I am a Data Scientist with a strong background in Neuroscience. I have expertise in Computer Vision, Machine Learning and NLP. Check out some of my public repositories on these topics:
- imutils: An image processing repository to analyze microscopy images that I wrote for my research at the University of Vienna. It is being used and further developed by the researchers in the Zimmer Lab.
- Fiji Macros: A compilation of macros and scripts for the image processing software Fiji (ImageJ).
- Sentiment Analysis of Movie Reviews: Trained and developed an NLP model utilizing word embeddings and text vectorization techniques to classify movie reviews as positive or negative based on textual input.
- Newspaper headlines sentiment analysis: Created a dataset of newspaper headlines via webscrapping, to analyze sentiment analysis depending on variables such as topic, location, author gender, date, etc. (π·πΌ New progress to be updated).
- Paraphrasing: Trained an NLP model o detect if two sentences are paraphrases or not. (π·πΌ Not available yet).
- NASA Skyrocket failure detection: Used the imblearn library to balance a dataset to predict very rare occurances of rocket failure. Different data augmentation methods (Random, SMOTE, ADASYN) were evaluated with a simple Linear Discrimination Analysis to determine best strategy to launch rockets safely.
- genAI of numbers with MNIST+: Trained two neuronal GANs to generate images of numbers. In the first one, two adversarial networks are trained against each other to generate images that ressemble numbers. The second one is a condiotional GAN with labels to have a generative Network that can generate images of specific numbers.
- Barcelona neighborhood analysis: A study on Barcelona's neighborhoods features and the possibility to predict the mean income of a neighborhood based on them.
- Movie Analysis: An installable package to analyze datasets from the Internet Movie Database (imbd). Final project of Python I of the master in Data Science - UOC.
- NYC Taxi Traffic Analysis: Analysis of the taxi routes in NYC, before during and after the COVID pandemic.
- Bike as a service prediction modelling: A forecasting model on the transport use of a bike as a service platform in Barcelona. Used databricks to log model parameters and streamlit for app deployment and visualization.
Python, R, Java, Bash, Matlab.
- Diploma in Human Biology by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona (2007-2012)
- PhD in Neuroscience at the Free University of Berlin with a Max Planck Fellowship (2012-2018)
- Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Vienna (2017-2023)
- Master in Data Science (2023-2024)
For more information, check my website or find me on LinkedIn.