3-pyscard 2.0.5-6 2.0.5-8
🔄 python3-pysocks 1.7.1-22 1.7.1-25
🔄 python3-pyudev 0.24.1-7 0.24.3-3
🔄 python3-pyusb 1.2.1-9 1.2.1-11
🔄 python3-pyxdg 0.27-11 0.27-13
🔄 python3-pyyaml 6.0.1-14 6.0.1-18
🔄 python3-qrcode 7.4.2-12 7.4.2-15
🔄 python3-requests 2.31.0-3 2.32.3-3
🔄 python3-secretstorage 3.3.3^20240314git3e5097c-6 3.3.3^20240314git3e5097c-9
🔄 python3-setools 4.5.1-2 4.5.1-4
🔄 python3-setuptools 69.0.3-4 69.2.0-8
🔄 python3-shtab 1.6.1-5 1.7.1-3
🔄 python3-simpleaudio 1.0.4-13 1.0.4-15
🔄 python3-six 1.16.0-14 1.16.0-23
🔄 python3-speechd 0.11.5-5 0.11.5-8
🔄 python3-systemd 235-9 235-11
🔄 python3-typing-extensions 4.12.2-2 4.12.2-3
🔄 python3-wrapt 1.16.0-3 1.16.0-6
🔄 python3-xlib 0.33-6 0.33-8
🔄 python3-yubico 1.3.3-15 1.3.3-17
🔄 python3-yubikey-manager 5.5.0-1.20240626git669944e 5.5.0-2.20240626git669944e
🔄 qemu-guest-agent 8.2.7-1 9.1.1-1
🔄 qpdf-libs 11.9.1-1 11.9.1-2
🔄 qrencode-libs 4.1.1-7 4.1.1-8
🔄 qt-settings 40.1-1 41.2-1
🔄 qt6-filesystem 6.7.2-2 6.8.0-1
🔄 qt6-qtbase 6.7.2-6 6.8.0-4
🔄 qt6-qtwayland 6.7.2-4 6.8.0-2
🔄 quota 4.09-5 4.09-6
🔄 rclone 1.64.2-2 1.67.0-2
🔄 readline 8.2-8 8.2-10
🔄 realmd 0.17.1-12 0.17.1-13
🔄 redhat-menus 12.0.2-26 12.0.2-28
🔄 restic 0.16.2-3 0.17.0-1
🔄 rootfiles 8.1-36 8.1-37
🔄 rpm 4.20.0-1
🔄 rpm-sequoia 1.7.0-1 1.7.0-2
🔄 rtkit 0.11-63 0.11-65
🔄 rubberband 3.3.0-6 3.3.0-7
🔄 sed 4.9-1 4.9-3
🔄 selinux-policy 40.29-2 41.24-1
🔄 serd 0.30.16-3 0.32.2-2
🔄 setup 2.14.5-2 2.15.0-5
🔄 setxkbmap 1.3.4-3 1.3.4-4
🔄 shadow-utils 4.15.1-4 4.15.1-12
🔄 shared-mime-info 2.3-5 2.3-6
🔄 sil-padauk-fonts 3.003-14 3.003-15
🔄 slang 2.3.3-5 2.3.3-6
🔄 smartmontools 7.4-3 7.4-6
🔄 solaar 1.1.13-1 1.1.13-3
🔄 sord 0.16.14-3 0.16.16-2
🔄 sos 4.7.2-1 4.8.1-1
🔄 sound-theme-freedesktop 0.8-21 0.8-22
🔄 soundtouch 2.3.1-6 2.3.3-1
🔄 soxr 0.1.3-15 0.1.3-16
🔄 spdlog 1.12.0-4 1.14.1-3
🔄 speex 1.2.0-17 1.2.0-18
🔄 spice-vdagent 0.22.1-6 0.22.1-7
🔄 spice-webdavd 3.0-8 3.0-9
🔄 sqlite 3.45.1-2 3.46.1-1
🔄 squashfs-tools 4.6.1-4 4.6.1-5
🔄 sratom 0.6.14-3 0.6.16-2
🔄 srt-libs 1.5.3-2 1.5.4-0.rc0
🔄 startup-notification 0.12-29 0.12-30
🔄 stix-fonts 2.13b171-5 2.13b171-7
🔄 stoken-libs 0.92-10 0.92-11
🔄 stress-ng 0.18.05-1 0.18.06-1
🔄 sudo 1.9.15-2.p5 1.9.15-5.p5
🔄 svt-vp9-libs 0.3.0-11 0.3.0-12
🔄 symlinks 1.7-10 1.7-11
🔄 sysstat 12.7.5-2 12.7.6-2
🔄 system-config-printer-libs 1.5.18-9 1.5.18-11
🔄 systemd 255.13-1 256.7-1
🔄 taglib 1.12-10 1.12-11
🔄 tar 1.35-3 1.35-4
🔄 tcl 8.6.13-2 8.6.14-2
🔄 thermald 2.5.6-1 2.5.6-3
🔄 time 1.9-23 1.9-24
