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Add autopep8 lint action #2

Add autopep8 lint action

Add autopep8 lint action #2

GitHub Actions / Autopep8 failed Oct 22, 2024 in 0s

125 errors

Autopep8 found 125 errors


Check failure on line 9 in

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

 import random
 import os
 class Ship():

Check failure on line 71 in

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

     def __init__(self, x: int, y: int, name: str) -> None:
         self.x = x
         self.y = y
         if name == "patrol":
             self.icon = "╔═╗╚═╝"
-            self.size = (3,2)
+            self.size = (3, 2)
    = "Patrol Boat"
    = 1
         elif name == "submarine":
             self.icon = "╔══╦╗╚══╩╝"
-            self.size = (5,2)
+            self.size = (5, 2)
    = "Submarine"
    = 3
         elif name == "destroyer":
             self.icon = "╔═╦╩╗╣ ╠╣╠╚═╩╦╝"
-            self.size = (5,3)
+            self.size = (5, 3)
    = "Destroyer"
    = 3
         elif name == "battleship":
             self.icon = "╔╩╩╩╩╗╣╬╬╬╬╠╚╦╦╦╦╝"
-            self.size = (6,3)
+            self.size = (6, 3)
    = "Battleship"
    = 4
         elif name == "carrier":
             self.icon = "╔═╦═╦═╗║»║¤║«║╚═╩═╩═╝"
-            self.size = (7,3)
+            self.size = (7, 3)
    = "Aircraft Carrier"
    = 5
-        else: 
+        else:
             print("Invalid ship name.")
     def in_bounds(self, x, y) -> bool:
         return x + self.size[0] <= ss.cols and y + self.size[1] <= ss.rows and x >= 2 and y >= 1
     def __str__(self) -> str:
 class BattleshipGame():
     Battleship Game

Check failure on line 107 in

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

     Version: 1.0.0
     def __init__(self) -> None:
         self.board = self.generate_water_and_coords()
         self.players = 1
         self.player_names = []
         self.ships = [[] * self.players]
         self.changed_coords = []
-        self.gamestate = 'placing ships' # other gamestates are 'p1 turn', 'p2 turn', 'p3 turn', 'p4 turn' 
+        # other gamestates are 'p1 turn', 'p2 turn', 'p3 turn', 'p4 turn'
+        self.gamestate = 'placing ships'
     def generate_water_and_coords(self) -> str:
         texture = ""
         texture += s.COLORS.backCOMMUNITY + s.COLORS.BLACK
         for x in range(0, ss.cols, 3):
-            texture +=  f"{x}  " if x < 10 else f"{x} "
+            texture += f"{x}  " if x < 10 else f"{x} "
         texture += "\n"
         for y in range(1, ss.rows):
             texture += s.COLORS.backCOMMUNITY + s.COLORS.BLACK
-            texture += (str(y) + (" " if y < 10 else "") if y % 2 == 0 else "  ")
+            texture += (str(y) + (" " if y < 10 else "") if y %
+                        2 == 0 else "  ")
             texture += f"{s.COLORS.backLIGHTBLUE}{s.COLORS.BLUE}"
             for _ in range(ss.cols-2):
                 texture += random.choices(
                     ["░", "▒", "▓"],
-                    weights=[1, 2, 7],  # Adjust weights to create larger pools of dark textures
+                    # Adjust weights to create larger pools of dark textures
+                    weights=[1, 2, 7],
             texture += "\n"
         self.board = texture + s.COLORS.RESET
         return self.board
-    def print_ship(self, sh: Ship, playerNum = 0) -> str:
+    def print_ship(self, sh: Ship, playerNum=0) -> str:
         text = s.COLORS.playerColors[playerNum]
         for i in range(sh.size[1]):
             text += f"{s.set_cursor_str(sh.x+1,sh.y+i+1)}{sh.icon[i*sh.size[0]:(i+1)*sh.size[0]]}\n"

