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OSIS Document

OSIS Document is a Django application to manage document uploads across OSIS plateform.


OSIS Document requires

  • Django 3.2+
  • Requests 2+

How to install ?

For production

# From your osis install, with python environment activated
pip install git+

For development

# From your osis install, with python environment activated
git clone [email protected]:uclouvain/osis-document.git
pip install -e ./osis-document

Configuring OSIS Document

Add osis_document to INSTALLED_APPS and configure the base url:

import os


# The primary server full url
# The shared secret between servers
# The request upload rate limit for a user, see
# A token max age (in seconds) after which it may be no longer be used for viewing/modifying the corresponding upload
# A temporary upload max age (in seconds) after which it may be deleted by the celery task
# A deleted upload max age (in seconds) after which it may be deleted by the celery task (default = 15 days)
# Upload max age (in seconds) for export expiration policy (default = 15 days)
# When used on multiple servers, set the domains on which raw files may be displayed (for Content Security Policy)
# To configure which extensions are allowed by default for any upload
OSIS_DOCUMENT_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = ['pdf', 'txt', 'docx', 'doc', 'odt', 'png', 'jpg']
# To enabled mimetype validation
# To define an upload size limit (in Bytes) (default: None)

OSIS-Document is aimed at being run on multiple servers, so on your primary server, add it to your matching what you set in settings.OSIS_DOCUMENT_BASE_URL:

if 'osis_document' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
    urlpatterns += (path('osis_document/', include('osis_document.urls')), )

Using OSIS Document

osis_document is used to decouple file upload handling and retrieving from Django forms and apps with an accent on user interface.

Declaring a file field on a model

To declare a file field within a Django model :

from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from osis_document.contrib import FileField

class MyModel(models.Model):
    files = FileField(
        verbose_name=_("ID card"),
        max_size=True,  # To restrict file size
        upload_button_text='',  # To customize dropzone button text
        upload_text='', # To customize dropzone text
        min_files=1,  # To require at least 1 file
        max_files=2,  # To require at most 2 files
        mimetypes=['application/pdf', 'image/png', 'image/jpeg'],
        can_edit_filename=False,  # To prevent filename editing
        automatic_upload=False,  # To force displaying upload button
        upload_to='',  # This attribute provides a way of setting the upload directory

This FileField model field is associated with the form field FileUploadField, which can handle file upload on custom forms, even on a secondary server.

from django.forms import forms
from osis_document.contrib import FileUploadField

class MyModelForm(forms.Form):
    files = FileUploadField()

    def save(self):
        uuids = self.fields['files'].persist(self.cleaned_data['files'])

Note 1: it is very important to call the persists method on the field upon saving, it returns the uuid of the files (it is your job to store these uuids).

Note 2: you can pick examples of MIME types from this list.

Specify the upload directory

You can specify the upload directory through the upload_to property.

When you use the FileField model field, the upload_to property can either be a string or a function:

  • if it is a string, it is prepended to the file name. It may contain strftime() formatting, which will be replaced by the date/time of the file upload.
  • if it is a function, it will be called to obtain the upload path, including the file name. This callable must accept two arguments:
    • the current instance of the model where the file field is defined;
    • the file name that was originally given to the file.

When you use the FileUploadField form field, you can specify the upload_to property as a string that will be prepended to the file name. However, if you want to reuse the upload_to property defined in the related FileField model field, you need to specify the related_model property in the FileUploadField form field with the three following properties to identify the related model field:

  • field: the name of the model field;
  • model: the name of the model containing the previous field;
  • app: the name of the application containing the previous model.

In addition, if the upload_to property is a function based on some instance attributes, you must also:

  • add a 4th property to the related_model property:
    • instance_filter_fields: a list of field names that uniquely identify an instance (such as ["uuid"]).
  • Pass the model instance as a parameter to the persist function. The fields specified in the instance_filter_fields property must be accessible via this instance.

Rendering an uploaded file in a template

To work with uploaded files in templates :

{% load osis_document %}
{% for file_uuid in my_instance.files %}
    {% get_metadata file_uuid as metadata %}
    {% get_file_url file_uuid as file_url %}
        <a href="{{ file_url }}">
            {{ }} ({{ metadata.mimetype }} - {{ metadata.size|filesizeformat }})
{% endfor %}

See next section on what information is available in the metadata.

Getting info about an uploaded file

To get raw info or download url given a file token:

from osis_document.api.utils import get_remote_metadata
metadata = get_remote_metadata(token)

Available metadata info:

  • name: The name of the file (as set by the uploader)
  • size: The size of the file in bytes
  • mimetype: The MIME type as per detected by python-magic
  • uploaded_at: The datetime the file was uploaded at
  • hash: The sh256 hash of the file
  • url: The file url to get the file

Listening javascript events

Some javascript events are triggered by the Uploader component:

  • osisdocument:add when a file has been uploaded.
  • osisdocument:delete when a file has been removed.