🔄 tinyxml2 9.0.0-4 9.0.0-5
🔄 toolbox 0.1.0-1
🔄 tpm2-tools 5.7-1 5.7-2
🔄 tpm2-tss 4.1.3-1 4.1.3-3
🔄 tree 2.1.0-5 2.1.0-6
🔄 tslib 1.22-10 1.22-11
🔄 twolame-libs 0.4.0-4 0.4.0-5
🔄 tzdata 2024a-5 2024a-9
🔄 udftools 2.3-8 2.3-9
🔄 unbound-anchor 1.21.1-3 1.21.1-1
🔄 unzip 6.0-63 6.0-64
🔄 uresourced 0.5.4-1 0.5.4-2
🔄 urw-base35-bookman-fonts 20200910-20 20200910-23
🔄 usb_modeswitch 2.6.1-10 2.6.1-11
🔄 usb_modeswitch-data 20191128-11 20191128-12
🔄 usbmuxd 1.1.1^20230720git61b99ab-2 1.1.1^20230720git61b99ab-3
🔄 usbutils 017-2 017-3
🔄 userspace-rcu 0.14.0-4 0.14.0-5
🔄 vamp-plugin-sdk 2.9.0-9 2.10-1
🔄 vapoursynth-libs 65-2 68-3
🔄 vazirmatn-vf-fonts 33.003-5 33.003-8
🔄 vo-amrwbenc 0.1.3-20 0.1.3-21
🔄 volume_key-libs 0.3.12-21 0.3.12-23
🔄 vpnc 0.5.3-47.svn550 0.5.3-48.svn550
🔄 vpnc-script 20230907-2.git5b9e7e4c 20230907-3.git5b9e7e4c
🔄 vte-profile 0.76.4-1 0.78.0-1
🔄 webp-pixbuf-loader 0.2.7-1 0.2.7-2
🔄 which 2.21-41 2.21-42
🔄 wireguard-tools 1.0.20210914-6 1.0.20210914-7
🔄 wireless-regdb 2024.01.23-1 2024.01.23-2
🔄 wl-clipboard 2.2.1-2 2.2.1-3
🔄 words 3.0-45 3.0-46
🔄 xcb-util-cursor 0.1.4-4 0.1.5-1
🔄 xcb-util-renderutil 0.3.10-5 0.3.10-6
🔄 xcb-util-wm 0.4.2-5 0.4.2-6
🔄 xdg-dbus-proxy 0.1.5-2 0.1.6-1
🔄 xdg-desktop-portal 1.18.4-1 1.18.4-2
🔄 xdg-desktop-portal-gtk 1.15.1-5 1.15.1-6
🔄 xdg-user-dirs 0.18-4 0.18-5
🔄 xfsprogs 6.5.0-3 6.9.0-1
🔄 xkbcomp 1.4.7-1 1.4.7-2
🔄 xkeyboard-config 2.41-1 2.42-2
🔄 xml-common 0.6.3-63 0.6.3-65
🔄 xmlsec1 1.2.39-2 1.2.39-4
🔄 xorg-x11-xinit 1.4.2-2 1.4.2-3
🔄 xrandr 1.5.2-5 1.5.2-6
🔄 xz 5.4.6-3 5.6.2-2
🔄 yajl 2.1.0-23 2.1.0-24
🔄 ykclient 2.15-18 2.15-19
🔄 ykpers 1.20.0-13 1.20.0-14
🔄 zeromq 4.3.5-16 4.3.5-17
🔄 zimg 3.0.5-2 3.0.5-3
🔄 zip 3.0-40 3.0-41
🔄 zlib-ng-compat 2.1.7-2 2.1.7-3
🔄 zram-generator 1.1.2-11 1.1.2-12
🔄 zsh 5.9-14 5.9-15
f40-backgrounds-base 40.2.0-1
gc 8.2.2-6
graphviz 9.0.0-11
gts 0.7.6-48.20121130
guile30 3.0.7-12
ibus-libzhuyin 1.10.3-1
lasi 1.1.3-13
liberation-fonts-common 2.1.5-9
netpbm 11.02.00-6
openjpeg2 2.5.2-1
power-profiles-daemon 0.23-1
sil-mingzat-fonts 1.100-5
sil-nuosu-fonts 2.200-10
tesseract 5.3.4-4
tesseract-langpack-eng 4.1.0-7
xorg-x11-server-Xorg 1.20.14-35

Dev Experience Images

Name Previous New
clang-libs 19.1.0-1
clang18 18.1.8-5
compiler-rt18 18.1.8-3
ima-evm-utils-libs 1.6.2-2
lld18 18.1.8-6
llvm18 18.1.8-4
🔄 NetworkManager-team 1.46.2-1 1.50.0-1
🔄 SDL2_image 2.8.2-4 2.8.2-6
🔄 SLOF 20220719-4.git6b6c16b4 20220719-5.git6b6c16b4
🔄 android-tools 35.0.1-1 35.0.1-2
