This Laravel package adds support for the 99designs PHP interface to the globocom Thumbor thumbnail service.
It is compatible with Laravel 5,6,7,8+
Simply run this command in your project root:
composer require r0bdiablo/laravel5-phumbor
or require the package in your composer.json
"r0bdiabl0/laravel5-phumbor": "^1.0"
Run composer install
to download the package and have the autoloader updated.
Once installed, register the service provider with your Laravel application. Update the providers
section of config/app.php
'providers' = array(
// existing providers
and register the facade in the aliases
'aliases' => array(
// existing aliases
'Phumbor' => R0bdiabl0\Laravel5Phumbor\Facades\Phumbor::class,
Now, publish the package's config file:
php artisan vendor:publish
which will publish the default configuration file to config/laravel5-phumbor.php
You should modify this file to reflect your Thumbor installation's URL and secret key.
The Phumbor
facade exposes the API from the 99designs PHP interface.
For example:
->fitIn(640, 480)
->addFilter('fill', 'green');
Licensed under the MIT license. See