The triggered event contains the tokens related to the uploader before the action (event.detail.oldTokens) and after it (event.detail.newTokens) following this format:

  "detail": {
     "oldTokens": {"1": "first_token", "2": "second_token"},
     "newTokens": {"1": "first_token", "2": "second_token", "3": "third_token"}

Javascript example to listen these events:

const uploader = document.getElementsByClassName('osis-document-uploader')[0];

uploader.addEventListener('osisdocument:add', event => {
    console.log('old tokens', event.detail.oldTokens);
    console.log('new tokens', event.detail.newTokens);
}, false);

Note that the Uploader component has the osis-document-uploader class.

Set a custom validity period for a Token

To generate a token with a validity period other than the default 15 minutes, you must use the "custom_ttl" parameter of one of the get_remote_tokens or get_remote_token functions

This optional parameter only accepts numbers and corresponds to the duration in seconds of the validity period

Post-processing files

To perform post-processing actions manually on files, use the utility function post_process. This function allows you to convert files, merge files, or do both at the same time.

To do this, set the post_process_type parameter with the appropriate values from the PostProcessingType enumeration and provide the uuids of the files.

from osis_document.utils import post_process
from osis_document.enums import PostProcessingType, PageFormatEnums

        {'output_filename': 'conversion_file_name'},
                                                 'output_filename': 'merge_file_name'}}

To define the name(s) of the output file(s) or other parameters for the post-processing, use the post_process_params parameter. If no parameter is required, the right dictionary still be defined according to the following format:


The post-processing output dictionary matches the following tamplate

  'convert': {
    'input':[object_uuid, ...],
    'output':[upload_object_uuid, ...]
  'merge': {
    'input':[object_uuid, ...],

File format conversion

To use the file conversion LibreOffice must be installed on the computer.

Allowed Format :

  • Docx
  • Doc
  • Odt
  • txt
  • JPG
  • PNG
  • PDF(Accepted but not converted)
from osis_document.contrib.post_processing.converter_registry import converter_registry

output = converter_registry.process(upload_objects_uuid=List[UUID], output_filename='new_filename')

Files merge in PDF

If the files are not in the PDF format the correct conversion must be done before merging.

from osis_document.contrib.post_processing.merger import Merger
from osis_document.contrib.post_processing.post_processing_enums import PageFormatEnums

Merger().process(input_uuid_files=[], filename='new_filename',

Define post-processing actions and post-processing type in a FileField of a model

class ModelName(models.Model):
    model_field_name = FileField(
   {'output_filename': 'convert_filename'},
                'output_filename': 'merge_filename'

The parameters available for post-processing are :

    • output_filename The name of the output file
  • MERGE:
    • pages_dimension The page size of the output file (A3, A4, A5, etc..)
    • output_filename The name of the output file

Synchronous post-processing

sync post-processing sequence diagram

Asynchronous post-processing

async post-processing sequence diagram make_pending_post_processing_task sequence diagram To configure an asynchronous post-processing, you must set async_post_processing to True in the model's FileField.

When form is submit, an instance of the PostProcessAsync model was created with status PENDING. This instance contains all the parameters necessary for the execution of the post-processing and stores the bases inputs.

No PostProcessing instance is created until the execution of the asynchronous post-processing is launched.

One PostProcessing instance is created when a post-process action is completed (conversion of 2 file + merge = 3 PostProcessing instance)

A celery task is configured to periodically run asynchronous post-processing with status PENDING.

During the asynchronous process, the PostProcessAsync instance is updated to keep the inputs/outputs of each post-processing actions.

If an error occurs during the execution of an asynchronous post-processing, the results field of PostProcessAsync is updated with the data relating to this error. The results dictionary will have the following format :

results_exemple = {
        "status": "DONE",
        "upload_objects": ['UUID', 'UUID', 'UUID'],
        "post_processing_objects": ['UUID', 'UUID', 'UUID']
        "errors": {
            "params": "args",
            "messages": ["error_message"]
        "status": "FAILED"
        "status": "PENDING"

Get token of a post-processed file

To get the token of one post-processed file, you must use the function get_remote_token, or use the function get_remote_tokens if you want the token of many files.

