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David Railton Garrett edited this page Aug 8, 2024 · 72 revisions

ERPLAB Documentation

ERPLAB is free, open-source Matlab package for analyzing ERP data. It extends EEGLAB's capabilities to provide robust, industrial-strength tools for ERP processing, visualization, and analysis. ERPLAB's graphical user interface makes it easy for beginners to learn, and Matlab scripting provides enormous power for intermediate and advanced users.

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Classic Tutorial Classic Manual Classic Videos
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FAQ Scripting Guide BDF Library Data Files
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Click here to access the latest release and previous releases. Click here for installation instructions.

Click here for information about required Matlab toolboxes and compatibility with different versions of Matlab, EEGLAB, Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

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Please cite the paper below in any publications that make use of ERPLAB:

Lopez-Calderon, J., & Luck, S. J. (2014). ERPLAB: An open-source toolbox for the analysis of event-related potentials. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8:213. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00213

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