Check failure on line 124 in

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

     def print_explosion(self, x: int, y: int) -> str:
         text = ""
-        text += s.set_cursor_str(x,y) + random.choice([s.COLORS.ORANGE, s.COLORS.RED]) + random.choice(["░", "▒", "▓"])
+        text += s.set_cursor_str(x, y) + random.choice(
+            [s.COLORS.ORANGE, s.COLORS.RED]) + random.choice(["░", "▒", "▓"])
         return text
     def print_miss(self, x: int, y: int) -> str:
         text = s.COLORS.LIGHTGRAY
-        text += s.set_cursor_str(x,y) + random.choice(["░", "▒", "▓"])
+        text += s.set_cursor_str(x, y) + random.choice(["░", "▒", "▓"])
         return text
-    def popup(self, message: str, color: str = s.COLORS.WHITE) -> str: 
+    def popup(self, message: str, color: str = s.COLORS.WHITE) -> str:
         ...fill in comment
         x and y params should be top left corner of terminal.

Check failure on line 139 in

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

             if 0 < i < 4:
                 # Custom text wrapping
                 p += s.set_cursor_str(27, 5+i) + message[(i-1)*26:(i-1)*26+26]
-        return p 
+        return p
     def get_valid_int(self, prompt):
         while True:

Check failure on line 169 in

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@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

                 value = int(input(prompt))
                 return value
             except ValueError:
-                self.popup("Invalid input. Please     enter a valid integer.", s.COLORS.RED)
+                self.popup(
+                    "Invalid input. Please     enter a valid integer.", s.COLORS.RED)
                 s.set_cursor(0, ss.INPUTLINE)
     def is_overlapping(self, x: int, y: int, size: tuple, player_num: int) -> Ship:
         for sh in self.ships[player_num]:
             if (x < sh.x + sh.size[0] and x + size[0] > sh.x and
-                y < sh.y + sh.size[1] and y + size[1] > sh.y):
+                    y < sh.y + sh.size[1] and y + size[1] > sh.y):
                 return sh
         return None
-    def place_ships(self, current_board:str, player_num:int = 0) -> str:
+    def place_ships(self, current_board: str, player_num: int = 0) -> str:
         return_board = current_board
         s.set_cursor(0, ss.INPUTLINE)
-        ships_to_place = [Ship(-1, -1, "patrol"), Ship(-1, -1, "submarine"), Ship(-1, -1, "destroyer"), 
-                        Ship(-1, -1, "battleship"), Ship(-1, -1, "carrier")]
+        ships_to_place = [Ship(-1, -1, "patrol"), Ship(-1, -1, "submarine"), Ship(-1, -1, "destroyer"),
+                          Ship(-1, -1, "battleship"), Ship(-1, -1, "carrier")]
         return_board = self.get_ship_board(player_num)
         for ship in ships_to_place:
-            while ship.x == -1 :
+            while ship.x == -1:
                 x = self.get_valid_int(f"Enter x-coordinate for your {ship}: ")
                 y = self.get_valid_int(f"Enter y-coordinate for your {ship}: ")
                 if ship.in_bounds(x, y):
                     if self.is_overlapping(x, y, ship.size, player_num) == None:
                         ship.x = x

Check failure on line 196 in

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

                     return self.popup(f"Error! Out of bounds. Max x is {ss.cols-ship.size[0]}. Max y is {ss.rows-ship.size[1]}", s.COLORS.RED)
-            return_board = self.get_ship_board(player_num)   
+            return_board = self.get_ship_board(player_num)
             s.set_cursor(0, ss.INPUTLINE)
         done = input("Does this look good? n for no, anything else for yes.")
         if done == 'n':
             while done != 'y':
-                move = self.get_valid_int(f"Enter a number (0-4) of a ship to remove from the list {[ for ship in self.ships[player_num]]}: ")
+                move = self.get_valid_int(
+                    f"Enter a number (0-4) of a ship to remove from the list {[ for ship in self.ships[player_num]]}: ")
                 if 0 <= move < len(self.ships[player_num]):
                     return_board = self.get_ship_board(player_num)
                     s.set_cursor(0, ss.INPUTLINE)
-                    ship_names = ['patrol', 'submarine', 'destroyer', 'battleship', 'carrier']
+                    ship_names = ['patrol', 'submarine',
+                                  'destroyer', 'battleship', 'carrier']
                     new_ship = Ship(-1, -1, ship_names[move])
                     while new_ship.x == -1:
-                        x = self.get_valid_int(f"Enter x-coordinate for your {new_ship}: ")
-                        y = self.get_valid_int(f"Enter y-coordinate for your {new_ship}: ")
+                        x = self.get_valid_int(
+                            f"Enter x-coordinate for your {new_ship}: ")
+                        y = self.get_valid_int(
+                            f"Enter y-coordinate for your {new_ship}: ")
                         if new_ship.in_bounds(x, y):
                             if self.is_overlapping(x, y, new_ship.size, player_num) == None:
                                 new_ship.x = x

