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喜欢DAG技术的小伙伴有根据地啦,欢迎来我们的DAG技术研究室( https://daglabs.io/ )交流及投稿
对字节雪球ByteBall感兴趣的可以到ByteBall技术社区( https://bbfans.org/ )进行交流
- Future of digital currency may not involve blockchains
- Will Other Distributed Ledgers Replace Blockchain?
- Scaling cryptocurrencies: DAGs
- 警报!一大波DAG公链正在接近!
- Blockchain and the Challengers
- 区块链共识机制分析——论PoW,PoS,DPos和DAG的优缺点
- A Beginner’s Ultimate Guide To DAGs
- An Introduction to the BlockDAG Paradigm
- DAG vs Blockchain
- Ledgers over the years - from ancient Egypt to blockchain, DAG and beyond
- Scaling cryptocurrencies: DAGs
- Scaling crypto (idea): DAG + “clockchain”
- 白话DAG:第3代区块链技术DAG全面盘点
- Are DAGs the next big thing in crypto?
- An overview of Proof of Work based blockchain consensus protocols (part 1)
- An overview of SPECTRE - a blockDAG consensus protocol (part 2)
- An overview of PHANTOM: A blockDAG consensus protocol (part 3)
- An introduction to the Block-Lattice The technology that solves the problems of today’s blockchains
- NXT论坛DAG帖 - 2014年帖子,需登录查看
- DAGCoin - 2015年由Sergio Demian Lerner提出,但并没有代码实现
- Accelerating Bitcoin’s Transaction Processing. Fast Money Grows on Trees, Not Chains. - 2013年由提出修改Bitcoin协议,从而加快确认速度
- Secure High-Rate Transaction Processing in Bitcoin - 提出了GHOST(Greedy Heaviest-Observed Sub-Tree),Ethereum的共识就是基于GHOST
- Inclusive Block Chain Protocols - 2015年提出DAG模型
- SPECTRE:Serialization of Proof-of-work Events: Confirming Transactions via Recursive Elections. - 基于DAG的分布式账本
- PHANTOM: A Scalable BlockDAG protocol - 解决了blockDAG全序的问题
- Snowflake to Avalanche: A Novel Metastable Consensus Protocol Family for Cryptocurrencies - 新型的DAG协议Avalanche
- Scaling Nakamoto Consensus to Thousands of Transactions per Second - 新型的DAG协议Conflux
- Deconstructing the Blockchain to Approach Physical Limits
- 简介:面向物联网应用
- 官网
- 白皮书
- 代码库
- 相关文章:
- 解不开的缠结和IOTA的泪
- 10分钟看懂曾飙涨千倍却暗藏风险的IOTA和它的DAG
- Cryptographic vulnerabilities in IOTA
- 创始人come-from-beyond解释IOTA的经济学考虑
- IOTA可视化展示
- IOTA is centralized
- 物联网与『高效的』IOTA
- Is IOTA’s Tangle Really Quantum-Proof?
- Coordinator. Part 1: The Path to Coordicide
- Coordinator. Part 2: IOTA is a DAG, not a Blockchain
- Coordinator. Part 3: Approaches to Coordicide
- Coordinator. Part 4: An Open Source Coordinator
- The Alpha and the Omega in the crypto space Group-dynamic processes as an explanatory approach
- 简介:面向日常支付使用,具有简单的智能合约
- 官网
- 白皮书:
- 代码库
- 开发文档
- 相关文章:
- byteball介绍1 - byteball的产生原因
- byteball介绍2 - DAG技术
- byteball介绍3 - 智能合约
- byteball介绍4 - byteball的各种应用
- byteball主网压力测试 - 测试给出了三点结论:(1)交易处理速度仅能达到15TPS左右,不同于传统区块链交易处理速度受限于区块大小,DAG网络的交易处理速度与代码执行速度、网络传输时延、硬件处理能力等都可能有关系;(2)网络容易遭受DOS攻击,大量突发式的恶意交易会阻塞网络,降低网络的交易处理速度;(3)随着交易数量增加,交易确认时间可以保持平稳。
- Byteball这个项目太让人兴奋了!