🔄 appstream-compose 1.0.2-2 1.0.2-4
🔄 bcc 0.29.1-2 0.30.0-3
🔄 bison 3.8.2-7 3.8.2-9
🔄 bpftop 0.5.1-1 0.5.1-2
🔄 bpftrace 0.20.1-1 0.21.2-2
🔄 capstone 5.0.1-3 5.0.1-6
🔄 cascadia-code-fonts 2404.23-1 2404.23-2
🔄 ccache 4.9.1-1 4.10.2-1
🔄 clevis-pin-tpm2 0.5.3-5 0.5.3-7
🔄 cowsql 1.15.6-2 1.15.6-3
🔄 debugedit 5.0-18 5.1-1
🔄 device-mapper-multipath 0.9.7-7 0.9.9-3
🔄 ed 1.20.2-1 1.20.2-2
🔄 elfutils 0.192-4 0.192-5
🔄 flatpak-builder 1.4.4-1 1.4.4-2
🔄 flex 2.6.4-16 2.6.4-18
🔄 gdisk 1.0.10-1 1.0.10-2
🔄 genisoimage 1.1.11-54 1.1.11-56
🔄 gettext 0.22.5-4 0.22.5-6
🔄 glusterfs 11.1-3 11.1-6
🔄 gnutls-utils 3.8.6-1 3.8.6-7
🔄 golang-github-opencontainers-umoci 0.4.7-0.1 0.4.7-0.2
🔄 google-droid-sans-mono-fonts 20200215-19 20200215-21
🔄 google-go-mono-fonts 0.13.0-3 0.13.0-4
🔄 gperftools-libs 2.14-4 2.15-4
🔄 gtk-vnc2 1.3.1-5 1.3.1-6
🔄 guestfs-tools 1.52.2-1 1.53.3-1
🔄 harfbuzz-icu 8.5.0-1 9.0.0-3
🔄 hexedit 1.6-6 1.6-7
🔄 hipcc 17.3-7.rocm6.1.2 18-9.rocm6.2.1
🔄 hiredis 1.0.2-7 1.2.0-3
🔄 hsakmt 1.0.6-39.rocm6.1.1 1.0.6-45.rocm6.2.1
🔄 hyphen 2.8.8-24 2.8.8-25
🔄 ibm-plex-mono-fonts 6.4.0-1 6.4.0-2
🔄 iotop-c 1.26-1 1.26-2
🔄 iproute-tc 6.7.0-2 6.10.0-1
🔄 ipxe-roms-qemu 20240119-1.gitde8a0821 20240119-2.gitde8a0821
🔄 iscsi-initiator-utils
🔄 isns-utils-libs 0.101-9 0.101-10
🔄 jose 14-1 14-2
🔄 kcli 99.0.0.git.202411080918.691ca7e-0 99.0.0.git.202411121530.9f968fd-0
🔄 kde-filesystem 5-3 5-4
🔄 kf5-filesystem 5.116.0-1 5.116.0-2
🔄 libblkio 1.5.0-1 1.5.0-2
🔄 libblockdev-btrfs 3.1.1-1 3.2.1-1
🔄 libburn 1.5.6-4 1.5.6-5
🔄 libcacard 2.8.1-8 2.8.1-9
🔄 libcgroup 3.0-5 3.0-6
🔄 libconfig 1.7.3-8 1.7.3-9
🔄 libdex 0.6.1-1 0.8.1-1
🔄 libfdt 1.7.0-7 1.7.1-1
🔄 libfsverity 1.4-12 1.6-1
🔄 libiscsi 1.20.0-1 1.20.0-3
🔄 libldm 0.2.4-15 0.2.4-16
🔄 libluksmeta 9-22 9-23
🔄 libnbd 1.20.3-1 1.21.6-1
🔄 libnfs 5.0.3-1 5.0.3-2
🔄 libnl3-cli 3.10.0-1 3.11.0-1
🔄 libosinfo 1.11.0-5 1.11.0-7
🔄 libpanel 1.6.0-1 1.8.1-1
🔄 libphodav 3.0-8 3.0-9
🔄 libpmem 2.0.1-3 2.1.0-2
🔄 librados2 18.2.4-2 19.2.0-1
🔄 librdmacm 48.0-4 51.0-4
🔄 libsoup 2.74.3-6 2.74.3-7
🔄 libssh2 1.11.0-4 1.11.0-8
🔄 libsysprof 46.0-1 47.0-1
🔄 libteam 1.32-7 1.32-9
🔄 libtpms 0.9.6-6 0.9.6-9
🔄 libtracefs 1.8.0-2 1.8.0-5
🔄 libvirt 10.1.0-4 10.6.0-5
🔄 libvirt-dbus 1.4.1-4 1.4.1-5
🔄 libvirt-glib 5.0.0-3 5.0.0-4
🔄 libwsman1 2.7.2-5 2.7.2-11
🔄 libxdp 1.4.2-1 1.4.3-1
🔄 libzstd-devel 1.5.6-1 1.5.6-2
🔄 lsscsi 0.32-11 0.32-12
🔄 lzop 1.04-14 1.04-15
🔄 m4 1.4.19-9 1.4.19-10
🔄 mdevctl 1.3.0-5 1.3.0-6
🔄 mingw-srvany-redistributable 1.1-8 1.1-9