Check failure on line 211 in

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@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

                                 return self.popup(f"Error! This ship is on    another ship. Recall this ship size is {new_ship.size}", s.COLORS.RED)
                             return self.popup(f"Error! Out of bounds. Max x is {ss.cols-new_ship.size[0]}. Max y is {ss.rows-new_ship.size[1]}", s.COLORS.RED)
-                    return_board = self.get_ship_board(player_num)   
-                    done = input("Does this look good? y for yes, anything else for no.")
+                    return_board = self.get_ship_board(player_num)
+                    done = input(
+                        "Does this look good? y for yes, anything else for no.")
         return return_board
-    def get_ship_board(self, player_num:int) -> str:
+    def get_ship_board(self, player_num: int) -> str:
         # os.system("cls")
         current_board = self.board
         for ship in self.ships[player_num]:

Check failure on line 245 in

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@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

         return current_board
     def attack(self):
-        while(len(self.ships) > 0): # not correct final logic, temporary
+        while (len(self.ships) > 0):  # not correct final logic, temporary
             s.set_cursor(0, ss.INPUTLINE)
             x = self.get_valid_int("Enter x-coordinate for your attack: ")
             if x < 2 or x > 74:
-                self.popup("Error! Out of bounds. Please enter a valid          coordinate (2-74) inclusive.", s.COLORS.RED)
+                self.popup(
+                    "Error! Out of bounds. Please enter a valid          coordinate (2-74) inclusive.", s.COLORS.RED)
             y = self.get_valid_int("Enter y-coordinate for your attack: ")
             if y < 1 or y > 19:
-                self.popup("Error! Out of bounds. Please enter a valid          coordinate (1-19) inclusive.", s.COLORS.RED)   
+                self.popup(
+                    "Error! Out of bounds. Please enter a valid          coordinate (1-19) inclusive.", s.COLORS.RED)
-            if (x,y) in self.changed_coords:
-                self.popup("Error! This coordinate has already been attacked.", s.COLORS.RED)
+            if (x, y) in self.changed_coords:
+                self.popup(
+                    "Error! This coordinate has already been attacked.", s.COLORS.RED)
-            else:   
-                self.changed_coords.append((x,y))
+            else:
+                self.changed_coords.append((x, y))
                 for player_ship_list in self.ships:
                     for ship in player_ship_list:
-                        if self.is_overlapping(x, y, (1,1)) == ship:
-                            self.popup(f"Hit! You hit the {}!", s.COLORS.dispBLUE)
+                        if self.is_overlapping(x, y, (1, 1)) == ship:
+                            self.popup(
+                                f"Hit! You hit the {}!", s.COLORS.dispBLUE)
                             self.board += self.print_explosion(x+1, y+1)
                    -= 1
                             if == 0:
                                 for i in range(ship.size[0]):
                                     for j in range(ship.size[1]):
-                                        self.board += self.print_explosion(ship.x+i+1, ship.y+j+1)
-                                self.popup(f"You sunk the {}!", s.COLORS.dispBLUE)
+                                        self.board += self.print_explosion(
+                                            ship.x+i+1, ship.y+j+1)
+                                self.popup(
+                                    f"You sunk the {}!", s.COLORS.dispBLUE)
                             self.popup("Miss!.", s.COLORS.RED)

Check failure on line 256 in

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

             s.set_cursor(0, ss.INPUTLINE)
             input("Press enter to continue.")
 def start_game() -> BattleshipGame:
     ships = BattleshipGame()
     return ships
 if __name__ == "__main__":