- Byteball-NG 新一代DAG区块链
- Byteball +2 mutations brute force attack
- Byteball move proposal
- byteball原理解析1 - DAG数学基础及byteball区块链结构
- byteball原理解析2 - byteball的共识算法
- byteball原理解析3 - byteball的地址、脚本及合约
- byteball原理解析4 - byteball的网络结构
- byteball原理解析5 - byteball的应用
- ByteBall网络节点通信协议详解
- Byteball 访谈录( 第1部分): 第三代加密货币,见证人,IOTA vs. BYTEBALL
- Byteball访谈录(第2部分):技术优势,黑字节,定期分发和返现系统
- ByteBall钱包详解
- 再论ByteBall钱包
- ByteBall见证人基本原理
- ByteBall加密通信原理解析
- ByteBall目前存在的一些问题及改进方向
- ByteBall核心算法之交易单元生成过程
- Byteball JS Tutorials #1 : Understanding basics.
- Byteball JS Tutorials #2 : Create a web page that sends bytes to any byteball account
- Tutorial for developers on Byteball. Part 1
- The problems with Byteball
- 简介:一种新型的DAG技术
- 官网
- 白皮书
- 代码库:
- 相关文章:
- 区块链败局已定,Hashgraph 才是未来?
- Hashgraph —— 或许是目前最为优秀的共识协议
- 神级项目Hashgraph真的能成为区块链终结者吗?
- 未来的分布式账本技术:不是区块链,是哈希图?
- Zillqa CTO谈Hashgraph
- Hashgraph: Will It Make Blockchain Obsolete? - 基础原理分析
- Building with HashGraph Part 1: Introduction - HashGraph开发指南(一)
- Building with HashGraph Part 2: Technical Workthrough - HashGraph开发指南(二)
- Why Hashgraph will never replace Blockchain
- Inside the Distributed Ledger World; Is the Hashgraph Better Than the Blockchain?
- Blockchain Just Became Obsolete. The Future is Hashgraph
- HASHGRAPH Python Implementation.
- Demystifying Hashgraph: Benefits and Challenges
- Is The Future Of Blockchains DAGs ?— 5 Takeaways From The Hashgraph Event In NYC on March 13th
- Hedera Hashgraph and a few thoughts on the future of distributed ledgers
- Blockchains vs. Hashgraphs
- 简介:A free and lightning fast peer-to-peer transactional network for digital assets.
- 官网
- 白皮书
- 代码库
- Development Resources
- Mixin developer group: https://mixin.one/codes/0f2a743d-d86b-4a6c-b26c-14e320799311
- Telegram group: https://t.me/MixinDevelopers
- Golang SDK: https://github.com/MixinNetwork/bot-api-go-client
- Mixin Messager Android https://github.com/MixinNetwork/android-app
- Mixin Messager iOS https://github.com/MixinNetwork/ios-app
- Nodejs Demo (non official): https://github.com/virushuo/mixin-node
- Python Demo (non official): https://github.com/myrual/mixin_client_demo
- Java Demo (non official): https://github.com/qige-one/mixin_java_sdk
- Ocean ONE (blockchain exchange): https://github.com/MixinNetwork/ocean.one
- 相关文章
- 简介:基于DAG的知识付费
- 白皮书
- daglabs - 主要实现SPECTRE和PHANTOM两种DAG上的共识算法
- Get Rid of Blocks
- IOTA vs RaiBlocks
- DAG coin comparison (Byteball, IOTA, RaiBlocks, etc)
- ByteBall vs IOTA - battle of two DAG cryptocurrencies
- Blockchain vs DAG (Byteball's concencus algorithm).
- Blockchain vs DAG (Directed Acyclic Graphs) vs Byteball
- Confirmation Times in SPECTRE
- Scaling a Blockchain vs Scaling a Tangle - Pointing out possible weaknesses in the DAG scalability
- Sergio Demian Lerner
- Yonatan Sompolinsky
- Yoad Lewenberg
- Aviv Zohar
- Serguei Popov
- Sergey Ivancheglo
- Anton Churyumov
- Leemon Baird