🔄 mozilla-fira-fonts-common 4.202-17 4.202-20
🔄 nbdkit 1.38.5-1 1.40.4-1
🔄 ncurses-c++-libs 6.4-12.20240127 6.5-2.20240629
🔄 nicstat 1.95-22 1.95-24
🔄 nmap-ncat 7.92-2 7.92-3
🔄 numactl 2.0.16-5 2.0.19-1
🔄 numad 0.5-44.20150602git 0.5-45.20150602git
🔄 openbios 20230126-3.gitaf97fd7 20230126-4.gitaf97fd7
🔄 opencl-filesystem 1.0-20 1.0-21
🔄 openssl-devel 3.2.2-3 3.2.2-9
🔄 osinfo-db 20240701-1 20240701-2
🔄 parted 3.6-4 3.6-7
🔄 patch 2.7.6-24 2.7.6-25
🔄 podman-compose 1.2.0-1 1.2.0-2
🔄 powertop 2.15-8 2.15-9
🔄 protobuf 3.19.6-8 3.19.6-10
🔄 python3-dasbus 1.7-6 1.7-8
🔄 python3-dotenv 1.0.1-1 1.0.1-3
🔄 python3-libvirt 10.1.0-1 10.6.0-1
🔄 python3-libxml2 2.12.8-1 2.12.8-2
🔄 python3-lxml 5.1.0-7 5.2.1-6
🔄 python3-prettytable 3.10.0-3 3.10.0-5
🔄 python3-rpm 4.20.0-1
🔄 python3-wcwidth 0.2.13-2 0.2.13-5
🔄 qemu 8.2.7-1 9.1.1-2
🔄 raft 0.22.1-1 0.22.1-2
🔄 rocm-hip 6.1.2-2 6.2.1-4
🔄 rocm-runtime 6.1.2-1 6.2.0-2
🔄 rutabaga-gfx-ffi 0.1.2-3.20230913gitc3ad0e43e 0.1.3-2
🔄 scrub 2.6.1-8 2.6.1-9
🔄 seabios-bin 1.16.3-2 1.16.3-3
🔄 setroubleshoot-plugins 3.3.14-9 3.3.14-10
🔄 setroubleshoot-server 3.3.33-1 3.3.33-5
🔄 spice-glib 0.42-4 0.42-5
🔄 spice-server 0.15.1-4 0.15.1-6
🔄 swtpm 0.9.0-2 0.9.0-4
🔄 syslinux 6.04-0.27 6.04-0.29
🔄 thrift 0.15.0-4 0.20.0-3
🔄 tiptop 2.3.1-22 2.3.2-2
🔄 trace-cmd 3.2-2 3.2-4
🔄 udica 0.2.8-3 0.2.8-6
🔄 udisks2-btrfs 2.10.1-5 2.10.1-6
🔄 virt-install 4.1.0-5 4.1.0-9
🔄 virt-viewer 11.0-8 11.0-10
🔄 virtiofsd 1.10.1-1 1.11.1-2
🔄 woff2 1.0.2-19 1.0.2-20
🔄 xdelta 3.1.0-18 3.1.0-19
🔄 xen-libs 4.18.3-2 4.19.0-4
🔄 xset 1.2.5-5 1.2.5-6
🔄 ydotool 1.0.4-3 1.0.4-5
🔄 zerofree 1.1.1-13 1.1.1-14
🔄 zlib-ng 2.1.7-2 2.1.7-3
clang17 17.0.6-9
compiler-rt17 17.0.6-6
cyrus-sasl 2.1.28-19
dqlite 1.17.1-0.1
ima-evm-utils 1.5-4
lld17 17.0.6-4
llvm17 17.0.6-7
lxd 5.20-0.2
lxd-ui 0.8.3-0.1

Aurora Images

Name Previous New
SDL2_ttf 2.22.0-3
f41-backgrounds-kde 41.0.1-1
freerdp 3.9.0-1
freerdp2-libs 2.11.7-5
gnustep-filesystem 2.9.2-3
ima-evm-utils-libs 1.6.2-2
🔄 PackageKit-Qt6 1.1.1-5 1.1.1-6
🔄 accounts-qml-module-qt6 0.7^20231216.05e79eb-3 0.7^20231216.05e79eb-4
🔄 aha 0.5.1-10 0.5.1-11
🔄 akonadi-server 24.08.2-1 24.08.3-1
🔄 appstream-qt 1.0.2-2 1.0.2-4
🔄 attica 0.4.2-29 0.4.2-30
🔄 boost-regex 1.83.0-5 1.83.0-8
🔄 breeze-icon-theme 6.7.0-1 6.8.0-1
🔄 catdoc 0.95-17 0.95-19
🔄 clinfo
🔄 corosynclib 3.1.8-3 3.1.8-4
🔄 ctags 6.0.0-5 6.0.0-6
🔄 dbusmenu-qt 0.9.3-0.34.20160218 0.9.3-0.35.20160218
🔄 desktop-backgrounds-compat 40.0.0-1 41.0.0-1
🔄 dlm-lib 4.2.0-5 4.3.0-2
