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CWL supports JavaScript expressions, so why not write them in TypeScript?
- Why TypeScript
- Package Management with Yarn
- Exercise 1: Create a CWL expression 'get bam file from directory' using TypeScript
- Initialising the TypeScript directory
- Import our CWLJS into the CWL expression
- Deep listing updates
- Test in cwl
- Configuring your IDE 🚧
TypeScript is like JavaScript but with type support.
TypeScript is well support with a large community making it an easy language to learn, and find the right answers to your problems.
TypeScript can "transpile" to ES5.1 which guarantees CWL compatability.
Using an IDE such as VSCode or Webstorm can ensure that code errors are picked up quickly at create and compilation time, rather than at run time.
We can also use the auto-generated cwl-ts-auto to generate much of the code for us.
Death to node_modules, we're on the yarn v3 train!!
cwl-ica cli users can skip this step since this is all handled for you.
First ensure npm and therefore node is installed and is version 18+
$ type node
## node is hashed (/usr/bin/node)
$ node --version
## v18.8.0
Enable the corepack with the following command And get yarn ready for action!
corepack enable
corepack prepare yarn@stable --activate
Now make sure yarn is available, don't stress as to the version of yarn it is versioned in the project
$ type yarn
## yarn is hashed (/home/alexiswl/.yarn/bin/yarn)
$ yarn --version
The full output of this exercise can be seen at
- Create a CWL expression that can collect a bam file from a directory given a directory and the name of the bam file.
- The JavaScript logic should be written in TypeScript and then transpiled into ES5 JavaScript
- The JavaScript logic will then be imported into the CWL Expression using the
If you don't have the cwl-ica software simply create a file with the contents shown below
cwl-ica create-expression-from-template \
--expression-name get-bam-file-from-directory \
--expression-version 1.0.2 \
--username "${CWL_ICA_DEFAULT_USER}"
This should yield a file at expressions/get-bam-file-from-directory/1.0.1 with the following contents:
Click to expand!
cwlVersion: v1.1
class: ExpressionTool
# Extensions
s: https://schema.org/
ilmn-tes: http://platform.illumina.com/rdf/ica/
- https://schema.org/version/latest/schemaorg-current-http.rdf
# Metadata
class: s:Person
# ID/Docs
id: get-bam-file-from-directory--1.0.2
label: get-bam-file-from-directory v(1.0.2)
doc: |
Documentation for get-bam-file-from-directory v1.0.2
inputs: []
outputs: []
expression: "$\n{\n/*\nInsert Expression here\n*/\n}\n"
Let's set the inputs of the CWL Expression to the following:
label: input dir
doc: |
Input directory with the bam file present
type: Directory
label: bam nameroot
doc: |
nameroot of the bam file
type: string
Let's set the outputs of the CWL Expression to the following:
label: bam file
doc: |
The bam file output with the .bai attribute
type: File
- pattern: ".bai"
required: true
And let's set the expression component to the following
expression: >-
return {"bam_file": get_bam_file_from_directory(inputs.input_dir, inputs.bam_nameroot)};
We will then write the function get_bam_file_from_directory in the next steps in TypeScript.
Head to the directory containing the CWL expression we've just added in the previous step.
This step aims to:
- Initialise the tsconfig file (and edit the compiler options)
- Ensure node types are installed
Via cwl-ica cli
We create our directory adjacent to the expression file with the following command
cwl-ica append-typescript-directory-to-cwl-expression-tool \
--expression-path expressions/get-bam-file-from-directory/1.0.1/get-bam-file-from-directory__1.0.1.cwl
We can use the initialise_typescript_expression_directory.sh
shell script in the [cwl-ica cli bin directory][cwl_ica_bin_dir].
