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hack together some union method for sorts
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vrindisbacher committed Jan 31, 2025


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1 parent acb4f46 commit 3c64ac1
Showing 2 changed files with 61 additions and 18 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Language/Fixpoint/SortCheck.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@ checkURel e s1 s2 = unless (b1 == b2) (throwErrorAt $ errRel e s1 s2)
b1 = s1 == boolSort
b2 = s2 == boolSort

-- | Sort Unification on Expressions
unifyUF :: Env -> UF -> Maybe Expr -> Sort -> Sort -> CheckM UF
@@ -1449,8 +1449,8 @@ unifyVar f e θ !i !t
Nothing -> return (updateVar i t θ)

unifyVarUF :: Env -> Maybe Expr -> UF -> Int -> Sort -> CheckM UF
unifyVarUF _ _ uf !_ t@(FVar !j)
= return (Union.union uf j t)
unifyVarUF _ _ uf !i (FVar !j)
= return (Union.union uf j (FVar i))

unifyVarUF _ _ uf !i !t
= return (Union.union uf i t)
73 changes: 58 additions & 15 deletions src/Language/Fixpoint/Union.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2,36 +2,79 @@ module Language.Fixpoint.Union where
import Data.HashMap.Strict (lookup, insert, HashMap, empty)
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Language.Fixpoint.Types.Sorts (Sort(..))
next :: Sort -> Maybe Int
next (FVar i) = Just i
next _ = Nothing
unionVals :: UF -> Sort -> Sort -> UF
unionVals _ _ _ = error "todo"
-- unionVals ufM i s1 s2 = error "todo"
-- unionVals ufM _ FInt FInt = ufM
-- unionVals ufM _ FReal FReal = ufM
-- unionVals ufM _ FInt FReal = ufM
-- unionVals ufM _ FReal FInt = ufM

-- unionVals :: UF Sort -> Int -> Sort -> Sort -> UF Sort
-- unionVals ufM _ SInt SInt = ufM
-- unionVals ufM _ SFloat SFloat = ufM
-- unionVals ufM _ (SFVar j) s = Union.union ufM j s
-- unionVals ufM _ s (SFVar j) = Union.union ufM j s
-- unionVals u i (SFunc s1 s2) (SFunc s1' s2') =
-- let u' = unionFuncArgs u i s1 s1' in
-- unionFuncArgs u' i s2 s2'
-- unionVals _ _ s1 s2 = error ("Cannot unify " ++ show s1 ++ " " ++ show s2)
-- next s = case s of
-- SFVar i -> Just i
-- _ -> Nothing

unionMany :: UF -> Int -> Sort -> Sort -> UF
unionMany uf i s1 s2 = case (s1, s2) of
(FVar i1, _) -> union uf i1 s2
(_, FVar i2) -> union uf i2 s1
(_, _) -> unionVals uf i s1 s2

-- | union for sorts in union find
unionVals :: UF -> Int -> Sort -> Sort -> UF
unionVals uf _ s1 s2
| isNumericSort s1 && isNumericSort s2 = uf
isNumericSort FReal = True
isNumericSort FNum = True
isNumericSort FFrac = True
isNumericSort _ = False

unionVals uf _ (FObj _) (FObj _) = uf
unionVals uf _ (FVar i) s = union uf i s
unionVals uf _ s (FVar i) = union uf i s
unionVals uf i (FFunc s1 s2) (FFunc s1' s2') =
let uf' = unionMany uf i s1 s1' in
unionMany uf' i s2 s2'
unionVals uf i (FApp s1 s2) (FApp s1' s2') =
let uf' = unionMany uf i s1 s1' in
unionMany uf' i s2 s2'
unionVals uf i (FAbs _ s) (FAbs _ s') = unionMany uf i s s'
unionVals uf _ (FTC _) (FTC _) = uf
unionVals _ _ _ _ = error "Cannot unify"

newtype UF = MkUF (HashMap Int Sort) deriving (Show)
new :: UF
new = MkUF empty
union :: UF -> Int -> Sort -> UF
union u@(MkUF ufM) tyv s =
-- find the root for tyv
let tyv_root = find (MkUF ufM) tyv in
let tyv_root = findWithIndex (MkUF ufM) tyv in
case tyv_root of
-- if tyv not in union find, insert
Nothing -> MkUF (insert tyv s ufM)
-- otherwise, unify the current sort with
-- the new one and insert that
Just s' -> unionVals u s s'
Just (i, s') -> unionVals u i s s'

findWithIndex :: UF -> Int -> Maybe (Int, Sort)
findWithIndex u@(MkUF ufM) k = do
s <- lookup k ufM
case s of
FVar i -> findWithIndex u i
s' -> Just (k, s')

find :: UF -> Int -> Maybe Sort
find (MkUF ufM) = f
f k = do
s <- lookup k ufM
case next s of
Nothing -> Just s
Just i -> f i
case s of
FVar i -> f i
s' -> Just s'

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