Official build sources (Dockerfile and for tag latest
has been used:
$ docker build -t <your_namespace>/wordpress ./wordpress
For example:
$ docker build -t ujhgj/wordpress ./wordpress
To bring up the project:
$ docker-compose up -d
Navigate to kubernetes
$ cd ./kubernetes
Create persistent volumes:
$ kubectl create -f local-volumes.yaml
Create the Secret object from the following command:
$ kubectl create secret generic mysql-pass --from-literal=password=password
Deploy Mysql and Wordpress app:
$ kubectl create -f mysql-deployment.yaml
$ kubectl create -f wordpress-deployment.yaml
If you use minikube to run Kubernetes you can get working url of the application using:
$ minikube service wordpress --url
Run the following command to delete mysql Secret:
$ kubectl delete secret mysql-pass
Run the following commands to delete all Deployments and Services:
$ kubectl delete deployment -l app=wordpress
$ kubectl delete service -l app=wordpress
Run the following commands to delete the PersistentVolumeClaims and the PersistentVolumes:
$ kubectl delete pvc -l app=wordpress
$ kubectl delete pv local-pv-1 local-pv-2