An example of the invocation may be
initialise_typescript_expression_directory.sh \
--typescript-expression-dir expressions/get-bam-file-from-directory/1.0.1/typescript-expressions/ \
--package-name "get-bam-file-from-directory"
Both of these options run the following commands inside expressions/get-bam-file-from-directory/1.0.1/typescript-expressions/
# Initialise directory
$ yarn init -2
# Upgrade yarn to the latest stable version
$ yarn set version stable
# Do a install test
$ yarn install
# Check the version of yarn
$ yarn --version
## 3.2.3
# Add project requirements
yarn add --dev \
typescript \
ts-jest \
jest \
cwl-ts-auto \
The requirement source pages are linked below:
I recommend ignoring the following patterns in your git repo
By providing a yarn.lock and package.json file adjacent to our typescript expression, we ensure that the next developer is able to reproduce our efforts. These should remain committed / version controlled in your repository.
Inside the typescript-expressions directory, should exist a file called tsconfig.json.
This tells TypeScript to transpile to es5.
We also have a jest configuration file created for us.
This tells jest to look for files under tests/ that end in .test.ts
We should see that a blank file already exists under tests/ with this naming convention.
Note, please don't copy / paste, please type this out in your IDE (like webstorm) and watch the hints / magic unfold To assist with your IDE set up, please consult the IDE section at the bottom of this readme.
Inside the typescript-expressions directory, should exist a file called get-bam-file-from-directory__1.0.1.ts. We'll be editing it as part of this exercise.
Import File and Directory from the cwl-ts-auto package. Since CWL handles files and directories as interfaces at runtime, we use the IFile and IDirectory notation.
We also import the Directory and File class enums.
import {
DirectoryProperties as IDirectory,
FileProperties as IFile
} from "cwl-ts-auto";
export function get_bam_file_from_directory(input_dir: IDirectory, bam_nameroot: string): IFile {
We want to make sure that the input directory is actually a directory! The directory's listing attribute should be defined and not null
We also want to make sure that the bam nameroot is defined.
We then collect the listing as a variable asserting that it's a list of type File and Directory
export function get_bam_file_from_directory(input_dir: IDirectory, bam_nameroot: string): IFile {
Initialise the output file object
let output_bam_obj: File | null = null
let output_bam_index_obj: File | null = null
Check input_dir is a directory and has a listing
if (input_dir.class_ === undefined || input_dir.class_ !== "Directory"){
throw new Error("Could not confirm that the first argument was a directory")
if (input_dir.listing === undefined || input_dir.listing === null){
throw new Error(`Could not collect listing from directory "${input_dir.basename}"`)
Check that the bam_nameroot input is defined
if (bam_nameroot === undefined || bam_nameroot === null){
throw new Error("Did not receive a name of a bam file")
Collect listing as a variable
const input_listing: (IDirectory | IFile)[] = input_dir.listing
// TBC ...
Let's iterate over the listing and collect the bam file based on name matching
export function get_bam_file_from_directory(input_dir: Directory, bam_nameroot: string): File {
// Initialise and checks...
Iterate through the file listing
for (const listing_item of input_listing) {
if (listing_item.class_ === File_class.FILE && listing_item.basename === bam_nameroot + ".bam"){
Got the bam file
output_bam_obj = listing_item
Let's iterate over the listing item again and aim to find the secondary file for this bam file
export function get_bam_file_from_directory(input_dir: Directory, bam_nameroot: string): File {
// Initialise, checks, and first listing loops ...
Iterate through the listing again and look for the secondary file
for (const listing_item of input_listing){
if (listing_item.class_ === File_class.FILE && listing_item.basename === bam_nameroot + ".bam.bai"){
Got the bam index file
output_bam_index_obj = listing_item
// TBC...
