general git_cfg to be used around: aliases
color in: tcshell / shell
clone this repository at your home directory (in windows it would be like: c:\users\your_user_id), so that a folder will be available there like (in windows): c:\users\your_user_id\git_cfg
look in your home directory for file .bash_profile, .bashrc or similar, which is run at startup and shall be available after installing git client.
then add this line:
test -f ~/git_cfg/.bash_aliases && . ~/git_cfg/.bash_aliases
look in your home directory for file .bash_profile, .bashrc or similar, which is run at startup and shall be available after installing git client.
test -f ~/git_cfg/gitprompt.csh && . ~/git_cfg/gitprompt.csh
look for this line (if not found, add)
# uncomment for a colored prompt, if the terminal has the capability; turned
# off by default to not distract the user: the focus in a terminal window
# should be on the output of commands, not on the prompt
replace lines between
unset color_prompt force_color_prompt
with the content of:
modify .bash_aliases, prompt files as per your needs
in git bash at home directory use this:
source ~/.bashrc (or ~/.bashprofile)
also, I checked other option using below, but didnt work and was a big change on settings, so stopped: