Persist name resolution for field names #1238
1 error and 1 warning
HLint failed with status: 1. Suggestion (1)
Suggestion in makeSpecData in module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare: Redundant bracket ▫︎ Found: "SpData\n {gsCtors = F.notracepp\n \"GS-CTORS\"\n [(x, if allowTC then t else tt) |\n (x, t) <- Bare.meDataCons measEnv,\n let tt\n = Bare.plugHoles\n (typeclass $ getConfig env) sigEnv name (Bare.LqTV x) t],\n gsMeas = [(F.symbol x, uRType <$> t) | (x, t) <- measVars],\n gsMeasures = (ms1 ++ ms2),\n gsOpaqueRefls = fst <$> Bare.meOpaqueRefl measEnv,\n gsInvariants = Misc.nubHashOn (F.loc . snd) invs,\n gsIaliases = concatMap (makeIAliases env sigEnv) (M.toList specs),\n gsUnsorted = usI\n ++ concatMap msUnSorted (concatMap measures specs)}" ▫︎ Perhaps: "SpData\n {gsCtors = F.notracepp\n \"GS-CTORS\"\n [(x, if allowTC then t else tt) |\n (x, t) <- Bare.meDataCons measEnv,\n let tt\n = Bare.plugHoles\n (typeclass $ getConfig env) sigEnv name (Bare.LqTV x) t],\n gsMeas = [(F.symbol x, uRType <$> t) | (x, t) <- measVars],\n gsMeasures = ms1 ++ ms2,\n gsOpaqueRefls = fst <$> Bare.meOpaqueRefl measEnv,\n gsInvariants = Misc.nubHashOn (F.loc . snd) invs,\n gsIaliases = concatMap (makeIAliases env sigEnv) (M.toList specs),\n gsUnsorted = usI\n ++ concatMap msUnSorted (concatMap measures specs)}"