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A catalog of all of the webapps, which is itself also a webapp.

Some webapps from M18 Mentors

Mentor Webapp Pitch
Nuan ucsb-cs56-smartplanner converting to-do list into a plan
Wilson ucsb-cs56-catfinder finding your next cat
Derek ucsb-cs56-image2text categorize your images
Yunkai ucsb-cs56-bookexchange get free books with garbage you have
Chandler ucsb-cs56-musicplayer listen to music in your browser
Zihao ucsb-cs56-shiftcoverer cover your shift
Fuheng ucsb-cs56-qrcodereader Read QR codes and Convert Data to QR codes
Omer ucsb-cs56-caloriecounter Provide intuitive platform to manage nutition
Conrad ucsb-cs56-webapp-catalog List all the webapps in the ucsb-cs56-webapps org

In each repo in this org, please create

  • /cs56/cs56.json
    • { "name":"ucsb-cs56-smartplanner" , "pitch":"converting to-do list into a plan" }
  • /cs56/m18/
    • Plain text (actually Markdown format), write down your ideas in whatever form you like.

To use

To do this Do this
run the program Type mvn exec:java. Visit the web page it indicates in the message
check that edits to the pom.xml file are valid Type mvn validate
clean up so you can recompile everything Type mvn clean
edit the source code for the app edit files in src/main/java.
Under that the directories for the package are edu/ucsb/cs56/pconrad
edit the source code for the app edit files in src/test/java.
Under that the directories for the package are edu/ucsb/cs56/pconrad
compile Type mvn compile
run junit tests Type mvn test
build the website, including javadoc Type mvn site-deploy then look in either target/site/apidocs/index.html
copy the website to /docs for publishing via github-pages Type mvn site-deploy then look for javadoc in docs/apidocs/index.html
make a jar file Type mvn package and look in target/*.jar

| run the main in the jar file | Type java -jar target/sparkjava-demo-01-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar | | change which main gets run by the jar | Edit the <mainClass> element in pom.xml |


A catalog of all of the webapps, which is itself also a webapp.







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