Nodemcu(esp8266) lua module to simplify driving a unipolar stepper motor 28BYJ-48 when using ULN2003 Driver. With this module you can drive a stepper motor in 3 lines like this
stepper = require ('stepper')
stepper.rotate(stepper.FORWARD,2500,5,0,function () print('Rotation done.') end)
As you can see, your code trigger rotate and let the module finish rotation and trigger callback.
I needed a simple lua module (with callbacks) that I can use to drive the cheap 28BYJ-48 & ULN2003 Combo. I did search online around to see if there is a readymade one available. when I couldnt find any exact matches, Just wrote this based on bits and pieces I found online. Hope you find it useful. Feel free create a issue or get in touch with me for any feature requests.
TODO : Insert pic here Fig: 28BYJ-48 & ULN2003 Combo
Here are two good links that helped me understand how to get the stepper working
since this is a single module file, I suggest raw file download for stepper.lua instead of a checkout. this is ment to be used in your project.
Any nodemcu gpio pins shoud work. here is the combination that worked for me.
D5 | IN1 |
D6 | IN2 |
D7 | IN3 |
D8 | IN4 |
THis is a big module. It takes a lot of your esp8266's precious memory. I suggest you compile this in to a .lc file to reduce memory consumption.
load the lua module in your main program
stepper = require ('stepper')
initialize the module with necessary variables parameters : table with 4 nodemcu pins that are connected to ULN2003, for exmaple, {5,6,7,8} is expected if uln2003 motor driver is connected as mentioned in Connections section.
pins = {5,6,7,8}
Once the initalization is done, you can call rotate method like this. On successfull completion of given rotation the callback you passed as a last parameter will be invoked. Note : this is a async method. It'll trigger rotation and return immediately.
rotate( direction, desired_steps, interval, timer_to_use, callback)
Parameter | Description |
direction | stepper.FORWARD or stepper.REVERSE |
desired_steps | number between 0 to infinity - 2500 is default which is roughly half a rotation |
interval | time delay in milliseconds between steps, smaller self number is, faster the motor rotates . 5 is default |
timer_to_use | which nodemcu timer to use, 0 is default |
callback | _callback to invoke on completion of given rotation |
direction = stepper.FORWARD
desired_steps = 2500
interval = 5
timer_to_use = 0
stepper.rotate(direction,desired_steps,interval,timer_to_use,function ()
print('Rotation done. inside callback.')
-- do some thing useful
stepper = require ('stepper')
stepper.rotate(stepper.FORWARD,2500,5,0,function () print('Rotation done.') end)