Check failure on line 269 in

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@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

     # def unittest1():
     #     ships.p1ships = [Ship(3,10,"patrol"), Ship(12,2,"submarine"), Ship(33,5,"destroyer"), Ship(50,7,"battleship"), Ship(15,9,"carrier")]
-    # unittest1() 
-    # ships.attack()
+    # unittest1()
+    # ships.attack()

Check failure on line 136 in

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

 from socket import socket as Socket
 import networking as net
 def calculator() -> str:
     """A simple calculator module that can perform basic arithmetic operations."""
-    #Uses recursion to calculate.
+    # Uses recursion to calculate.
     def calculate(equation: str) -> float:
         for i in range(0, len(equation)-1):
-            if(equation[i] == '+'):
+            if (equation[i] == '+'):
                 eqLeft = equation[:i]
                 eqRight = equation[(i+1):]
                 return calculate(eqLeft) + calculate(eqRight)
         for i in range(0, len(equation)-1):
-            if(equation[i] == '-'):
-                #Checks for unary operator '-'
-                if(i == 0):
+            if (equation[i] == '-'):
+                # Checks for unary operator '-'
+                if (i == 0):
                     eqLeft = "0"
                     eqLeft = equation[:i]
                 eqRight = equation[(i+1):]
                 return calculate(eqLeft) - calculate(eqRight)
         for i in range(0, len(equation)-1):
-            if(equation[i] == '*'):
+            if (equation[i] == '*'):
                 eqLeft = equation[:i]
                 eqRight = equation[(i+1):]
                 return calculate(eqLeft) * calculate(eqRight)
         for i in range(0, len(equation)-1):
-            if(equation[i] == '/'):
+            if (equation[i] == '/'):
                 eqLeft = equation[:i]
                 eqRight = equation[(i+1):]
                 return calculate(eqLeft)/calculate(eqRight)
         for i in range(0, len(equation)-1):
-            if(equation[i] == '%'):
+            if (equation[i] == '%'):
                 eqLeft = equation[:i]
                 eqRight = equation[(i+1):]
-                return calculate(eqLeft)%calculate(eqRight) 
+                return calculate(eqLeft) % calculate(eqRight)
         for i in range(0, len(equation)-1):
-            if(equation[i] == '^'):
+            if (equation[i] == '^'):
                 eqLeft = equation[:i]
                 eqRight = equation[(i+1):]
                 return calculate(eqLeft) ** calculate(eqRight)
         return float(equation)
-    response = '\nCALCULATOR TERMINAL\n' 
+    response = '\nCALCULATOR TERMINAL\n'
     digit_result = 0
     print("\r", end='')
     equation = input(s.COLORS.GREEN)
-    if(equation == "e"):
+    if (equation == "e"):
         return equation
-    #Trims unnecessary spaces and pads operators with spaces
+    # Trims unnecessary spaces and pads operators with spaces
     equation = equation.replace(" ", "")
     for op in ['+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '^']:
         equation = equation.replace(op, " " + op + " ")
-    #Removes spaces from negative number
-    if(len(equation) > 1 and equation[1] == '-'):
+    # Removes spaces from negative number
+    if (len(equation) > 1 and equation[1] == '-'):
         equation = "-" + equation[3:]
         digit_result = calculate(equation)
         return "error"
     responseEQ = f'{equation} = {digit_result}'
-    #There are 75 columns for each terminal, making any string longer than 75 characters overflow.
+    # There are 75 columns for each terminal, making any string longer than 75 characters overflow.
     numOverflowingChar = len(responseEQ) - 75
     lineNumber = 0
     wrappedResponse = ""
-    while(numOverflowingChar > 0):
-        wrappedResponse += responseEQ[(75*lineNumber):(75*(lineNumber + 1))] + '\n'
+    while (numOverflowingChar > 0):
+        wrappedResponse += responseEQ[(75*lineNumber)                                      :(75*(lineNumber + 1))] + '\n'
         lineNumber = lineNumber + 1
         numOverflowingChar = numOverflowingChar - 75
-    wrappedResponse += responseEQ[(75*lineNumber):(75*(lineNumber + 1)) + numOverflowingChar] + '\n'
-    #response += wrappedResponse
+    wrappedResponse += responseEQ[(75*lineNumber)                                  :(75*(lineNumber + 1)) + numOverflowingChar] + '\n'
+    # response += wrappedResponse
     print(s.COLORS.RESET, end='')
     return wrappedResponse
 def list_properties() -> str:
     Temporary function to list all properties on the board by calling the property list stored in ascii.txt.
     Can be reworked to add color and better formatting.
     Parameters: None
     Returns: None
     ret_val = ""
     props = s.get_graphics().get('properties').split('\n')
     for prop in props:
-        if prop == '': 
-            ret_val += ' '.center(75) + '\n' 
+        if prop == '':
+            ret_val += ' '.center(75) + '\n'
         first_word = prop.split()[0]
         color = getattr(s.COLORS, first_word.upper(), s.COLORS.RESET)
         centered_prop =
-        ret_val +=color+ centered_prop + s.COLORS.RESET + '\n'
+        ret_val += color + centered_prop + s.COLORS.RESET + '\n'
     return ret_val
 def trade():
 def mortgage():
 def roll():
 def gamble():
 def attack():
 def stocks():
 def battleship(server: Socket, gamestate: str) -> str:
     net.send_message(server, 'battleship')
 fishing_game_obj = fishing_game()
 def fishing(gamestate: str) -> tuple[str, str]:
     Fishing module handler for Returns tuple of [visual data, gamestate] both as strings.