🔄 dmraid 1.0.0.rc16-59 1.0.0.rc16-60
🔄 docbook-dtds 1.0-85 1.0-87
🔄 docbook-style-xsl 1.79.2-22 1.79.2-23
🔄 ebook-tools-libs 0.2.2-27 0.2.2-28
🔄 editorconfig-libs 0.12.9-1 0.12.9-2
🔄 egl-utils 9.0.0-6 9.0.0-8
🔄 enchant 1.6.0-35 1.6.0-36
🔄 fatresize 1.1.0-11.20221116gitab78c48 1.1.0-12.20221116gitab78c48
🔄 fedora-chromium-config-kde 3.0-4 3.0-5
🔄 fedora-release-identity-kinoite 40-39 41-27
🔄 fuse-sshfs 3.7.3-9 3.7.3-10
🔄 gdb 15.2-1 15.2-2
🔄 gnustep-base-libs 1.29.0-4 1.30.0-4
🔄 google-noto-sans-fonts 20240301-2 20240701-2
🔄 gpsd-libs 3.25-10 3.25-15
🔄 gtk2-engines 2.20.2-29 2.20.2-30
🔄 hfsutils 3.2.6-47 3.2.6-50
🔄 ibus-panel 1.5.30-6 1.5.31~rc1-2
🔄 ibus-qt 1.3.4-11 1.3.4-12
🔄 iceauth 1.0.9-7 1.0.9-8
🔄 icoutils 0.32.3-16 0.32.3-17
🔄 jfsutils 1.1.15-27 1.1.15-28
🔄 kactivities-libs 4.13.3-40 4.13.3-41
🔄 kde-apps-rpm-macros 4.14.38-45 4.14.38-46
🔄 kde-filesystem 5-3 5-4
🔄 kde-l10n 17.08.3-17 17.08.3-18
🔄 kde-settings 40.1-1 41.2-1
🔄 kde-style-breeze 5.18.5-11 5.18.5-12
🔄 kdsoap 2.2.0-4 2.2.0-6
🔄 kdsoap-ws-discovery-client 0.4.0-1 0.4.0-3
🔄 kf5-attica 5.116.0-1 5.116.0-2
🔄 kf5-qqc2-desktop-style 5.116.1-1 5.116.1-2
🔄 kf6-kio-core 6.6.0-1.switcheroo.0.0.git.158.2b97adfb 6.7.0-2.switcheroo.0.0.git.177.aecb2069
🔄 kf6-kirigami-addons 1.4.0-1 1.4.0-2
🔄 kio-extras-kf5 24.02.2-1 24.02.2-2
🔄 kio-fuse 5.1.0-5 5.1.0-6
🔄 kquickimageeditor-qt6 0.3.0-3 0.3.0-4
🔄 lame 3.100-17 3.100-18
🔄 libXaw 1.0.15-3 1.0.16-2
🔄 libXxf86dga 1.1.6-3 1.1.6-4
🔄 libaccounts-glib 1.25-15 1.25-17
🔄 libaccounts-qt6 1.16^20231010.211051.29fd38e-4 1.16^20231010.211051.29fd38e-5
🔄 libadwaita-qt5 1.4.2-7 1.4.2-8
🔄 libddcutil 2.1.2-1 2.1.2-2
🔄 libdmtx 0.7.7-3 0.7.7-4
🔄 libfakekey 0.3-19 0.3-20
🔄 libfsverity 1.4-12 1.6-1
🔄 libipt 2.1-3 2.1.1-2
🔄 libmng 2.0.3-21 2.0.3-22
🔄 libmusicbrainz5 5.1.0-24 5.1.0-25
🔄 libopusenc 0.2.1-13 0.2.1-14
🔄 libproxy-bin 0.5.5-1 0.5.8-1
🔄 libqalculate 4.9.0-4 5.2.0-3
🔄 libqb 2.0.8-4 2.0.8-5
🔄 libunity-gtk3-parser 0.0.0+17.04.20170403-18 0.0.0+17.04.20170403-21
🔄 maliit-framework 2.3.0-6 2.3.0-7
🔄 maliit-keyboard 2.3.1-7 2.3.1-8
🔄 mariadb-connector-c 3.3.8-3 3.3.10-1
🔄 media-player-info 23-15 23-16
🔄 neon 0.33.0-1 0.33.0-2
🔄 ocfs2-tools 1.8.8-3 1.8.8-5
🔄 openblas 0.3.26-4 0.3.26-5
🔄 opencv-core 4.9.0-3 4.10.0-4
🔄 openexr2-libs 2.5.8-7 2.5.8-8
🔄 opus-tools 0.2-14 0.2-15
🔄 opusfile 0.12-12 0.12-13
🔄 oxygen-icon-theme 6.0.0-1 6.0.0-2
🔄 pakchois 0.4-30 0.4-31
🔄 parted 3.6-4 3.6-7
🔄 perl-Clone 0.46-6 0.47-1