We throw errors if we couldn't find either the bam file or the bam index
export function get_bam_file_from_directory(input_dir: Directory, bam_nameroot: string): File {
// Initialise, checks, and both listing loops
Ensure we found the bam object
if (output_bam_obj === null){
throw new Error(`Could not find bam file in the directory ${input_dir.basename}`)
Ensure we found the bam index object
if (output_bam_index_obj === null) {
throw new Error(`Could not find secondary file in the directory ${input_dir.basename}`)
// TBC...
export function get_bam_file_from_directory(input_dir: Directory, bam_nameroot: string): File {
// Initialise, checks, and both listing loops and output checks
Assign bam index as a secondary file of the output bam object
output_bam_obj.secondaryFiles = [
return output_bam_obj
Click to expand!
import {
DirectoryProperties as IDirectory,
FileProperties as IFile
} from "cwl-ts-auto";
export function get_bam_file_from_directory(input_dir: IDirectory, bam_nameroot: string): IFile {
Initialise the output file object
let output_bam_obj: IFile | null = null
let output_bam_index_obj: IFile | null = null
Check input_dir is a directory and has a listing
if (input_dir.class_ === undefined || input_dir.class_ !== Directory_class.DIRECTORY){
throw new Error("Could not confirm that the first argument was a directory")
if (input_dir.listing === undefined || input_dir.listing === null){
throw new Error(`Could not collect listing from directory "${input_dir.basename}"`)
Check that the bam_nameroot input is defined
if (bam_nameroot === undefined || bam_nameroot === null){
throw new Error("Did not receive a name of a bam file")
Collect listing as a variable
const input_listing: (IDirectory | IFile)[] = input_dir.listing
Iterate through the file listing
for (const listing_item of input_listing) {
if (listing_item.class_ === File_class.FILE && listing_item.basename === bam_nameroot + ".bam"){
Got the bam file
output_bam_obj = listing_item
Iterate through the listing again and look for the secondary file
for (const listing_item of input_listing){
if (listing_item.class_ === File_class.FILE && listing_item.basename === bam_nameroot + ".bam.bai"){
Got the bam index file
output_bam_index_obj = listing_item
Ensure we found the bam object
if (output_bam_obj === null){
throw new Error(`Could not find bam file in the directory ${input_dir.basename}`)
Check the secondary file has been defined
if (output_bam_obj.secondaryFiles !== undefined){
// Picked up index object in the recursion step
else if (output_bam_index_obj === null) {
throw new Error(`Could not find secondary file in the directory ${input_dir.basename}`)
} else {
Assign bam index as a secondary file of the output bam object
output_bam_obj.secondaryFiles = [
return output_bam_obj
The script we've just created will only look in the top directory of the listing, can we call this script recursively as to find the bam file in a subdirectory instead?
Let's add a third parameter to the function called recursive and set it to false by default
export function get_bam_file_from_directory(input_dir: IDirectory, bam_nameroot: string, recursive: boolean=false): IFile {
// Logic
Then we'll add a clause to the first listing, where if the listing item is a directory, we call the function on that directory as an input.
export function get_bam_file_from_directory(input_dir: IDirectory, bam_nameroot: string, recursive: boolean=false): IFile {
// Initialise, checks,
Iterate through the file listing
for (const listing_item of input_listing) {
if (listing_item.class_ === File_class.FILE && listing_item.basename === bam_nameroot + ".bam"){
Got the bam file
output_bam_obj = listing_item
if (listing_item.class_ === Directory_class.DIRECTORY && recursive){
try {
// Consider that the bam file might not be in this subdirectory and that is okay
output_bam_obj = get_bam_file_from_directory(listing_item, bam_nameroot, recursive)
} catch (error){
// Dont need to report an error though, just continue
if (output_bam_obj !== null){
// Output checks and return statement
The final product should look like so
Click to expand!