Check failure on line 160 in

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             stdIn = fishing_game_obj.get_input()
             if stdIn == 'e':
                 return '', 'e'
-            return fishing_game_obj.results(), 'e'  
+            return fishing_game_obj.results(), 'e'
         case 'e':
-            return '', 'start'  
+            return '', 'start'
 def kill() -> str:
     return s.get_graphics()['skull']
 def disable() -> str:
-    result = ('X ' * round(ss.cols/2+0.5) + '\n' + 
-                (' X' * round(ss.cols/2+0.5)) + '\n'
-                ) * (ss.rows//2)
+    result = ('X ' * round(ss.cols/2+0.5) + '\n' +
+              (' X' * round(ss.cols/2+0.5)) + '\n'
+              ) * (ss.rows//2)
     return result
 def make_board(board_pieces) -> list[str]:
     board = [''] * 35

Check failure on line 167 in

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@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

             if board_pieces[i*80+j] != '\n':
                 board[i] += (board_pieces[i*80+j])
     return board

Check failure on line 6 in

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

 import style as s
 from style import COLORS
 class Property:

Check failure on line 31 in

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

     rentHotel = 0
     mortgage = 0
-    def __init__(self, num_players:int, name:str, owner:int, position:tuple, color:COLORS, purchasePrice:int, housePrice:int, rent:int, rent1H:int, rent2H:int, rent3H:int, rent4H:int, rentHotel:int,mortgage:int) -> None:
+    def __init__(self, num_players: int, name: str, owner: int, position: tuple, color: COLORS, purchasePrice: int, housePrice: int, rent: int, rent1H: int, rent2H: int, rent3H: int, rent4H: int, rentHotel: int, mortgage: int) -> None:
         self.players = list(range(num_players)) = name
         self.owner = owner

Check failure on line 48 in

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@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

         self.rent4H = rent4H
         self.rentHotel = rentHotel = mortgage
     def getPrice(self) -> int:
         if self.purchasePrice == 0:
             return -1

Check failure on line 176 in

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@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

                 "Electric Company":       (150, 4, 10, -1, -1, 75),
                 "Water Works":            (150, 4, 10, -1, -1, 75)
-        """
+        """

Check failure on line 5 in

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@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

-# Monopoly game is played on Banker's terminal. 
+# Monopoly game is played on Banker's terminal.
+from datetime import datetime
 import style as s
 from style import COLORS
 import random

