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Developer Guide V2

Aunsh Bandivadekar edited this page Jan 30, 2025 · 2 revisions


Welcome to the developer guide for the v2 of the FRREDSS app!

Forest Resource and Renewable Energy Decision Support System (FRREDSS) is an Online Application for Decision Support in Siting Woody Biomass to Electricity Facilities in California.

This documentation provides comprehensive installation and usage instructions for all components of the system.

The project contains three main repositories:

Table of Contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Repository Setup
  3. Set up local dB
  4. Frontend installation (cecdss)
  5. Backend Installation (cecdss-backend)
  6. Dataprep Installation (cec-dataprep)
  7. Contact Us

Before beginning installation, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js 16.x or higher
  • Python 3.8 or higher
  • PostgreSQL 16 or higher
  • Git

Create a folder and clone the repositories

# Create a project directory
mkdir cecdss-project
cd cecdss-project

# Clone all repositories
git clone
git clone
git clone

In order to use the application on your local, you need to set up a psql database.

Note: You need to have postgresql 16 or higher installed

1. Start PostgreSQL service (if not already running)

  • On Windows:

    # Check PostgreSQL service status
    net start postgresql-x64-12
  • On Mac:

    brew services start postgresql
  • On Linux:

    sudo service postgresql start

2. Create a new database

# Login to psql as postgres user
psql -U postgres

# Create database

# Connect to the new database
\c cecdss

1. Connect to the database

psql -U postgres -d cecdss

2. List all tables


You can create tables using two methods

1. Tables only

Run the script db_tables.sql found in the sql folder in the cec-dataprep repo to create tables in the cecdss dB you created in psql. This will NOT add data to it and the processing and adding of data is explained in the later steps.

2. All Data including tables

Download and run the SQL dump file cecdss_v2_dump.sql (around 1.2 Gigs) which can be found here. This will load the entire dB on your local. If you don't get access to this file please contact [email protected].

1. If you get permission errors

-- Inside psql, grant privileges

2. If you need to reset the database

# Open the folder through the terminal
cd cecdss

# Install the dependencies
npm install

This web front-end relies on the backend project to be running and accessible. By default the backend is expected to be running at localhost:3000 but this can be changed in config.ts file. You can point to the production backend by making LOCAL_DEVEOPMENT_MODE = false.

To run locally on port 3001 (the backend app will be running on 3000 - discussed below).

npm run dev

Application User Guide is available on our Wiki.

a. Test application

Launch the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.

npm test

b. Create a build

Build the app for production to the build folder.

npm run build

It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes

Your app is ready to be deployed!

See the section about deployment for more information.

# Open the folder through the terminal
cd cecdss-backend

# Install the dependencies
npm install

# You may have to rebuild if you've a problem with the OSRM bindings
npm rebuild

Routing information for california must be available to this program. You can create an OSRM extract yourself by following the guides at the official OSRM website.

Or else, follow the below instructions to create OSRM bindings on your local.

Create a folder called data in the project root.

In order to get OSRM data, you need to download the California Open Street Map data and then process it using OSRM. The OSRM process can happen either in docker or using the nodeJS binding libraries.

a. Setup

DOCKER (optional): Get the docker image:

docker pull osrm/osrm-backend


npm install @project-osrm/osrm

Next, in the data folder grab the California OSM data:

curl -O

Or just download the CA OSRM data file from here and put it in the data folder.

Make sure you have enough RAM available to docker if you are going to use it. I used 16GB. See:

b. Profile

OSRM needs a vehicle transportation profile to run. By default they include examples such as car or bicycle. We are using a special forestry profile. Whatever profile you use, pass it in during the first step below. It needs to be in the correct node_modules directory to run.

We will be using the forestry.lua profile for our use. Get the file from here, also found in the cec-dataprep repo.

Include this file in the profiles folder of the @project-osrm package which can be found in the node_modules folder - @project-osrm/osrm/profiles/forestry.lua

c. Process OSM files


node_modules/@project-osrm/osrm/lib/binding/osrm-extract data/california-latest.osm.pbf -p node_modules/@project-osrm/osrm/profiles/forestry.lua

node_modules/@project-osrm/osrm/lib/binding/osrm-contract data/california-latest

This operation takes some time and after the OSRM files will be found in the data folder.