import {
DirectoryProperties as IDirectory,
FileProperties as IFile
} from "cwl-ts-auto";
export function get_bam_file_from_directory(input_dir: IDirectory, bam_nameroot: string, recursive: boolean=false): IFile {
Initialise the output file object
let output_bam_obj: IFile | null = null
let output_bam_index_obj: IFile | null = null
Check input_dir is a directory and has a listing
if (input_dir.class_ === undefined || input_dir.class_ !== Directory_class.DIRECTORY){
throw new Error("Could not confirm that the first argument was a directory")
if (input_dir.listing === undefined || input_dir.listing === null){
throw new Error(`Could not collect listing from directory "${input_dir.basename}"`)
Check that the bam_nameroot input is defined
if (bam_nameroot === undefined || bam_nameroot === null){
throw new Error("Did not receive a name of a bam file")
Collect listing as a variable
const input_listing: (IDirectory | IFile)[] = input_dir.listing
Iterate through the file listing
for (const listing_item of input_listing) {
if (listing_item.class_ === File_class.FILE && listing_item.basename === bam_nameroot + ".bam"){
Got the bam file
output_bam_obj = listing_item
if (listing_item.class_ === Directory_class.DIRECTORY && recursive){
try {
// Consider that the bam file might not be in this subdirectory and that is okay
output_bam_obj = get_bam_file_from_directory(listing_item, bam_nameroot, recursive)
} catch (error){
// Dont need to report an error though, just continue
if (output_bam_obj !== null){
Iterate through the listing again and look for the secondary file
for (const listing_item of input_listing){
if (listing_item.class_ === File_class.FILE && listing_item.basename === bam_nameroot + ".bam.bai"){
Got the bam index file
output_bam_index_obj = listing_item
Ensure we found the bam object
if (output_bam_obj === null){
throw new Error(`Could not find bam file in the directory ${input_dir.basename}`)
Check the secondary file has been defined
if (output_bam_obj.secondaryFiles !== undefined){
// Picked up index object in the recursion step
else if (output_bam_index_obj === null) {
throw new Error(`Could not find secondary file in the directory ${input_dir.basename}`)
} else {
Assign bam index as a secondary file of the output bam object
output_bam_obj.secondaryFiles = [
return output_bam_obj
We use the tsc function to compile our code to JavaScript.
Since we have a cleaned directory we use the cwl-ica typescript-expression-validate
command to
temporarily populate install the package.json requirements, convert the typescript into javascript, run the test suite and
then convert the javascript into specialised cwljs code.
Non cwl-ica cli users can use the validate_typescript_expressions_directory.sh
script from the
[cwl-ica bin directory][cwl_ica_bin_dir] to complete this process.
cwl-ica typescript-expression-validate \
--typescript-expression-dir "expressions/get-bam-file-from-directory/1.0.1/typescript-expressions/"
# OR
validate_typescript_expressions_directory.sh \
--typescript-expression-dir "expressions/get-bam-file-from-directory/1.0.1/typescript-expressions/" \
This should create a file called get_bam_file_from_directory__1.0.1.js.
Note all of our typing is gone, our const and let declarations have all been converted to var.
The TypeScript for loops have also been converted to simpler iterables.
Our backtick strings have also been replaced with concat methods.
We should also have a .cwljs file in our directory, this is the one we will include in our expression.
If you haven't done so already, I recommend overriding the cwljs file type as JavaScript in your IDE.
Note: Please don't copy and paste, just watch the magic happen as you type!
Inside the tests folder there should be a file called get_bam_file_from_directory__1.0.1.test.ts, that magically passed in the previous step.
The .test.ts suffix is important for jest to know which files to read.
Update the test file with the following contents
import {
DirectoryProperties as IDirectory,
FileProperties as IFile
} from "cwl-ts-auto";
import {get_bam_file_from_directory} from "../get-bam-file-from-directory__1.0.1";
Add the following variables to our tests file.
We are emulating the input_dir for a CWL directory here.
Click to expand!
// imports
// Test the get bam file from directory
const INPUT_BAM_FILE_NAMEROOT = "footest"
const INPUT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_LOCATION = "outputs/output-directory"
// When in the top directory
const INPUT_SHALLOW_LISTING: IDirectory = {
class_: Directory_class.DIRECTORY,
listing: [
class_: File_class.FILE,
basename: "index.html",
location: `${INPUT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_LOCATION}/index.html`
class_: File_class.FILE,
class_: File_class.FILE,
basename: `${INPUT_BAM_FILE_BASENAME}.bai`,
class_: File_class.FILE,
basename: "logs.txt",
// When in a nested directory directory
const INPUT_NESTED_DIRECTORY_NAME = "nested-directory";
const INPUT_DEEP_LISTING: IDirectory = {
class_: Directory_class.DIRECTORY,
listing: [
class_: File_class.FILE,
basename: "index.html",
location: `${INPUT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_LOCATION}/index.html`
class_: Directory_class.DIRECTORY,
listing: [
class_: File_class.FILE,
class_: File_class.FILE,
basename: `${INPUT_BAM_FILE_BASENAME}.bai`,
class_: File_class.FILE,
basename: "logs.txt",
We expect a CWL File object as an output.