Check failure on line 63 in

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

 from player_class import Player
 import screenspace as ss
 def refresh_board():
     Refresh the gameboard\n
     print(COLORS.RESET + "\033[0;0H", end="")
-    for i in range(40): 
+    for i in range(40):
         # This loop paints the properties on the board with respective color schemes
         color = board.locations[i].color
         backcolor = board.locations[i].color.replace("38", "48")
-        print(COLORS.backBLACK + color + f"\033[{board.locations[i].x};{board.locations[i].y}H{i}" + backcolor + " " * (4 + (1 if i < 10 else 0)))
-        if(board.locations[i].owner != -1): # If owned
+        print(COLORS.backBLACK + color +
+              f"\033[{board.locations[i].x};{board.locations[i].y}H{i}" + backcolor + " " * (4 + (1 if i < 10 else 0)))
+        if (board.locations[i].owner != -1):  # If owned
             color = f"\033[38;5;{board.locations[i].owner+1}m"
-            print(f"\033[{board.locations[i].x+2};{board.locations[i].y}H" + color + "▀")
-        if(board.locations[i].owner == -3): # If community chest
+            print(
+                f"\033[{board.locations[i].x+2};{board.locations[i].y}H" + color + "▀")
+        if (board.locations[i].owner == -3):  # If community chest
-            print(f"\033[{board.locations[i].x + 1};{board.locations[i].y}H" + COLORS.COMMUNITY + "█" * 6)
-            print(f"\033[{board.locations[i].x + 2};{board.locations[i].y}H" + COLORS.COMMUNITY + "▀" * 6)
-        if(board.locations[i].owner == -4): # If chance
+            print(f"\033[{board.locations[i].x + 1};{board.locations[i].y}H" +
+                  COLORS.COMMUNITY + "█" * 6)
+            print(f"\033[{board.locations[i].x + 2};{board.locations[i].y}H" +
+                  COLORS.COMMUNITY + "▀" * 6)
+        if (board.locations[i].owner == -4):  # If chance
-            print(f"\033[{board.locations[i].x + 1};{board.locations[i].y}H" + COLORS.CHANCE + "█" * 6)
-            print(f"\033[{board.locations[i].x + 2};{board.locations[i].y}H" + COLORS.CHANCE + "▀" * 6)
-        if(board.locations[i].houses > 0): # If there are houses
+            print(
+                f"\033[{board.locations[i].x + 1};{board.locations[i].y}H" + COLORS.CHANCE + "█" * 6)
+            print(
+                f"\033[{board.locations[i].x + 2};{board.locations[i].y}H" + COLORS.CHANCE + "▀" * 6)
+        if (board.locations[i].houses > 0):  # If there are houses
-            print(f"\033[{board.locations[i].x+2};{board.locations[i].y+1}H" + COLORS.GREEN + "▀" * (board.locations[i].houses))
-        if(board.locations[i].houses == 5): # If there is a hotel
+            print(f"\033[{board.locations[i].x+2};{board.locations[i].y+1}H" +
+                  COLORS.GREEN + "▀" * (board.locations[i].houses))
+        if (board.locations[i].houses == 5):  # If there is a hotel
-            print(f"\033[{board.locations[i].x+2};{board.locations[i].y+5}H" + COLORS.RED + "▀")
-        if(board.locations[i].owner == -2): # If mortgaged
+            print(
+                f"\033[{board.locations[i].x+2};{board.locations[i].y+5}H" + COLORS.RED + "▀")
+        if (board.locations[i].owner == -2):  # If mortgaged
-            print(f"\033[{board.locations[i].x+2};{board.locations[i].y}H" + COLORS.backLIGHTGRAY + "M")
+            print(f"\033[{board.locations[i].x+2};{board.locations[i].y}H" +
+                  COLORS.backLIGHTGRAY + "M")
     for i in range(num_players):
         color = COLORS.playerColors[i]
         token = "◙"
-        print(color + f"\033[{board.locations[players[i].location].x+1};{board.locations[players[i].location].y+1+i}H{token}")
+        print(
+            color + f"\033[{board.locations[players[i].location].x+1};{board.locations[players[i].location].y+1+i}H{token}")
 def print_commands():

Check failure on line 74 in

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

         for j in range(len(commandsinfo[i])):
             print(f"\033[{34+i};79H" + commandsinfo[i][:j], end="")
 history = []
 def update_history(message: str):
     Update the history\n

