Clone the repository from Github
git clone https://github.com/ubuntunet/eduroam_tlr.git
Change into the newly created directory
cd eduroam_tlr
Copy the inventory template
cp inventories/template inventories/<eduroam_tld>
Open your new inventory and replace
- with the actual URL/IP of your server
- <eduroam_tld> with your actual inventory file name
Copy the group_vars template
cp group_vars/template group_vars/<eduroam_tld>
Adopt the variables in group_vars/<eduroam_tld> to your liking
Create the secret.yml file that contains your sensitive information. Add your credentials.
cp group_vars/secrets.yml.example group_vars/secrets.yml
Run the playbook. Whenever you change something in the playbook, just replay this command.
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<eduroam_tld> tlr.yml
Follow the log of the Radius Proxy
tailf /var/log/radsecproxy.log