🔄 perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2 2.210-1 2.212-512
🔄 perl-Data-Dump 1.25-10 1.25-11
🔄 perl-Digest-HMAC 1.04-10 1.04-11
🔄 perl-Digest-SHA 6.04-503 6.04-512
🔄 perl-Encode-Locale 1.05-29 1.05-30
🔄 perl-File-Copy 2.41-506 2.41-512
🔄 perl-File-Listing 6.16-3 6.16-4
🔄 perl-File-Slurper 0.014-5 0.014-6
🔄 perl-HTML-Tagset 3.24-1 3.24-2
🔄 perl-HTTP-Cookies 6.11-3 6.11-4
🔄 perl-HTTP-Date 6.06-4 6.06-5
🔄 perl-HTTP-Message 6.46-1 6.46-2
🔄 perl-HTTP-Negotiate 6.01-38 6.01-39
🔄 perl-I18N-Langinfo 0.22-506 0.24-512
🔄 perl-IO-Compress-Brotli 0.004001-12 0.004001-14
🔄 perl-IO-HTML 1.004-12 1.004-13
🔄 perl-LWP-MediaTypes 6.04-17 6.04-19
🔄 perl-Module-Load 0.36-503 0.36-511
🔄 perl-NTLM 1.09-38 1.09-39
🔄 perl-Net-HTTP 6.23-4 6.23-5
🔄 perl-PerlIO-utf8_strict 0.010-6 0.010-8
🔄 perl-Sys-Hostname 1.25-506 1.25-512
🔄 perl-Term-ReadLine 1.17-506 1.17-512
🔄 perl-Time-HiRes 1.9775-502 1.9777-511
🔄 perl-TimeDate 2.33-14 2.33-15
🔄 perl-Try-Tiny 0.31-9 0.32-1
🔄 perl-WWW-RobotRules 6.02-39 6.02-40
🔄 perl-libwww-perl 6.77-1 6.77-2
🔄 perl-subs 1.04-506 1.04-512
🔄 phonon-backend-vlc-common 0.12.0-3 0.12.0-4
🔄 phonon-common 4.12.0-5 4.12.0-7
🔄 pinentry-qt 1.3.0-2 1.3.1-2
🔄 plasma-wallpapers-dynamic 5.0.0-2 5.0.0-4
🔄 polkit-qt 0.112.0-29 0.112.0-30
🔄 polkit-qt5-1 0.200.0-1 0.200.0-2
🔄 poppler-qt6 24.02.0-2 24.08.0-1
🔄 python3-certifi 2023.05.07-4 2023.05.07-7
🔄 python3-pygdbmi
🔄 python3-rpm 4.20.0-1
🔄 python3-sentry-sdk 2.13.0-2 2.17.0-3
🔄 python3-tkinter 3.12.7-1 3.13.0-1
🔄 qaccessibilityclient-qt6 0.6.0-1 0.6.0-2
🔄 qca 2.2.1-23 2.2.1-24
🔄 qca-qt6 2.3.8-1 2.3.8-2
🔄 qcoro-qt6 0.10.0-5 0.10.0-7
🔄 qt 4.8.7-76 4.8.7-77
🔄 qt-mobility-common 1.2.2-0.47.20140317git169da60c 1.2.2-0.48.20140317git169da60c
🔄 qt5-qtfeedback 20180903gita14bd0b-9 20180903gita14bd0b-10
🔄 qt6-qtbase-mysql 6.7.2-6 6.8.0-4
🔄 qtkeychain-qt6 0.14.3-1 0.14.3-3
🔄 samba-usershares 4.20.5-1 4.21.1-7
🔄 sddm 0.21.0-4 0.21.0-6
🔄 sgml-common 0.6.3-63 0.6.3-65
🔄 sgpio
🔄 signon 8.60^20240205.c8ad982-1 8.60^20240205.c8ad982-2
🔄 signon-plugin-oauth2 0.25^20231216.fab6988-2 0.25^20231216.fab6988-3
🔄 signon-ui 0.15^20240205.eef943f-1 0.15^20240205.eef943f-2
🔄 sni-qt 0.2.7-0.14.20170217 0.2.7-0.15.20170217
🔄 socat
🔄 source-highlight 3.1.9-22 3.1.9-23
🔄 tbb 2021.11.0-5 2021.13.0-2
🔄 tk 8.6.13-3 8.6.14-2
🔄 unar 1.10.8-5 1.10.8-7
🔄 vlc-libs 3.0.21-7 3.0.21-11
🔄 vlc-plugin-pipewire 3-2 3-4
🔄 vulkan-tools
🔄 wayland-utils 1.2.0-4 1.2.0-5
🔄 xdpyinfo 1.3.3-5 1.3.3-6
🔄 xmessage 1.0.7-1 1.0.7-2
🔄 xsetroot 1.1.2-10 1.1.2-11