Check failure on line 85 in

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

     Split the text into multiple lines (multiple entries to history variable)\n
     if "[38;5" in message:
-        if(((40 - (len(message) - 9)) * 2) == 0):
-            history.append(message[:9] + "─" * ((40 - (len(message) - 9)) // 2) + message[9:] + "─" * ((40 - (len(message) - 9)) // 2))
+        if (((40 - (len(message) - 9)) * 2) == 0):
+            history.append(message[:9] + "─" * ((40 - (len(message) - 9)) //
+                           2) + message[9:] + "─" * ((40 - (len(message) - 9)) // 2))
-            history.append(message[:9] + "─" * ((40 - (len(message) - 9)) // 2) + message[9:] + "─" * ((39 - (len(message) - 9)) // 2))
+            history.append(message[:9] + "─" * ((40 - (len(message) - 9)) //
+                           2) + message[9:] + "─" * ((39 - (len(message) - 9)) // 2))
         if len(message) > 40:
             while len(message) > 40:

Check failure on line 117 in

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

                 message = message[40:]
         history.append(message + " " * (40 - len(message)))
         if len(history) > 31:
-            while(len(history) > 31):
+            while (len(history) > 31):
 status = []
 def update_status(p: Player, update: str, status: list = status):
     Update the status\n
     # Property status update (list all properties of player)
-    if(update == "properties"):
+    if (update == "properties"):
         color = COLORS.playerColors[p.order]
         status.append(color + f"{} has properties: " + COLORS.RESET)
         for i in range(len(
-            status.append(f"{[i]}: {board.locations[[i]].name}")
-    if(update == "deed"):
+            status.append(
+                f"{[i]}: {board.locations[[i]].name}")
+    if (update == "deed"):
         propertyid = input("What property to view? Enter property #")
             location = board.locations[int(propertyid)]
-            if location.owner > -1: # if the location is owned
+            if location.owner > -1:  # if the location is owned
                 color = COLORS.playerColors[location.owner]
-                status.append(f"Current owner: " + color + f"Player{location.owner}" + COLORS.RESET)
+                status.append(f"Current owner: " + color +
+                              f"Player{location.owner}" + COLORS.RESET)
                 status.append(f"Houses: {location.houses}")
-            if( != 0): # if location could be owned and is not a utility or railroad
+            if ( != 0):  # if location could be owned and is not a utility or railroad
                 status.append(f"{location.color}=== {} ===")
                 status.append(f"Purchase Price: {location.purchasePrice}")
                 status.append(f"Price Per House: {location.housePrice}")

Check failure on line 134 in

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

                 status.append(f"Rent w 4 houses: {location.rent4H}")
                 status.append(f"Rent w hotel: {location.rentHotel}")
                 status.append(f"Mortgage Value: {}")
-            elif (location.owner >= -2 and == 0): # if is a railroad or utility
+            elif (location.owner >= -2 and == 0):  # if is a railroad or utility
                 status.append(f"{location.color}=== {} ===")
                 status.append(f"Purchase Price: {location.purchasePrice}")
-                status.append(f"Rent (or mltplr) with 1 owned: {location.rent1H}")
-                status.append(f"Rent (or mltplr) with 2 owned: {location.rent2H}")
-                status.append(f"Rent with 3 locations owned: {location.rent3H}")
-                status.append(f"Rent with 4 locations owned: {location.rent4H}")
+                status.append(
+                    f"Rent (or mltplr) with 1 owned: {location.rent1H}")
+                status.append(
+                    f"Rent (or mltplr) with 2 owned: {location.rent2H}")
+                status.append(
+                    f"Rent with 3 locations owned: {location.rent3H}")
+                status.append(
+                    f"Rent with 4 locations owned: {location.rent4H}")
                 status.append(f"Mortgage Value: {}")
                 raise ValueError

Check failure on line 143 in

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Autopep8

             print(f"Invalid input. Please enter a # for a property.")
 border = s.get_graphics().get('history and status')
 border = border.split("\n")
 def refresh_h_and_s():
     Refresh the history, status, and leaderboard\n