Otherwise, see for more details. This seems to be the easiest method, but an officially recommended docker method is also provided below.

docker run -t -v "${PWD}:/data" osrm/osrm-backend osrm-extract -p /opt/car.lua /data/california-latest.osm.pbf

docker run -t -v "${PWD}:/data" osrm/osrm-backend osrm-partition /data/california-latest.osrm

docker run -t -v "${PWD}:/data" osrm/osrm-backend osrm-customize /data/california-latest.osrm

This should give you a directory full of *.osrm.* files which you can use with the OSRM JS library.

More info about the docker container and OSRM backend info available at:

The following environmental variables must be set to connect to the dB.


Note: The values xyz are just placeholders. Use your own local dB connection parameters here.

We recommend you create a file in the project root called .env and then specify the configuration variables within that file.

At this point you are ready to run the cecdss-backend.

Type npm run dev to launch the app at https://localhost:3000.

The front-end companion application at will now be able to connect to the backend and you are ready to start making requests.

Note: The below steps (dataprep) are recommended if you've not installed the data directly as given in option 2 in the Creating tables and adding data to the db section.

This repo is used to process the raw data and populate the cecdss backend.

a. Install the dependencies

# Open the folder through the terminal
cd cec-dataprep

# Install the dependencies
npm install

# Create and activate virtual environment
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows use: venv\Scripts\activate

# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

b. Setting up the environment variables

DotEnv is supported, or any other standard method of setting environmental variables will work

Variable Purpose Default
PIXEL_FILE The input raw pixel file none
TREATED_OUT_FILE Where to create the output file none
OSRM_FILE Location of the main OSRM file ./data/california-latest.osrm
HGT_FILES Elevation info is automatically downloaded here ./data

c. Running Locally

Use the below command in the terminal.

    npm run build
  1. Download the data folder from box at the following link:
  2. Place it in the project root and rename it data.
  3. When running 2025 data, leave the file names as they are. When running 2030 data, change line 25 in index.ts to ./data/complete_GLRBT_2030.csv instead of ./data/complete_GLRBT_2025.csv.
  4. Running the index.ts file will process the above files to create the output - GLBRT_processed.csv.
  5. If you directly want to work with the processed data then follow section 3 below or you can generate your own as per the above instructions.

Note: The below steps are to work with the GLBRt_processed.csv processed data

Download the processed data from here and place it in the data folder if you haven't generated it on your own.

a. Split the processed data county-wise

In order to process data and populate the treatedclusters table we need to split the GLBRT_processed county-wise in order to execute chunk-wise processing.

Run the file which takes in 1 argument. The arg should be the relative path of the processed data (note: The python environment has to be activated).

    # Example command in the terminal to run the file
    cec-dataprep/my_env/bin/python cec-dataprep/ cec-dataprep/data/GLRBT_processed.csv

This takes some time to run. A new folder split_files will be created which has .csv in the format county_name.csv. For entries with no county name the entries will be added to No_Country.csv. There should be 59 files.

b. Populate the treatedclusters table

After running the file, to populate the treatedclusters table, run the file. This will upload the data in the split_files folder to the treatedclusters table in the dB.

Before running the file make sure to add your local dB connection details to the connect_to_db() function.

The file which takes in 1 argument. The arg should be the relative path of the split_files folder.

    # Example command in the terminal to run the file
    cec-dataprep/my_env/bin/python cec-dataprep/ cec-dataprep/split_csv

Two new folders will be created - upload_completed and error_files. The program will shift the files from split_csv to upload_complete once it has successfully processed each county_name.csv file. If there's an error then the file will be shifted to the error_files folder from where you can debug and add that data later on.

With this you've successfully populated the treatedclusters table.

Given you are connected to your own local dB, download and run the substations.sql dump file found here which will populate your substations table.

Download the file found here and place it in the data folder.

In the shapes.ts file, make sure to add your local dB connection details to the upload() function. Furthermore, check the relative path of the in process.

Finally, running the file will populate the treatedClustersInfo table.

For any queries or contributions please contact [email protected].