🔄 xsettingsd 1.0.2-8 1.0.2-9
🔄 xwaylandvideobridge 0.4.0-5 0.4.0-7
🔄 zxing-cpp 2.0.0-6 2.2.1-2
f40-backgrounds-kde 40.2.0-1
kwin-x11 6.2.2-1
perl-DBD-MariaDB 1.23-4
perl-DBI 1.644-1
perl-Math-BigInt 2.0030.03-1
perl-Math-Complex 1.62-506
qt6-qttools-libs-designer 6.7.2-1

Bluefin Images

Name Previous New
f41-backgrounds-gnome 41.0.1-1
gnome-app-list 1.0-1
mozjs128 128.3.0-1
🔄 NetworkManager-adsl 1.46.2-1 1.50.0-1
🔄 NetworkManager-openconnect-gnome 1.2.10-5 1.2.10-6
🔄 NetworkManager-openvpn-gnome 1.12.0-1 1.12.0-2
🔄 NetworkManager-pptp 1.2.12-6 1.2.12-7
🔄 NetworkManager-ssh 1.2.13-1 1.2.13-2
🔄 NetworkManager-vpnc-gnome 1.2.8-7 1.2.8-8
🔄 abseil-cpp 20240116.2-1 20240722.0-1
🔄 accountsservice-libs 23.13.9-4 23.13.9-5
🔄 cairomm1.16 1.18.0-3 1.18.0-5
🔄 colord-gtk4 0.3.1-1 0.3.1-2
🔄 cups-pk-helper 0.2.7-7 0.2.7-8
🔄 desktop-backgrounds-gnome 40.0.0-1 41.0.0-1
🔄 djvulibre-libs 3.5.28-9 3.5.28-10
🔄 epiphany-runtime 46.4-1 47.2-1
🔄 evince-djvu 46.3.1-1 46.3.1-2
🔄 evolution-data-server 3.52.4-1 3.54.1-1
🔄 exempi 2.6.4-5 2.6.4-6
🔄 fedora-chromium-config-gnome 3.0-4 3.0-5
🔄 fedora-logos-httpd 38.1.0-5 38.1.0-6
🔄 fedora-release-identity-silverblue 40-39 41-27
🔄 ffmpegthumbnailer 2.2.2-1.20240105git1b5a779 2.2.3-1
🔄 gcr 4.3.0-1 4.3.0-3
🔄 gdm 46.2-1 47.0-8
🔄 geoclue2-libs 2.7.0-5 2.7.0-6
🔄 geocode-glib 3.26.4-11 3.26.4-12
🔄 gettext 0.22.5-4 0.22.5-6
🔄 gjs 1.80.2-3 1.82.0-2
🔄 glibmm2.68 2.80.0-1 2.82.0-1
🔄 gnome-backgrounds 46.0-1 47.0-1
🔄 gnome-browser-connector 42.1-6 42.1-8
🔄 gnome-color-manager 3.36.0-12 3.36.0-13
🔄 gnome-desktop3 44.0-15 44.1-2
🔄 gnome-epub-thumbnailer 1.7-5 1.8-1
🔄 gnome-initial-setup 46.6-1 47.1-1
🔄 gnome-online-accounts 3.50.5-1 3.52.1-1
🔄 gnome-shell 46.5-1.switcheroo.0.0.git.156.36d49bcc 47.1-1.switcheroo.0.0.git.161.2f239bc7
🔄 gnome-shell-extension-appindicator 57-7.20240307git03a7412 59-2
🔄 gnome-shell-extension-blur-my-shell 59-1 66-1
🔄 gnome-shell-extension-caffeine 53-2 55-1
🔄 gnome-shell-theme-yaru 24.04.2-1.20240419git24.04.2.0ubuntu1 24.04.2-2.20240419git24.04.2.0ubuntu1
🔄 gnome-software 46.5-1 47.1-101.ublue
🔄 gsound 1.0.3-8 1.0.3-9
🔄 gspell 1.12.2-4 1.14.0-1
🔄 gtk-murrine-engine 0.98.2-29 0.98.2-30
🔄 gtkmm4.0 4.14.0-1 4.16.0-1
🔄 gupnp-av 0.14.1-6 0.14.1-7
🔄 gupnp-dlna 0.12.0-7 0.12.0-8
🔄 gvfs 1.54.3-1 1.56.1-1
🔄 harfbuzz-icu 8.5.0-1 9.0.0-3
🔄 hyphen 2.8.8-24 2.8.8-25
🔄 javascriptcoregtk4.1 2.46.1-1 2.46.3-1
🔄 julietaula-montserrat-fonts 7.222-8 7.222-9
🔄 libcue 2.3.0-3 2.3.0-8
🔄 libgda 6.0.0-9 6.0.0-10