Depending on the value of wanted_post_process, on the status of an asynchronous post-processing and on the function used, there can be several possibilities.

function get_remote_token()

from osis_document.api.utils import get_remote_token

get_remote_token(uuid='UUID', write_token=False, wanted_post_process=None)

get_remote_token activity diagram

If the post-process status is DONE or if the post-processing done is synchronous, there can be 3 possibilities:

  • If wanted_post_process == None -> Return a token for the output file of the last post_processing's action.
  • If wanted_post_process == -> Return a token for the output file of the specified post-processing action
  • If wanted_post_process == Original -> Return a token for the base input file

If post-process status is FAILED, there can be 3 possibilities:

  • If wanted_post_process == None -> Return HTTP_422 and a dict containing errors from post-processing process
  • If wanted_post_process == and action's status is DONE -> Return a token for the output file of the specified post-processing action
  • If wanted_post_process == Original -> Return a token for the base input file

If post-process status is PENDING, there can be 3 possibilities:

  • If wanted_post_process == None -> Return HTTP_206 and an url to get the progress of an asynchronous post-processing
  • If wanted_post_process == and action's status is DONE -> Return a token for the output file of the specified post-processing action
  • If wanted_post_process == Original -> Return a token for the base input file

function get_remotes_token()

from osis_document.api.utils import get_remote_tokens

get_remote_tokens(uuids=['UUID', ...], wanted_post_process=None)

get_remote_tokens activity diagram

The returns are of the same type as for the get_remote_token function except that the function will return a list of tokens instead of a single token

Add a widget to edit a PDF

{% load osis_document %}

{% block content %}
  {% document_editor yourinstance.document.0 %}
{% endblock %}

{% block style %}
  <link href="{% static 'osis_document/osis-document-editor.css' %}" rel="stylesheet" />
{% endblock %}

{% block script %}
  <script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'osis_document/osis-document-editor.umd.min.js' %}"></script>
{% endblock %}

This editor comes with a few toolbar components, namely:

  • pagination
  • zoom
  • comment
  • highlight
  • rotation

If you need to disable some, you can specify {% document_editor admission.documents_projet.0 zoom=false %}

Along with these options, you can dispatch custom events to control the widget externally:

  • changeCurrentPage
  • rotate
  • zoomIn
  • zoomOut
  • setScale
  • setHighlight
  • setCommenting
  • save
var element = document.querySelector('.osis-document-editor');
element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('changeCurrentPage', { detail: 2 }));
element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('rotate', { detail: 90 }));
element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('zoomIn'));
element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('setScale', { detail: 'auto' }));
element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('setCommenting', { detail: '#ff0000' }));
element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('save'));

// You can also listen for these events to know the number of pages and when the user scrolls
element.addEventListener('pageChange', ({detail: {pageNumber}}) => {
element.addEventListener('numPages', ({detail: {numPages}}) => {

Cropping images before uploading them

You can add with_cropping=True to FileField, FileUploadField or FileUploadWidget to add the ability to crop any image with Cropper.js before they are uploaded. You can also pass custom options through the cropping_options parameter:

class ModelName(models.Model):
    model_field_name = FileField(
        cropping_options={"aspectRatio": 16 / 9}

Automatic file removal

When a document on Django model field is modified, the old one is automatically declared as deleted:

# `document` is saved
instance.file = document

# `new_document` is saved, `document` is declared as deleted and the physical file will be removed.
instance.file = new_document

If you need to keep the old document (for example, the document is moved to another field), you can set the _files_to_keep attribute on the instance before saving. The documents will not be declared as deleted then:

# document is saved
instance.file = document
instance.another_file = None

# In that case, `document` would be deleted because the value on the `file` attribute changed.
instance.another_file = instance.file
instance.file = None

# To avoid that, we set `_files_to_keep` before saving.
instance.another_file = instance.file
instance.file = None
instance._files_to_keep = instance.file

_files_to_keep is a list of UUIDs of the Upload instance to keep.

Contributing to OSIS-Document


To contribute to the frontend part of this module, install npm > 6 (included in nodejs), and run:

cd osis_document
npm clean-install
npm run build

Commands available:

  • npm run build builds the frontend component to osis_document/static/osis_document
  • npm run watch builds the frontend component to osis_document/static/osis_document and watch for file changes (warning: this not a hot-reload, you have to refresh your page)
  • npm run storybook serve user stories page for development
  • npm run lint checks Javascript syntax
  • npm run test launch tests
  • npm run coverage launch tests with coverage

OpenAPI schema generation

To ease generation, use the provided generator:

./ generateschema --urlconf=osis_document.urls --generator_class osis_document.api.schema.OsisDocumentSchemaGenerator --file osis-document/schema.yml

Communication between servers

To communicate between two servers (e.g., with SDK-based code), requests are sent with the header X-Api-Key containing the shared secret set in the server using the setting OSIS_DOCUMENT_API_SHARED_SECRET, so make sure it set.

Troubleshooting on Server-Side

1) Upload failed because of HTTP_409 - conflict: Mimetype mismatch

If the setting ENABLE_MIMETYPE_VALIDATION = True, the server will ensure that the uploaded file and the extension is correct. We use python-magic to ensure this check and python-magic use 'file' unix command. Sometimes, the database of 'file' command can be out-of-date and we can have false positive. To update the database, you can copy the content of the file osis_document/docs/ressources/magic into /etc/magic


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