Hi, I'm currently looking for a new job opportunity. If you need a Python Backend Developer, Vue/Nuxt Developer or both, please contact me via email ([email protected]) or LinkedIn.
Web Developer and Digital Entrepreneur.
I'm a Full-stack Web Developer with over 7-years of experience in web application development. My strongest skills are in Python, Django and Nuxt.js. I'm good at business analysis for structuring and developing digital products well-aligned to user experience. I've worked in start-up environments and having led teams using various Agile methodologies such Scrum and Kanban. Furthermore, I always have worked remotely, so, I understand the importance of good communication. Visit my LinkedIn profile to know more about me.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on a small personal project while looking for a job.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning FastAPI and the ecosystem around it (Pydantic, SQLAlchemy, Pytest and more).
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with job opportunities.
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected] or LinkedIn
My native language is Portuguese, but I get along well with English too. I'm currently planning to do an English exchange to improve my speaking skills.
Some skills that I find interesting to mention.
- Building APIs using Python (Django and FastAPI)
- Google Cloud Platform ecosystem and products
- Experience with CI/CD (Gitlab CI & Cloud Build)
- Creation of Web Interfaces with Nuxt.js (Vue.js)
- Experience with Interface Design (I took the notable uiExpert course)
- Project management with Jira Software (I'm very organized, I use other tools like Notion, Calendar, etc.)
I currently live in Loures, Lisbon, Portugal.