🔄 libgdata 0.18.1-11 0.18.1-12
🔄 libgee 0.20.6-6 0.20.6-7
🔄 libgexiv2 0.14.3-1 0.14.3-2
🔄 libgrss 0.7.0-19 0.7.0-21
🔄 libgsf 1.14.53-1 1.14.53-2
🔄 libgtop2 2.41.3-1 2.41.3-2
🔄 libgxps 0.3.2-8 0.3.2-9
🔄 libhandy 1.8.3-1 1.8.3-3
🔄 libical-glib 3.0.18-1 3.0.18-2
🔄 libiptcdata 1.0.5-17 1.0.5-19
🔄 libmediaart 1.9.6-7 1.9.6-9
🔄 libnfs 5.0.3-1 5.0.3-2
🔄 libnma 1.10.6-7 1.10.6-8
🔄 libosinfo 1.11.0-5 1.11.0-7
🔄 libphonenumber 8.13.35-1 8.13.45-1
🔄 libsigc++30 3.6.0-3 3.6.0-4
🔄 libsoup 2.74.3-6 2.74.3-7
🔄 libspectre 0.2.12-6 0.2.12-7
🔄 mod_dnssd 0.6-31 0.6-32
🔄 mod_http2 2.0.29-1 2.0.29-2
🔄 msgraph 0.2.3-1 0.2.3-2
🔄 mutter 46.4.ublue.0.0.git.138.e0743d75-3 47.1-2
🔄 nautilus-python 4.0.1-1 4.0.1-3
🔄 nm-connection-editor 1.36.0-2 1.36.0-3
🔄 osinfo-db 20240701-1 20240701-2
🔄 pangomm2.48 2.52.0-1 2.54.0-2
🔄 pinentry-gnome3 1.3.0-2 1.3.1-2
🔄 pptp 1.10.0-20 1.10.0-21
🔄 protobuf 3.19.6-8 3.19.6-10
🔄 python3-pam 2.0.2-8 2.0.2-10
🔄 qadwaitadecorations-qt5 0.1.5-7 0.1.5-8
🔄 rest 0.9.1-9 0.9.1-11
🔄 rygel 0.42.6-1 0.44.1-1
🔄 sshpass 1.09-7 1.09-8
🔄 tecla 45.0-2 45.0-3
🔄 texlive-lib 20230311-82 20230311-85
🔄 totem-pl-parser 3.26.6-9 3.26.6-10
🔄 tracker 3.7.3-1 3.7.3-3
🔄 uchardet 0.0.8-5 0.0.8-6
🔄 woff2 1.0.2-19 1.0.2-20
🔄 wsdd 0.8-1 0.8-2
🔄 xdg-user-dirs-gtk 0.11-4 0.11-5
🔄 yelp 42.2-5 42.2-6
🔄 yelp-xsl 42.1-4 42.1-5
🔄 zenity 4.0.2-1 4.0.3-1
f40-backgrounds-gnome 40.2.0-1
gnome-terminal 3.50.1-8
libXvMC 1.0.13-5
mozjs115 115.15.0-1
xorg-x11-drv-amdgpu 23.0.0-3
xorg-x11-drv-ati 19.1.0-11
xorg-x11-drv-evdev 2.10.6-15
xorg-x11-drv-fbdev 0.5.0-15
xorg-x11-drv-intel 2.99.917-57.20210115
xorg-x11-drv-nouveau 1.0.17-7
xorg-x11-drv-openchrome 0.6.400-7.20210215git5dbad06
xorg-x11-drv-qxl 0.1.6-3
xorg-x11-drv-vesa 2.5.0-7
xorg-x11-drv-vmware 13.4.0-4
xorg-x11-drv-wacom 1.2.2-1

Nvidia Images

Name Previous New
🔄 egl-wayland 1.1.17^20241016git0cd471d-3 1.1.17^20241101git218f678-4
🔄 libva-nvidia-driver 0.0.12^20240909git68efa33-2 0.0.13^20241108git259b7b7-1
🔄 opencl-filesystem 1.0-20 1.0-21

How to rebase

For current users, type the following to rebase to this version:

# Get Image Name
IMAGE_NAME=$(jq -r '.["image-name"]' < /usr/share/ublue-os/image-info.json)

# For this Stream
sudo bootc switch --enforce-container-sigpolicy$IMAGE_NAME:stable

# For this Specific Image:
sudo bootc switch --enforce-container-sigpolicy$IMAGE_NAME:stable-20241112.1


Be sure to read the documentation for more information
on how to use your cloud native system.