We define that accordingly
Click to expand!
class_: File_class.FILE,
secondaryFiles: [
class_: File_class.FILE,
basename: `${INPUT_BAM_FILE_BASENAME}.bai`,
class_: File_class.FILE,
secondaryFiles: [
class_: File_class.FILE,
basename: `${INPUT_BAM_FILE_BASENAME}.bai`,
We use the describe and test functions here to ensure the expected output objects equal the obtained objects after running the inputs through the get_bam_file_from_directory function.
Head to the ts-jest docs to learn what other comparisons can be done
describe('Test Shallow Directory Listing', function () {
// Get script path
test("Test the get bam file from directory function non-recursively", () => {
describe('Test Deep Directory Listing', function () {
// Get script path
test("Test the deep listing function", () => {
get_bam_file_from_directory(INPUT_DEEP_LISTING, INPUT_BAM_FILE_NAMEROOT, true)
The final test file should look something like this:
Click to expand!
import {
DirectoryProperties as IDirectory,
FileProperties as IFile
} from "cwl-ts-auto";
import {get_bam_file_from_directory} from "../get-bam-file-from-directory__1.0.1";
// Test the get bam file from directory
const INPUT_BAM_FILE_NAMEROOT = "footest"
const INPUT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_LOCATION = "outputs/output-directory"
// When in the top directory
const INPUT_SHALLOW_LISTING: IDirectory = {
class_: Directory_class.DIRECTORY,
listing: [
class_: File_class.FILE,
basename: "index.html",
location: `${INPUT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_LOCATION}/index.html`
class_: File_class.FILE,
class_: File_class.FILE,
basename: `${INPUT_BAM_FILE_BASENAME}.bai`,
class_: File_class.FILE,
basename: "logs.txt",
// When in a nested directory directory
const INPUT_NESTED_DIRECTORY_NAME = "nested-directory";
const INPUT_DEEP_LISTING: IDirectory = {
class_: Directory_class.DIRECTORY,
listing: [
class_: File_class.FILE,
basename: "index.html",
location: `${INPUT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_LOCATION}/index.html`
class_: Directory_class.DIRECTORY,
listing: [
class_: File_class.FILE,
class_: File_class.FILE,
basename: `${INPUT_BAM_FILE_BASENAME}.bai`,
class_: File_class.FILE,
basename: "logs.txt",
class_: File_class.FILE,
secondaryFiles: [
class_: File_class.FILE,
basename: `${INPUT_BAM_FILE_BASENAME}.bai`,
class_: File_class.FILE,
secondaryFiles: [
class_: File_class.FILE,
basename: `${INPUT_BAM_FILE_BASENAME}.bai`,
describe('Test Shallow Directory Listing', function () {
// Get script path
test("Test the get bam file from directory function non-recursively", () => {
describe('Test Deep Directory Listing', function () {
// Get script path
test("Test the deep listing function", () => {
get_bam_file_from_directory(INPUT_DEEP_LISTING, INPUT_BAM_FILE_NAMEROOT, true)
We re-run the validation scripts above, this will take a minute or so.
cwl-ica typescript-expression-validate \
--typescript-expression-dir "expressions/get-bam-file-from-directory/1.0.1/typescript-expressions/"
# OR
validate_typescript_expressions_directory.sh \
--typescript-expression-dir "expressions/get-bam-file-from-directory/1.0.1/typescript-expressions/" \
A file called summary.txt should now exist in our tests directory. This file should be committed and version controlled.
The summary file tells us the following information:
- Did TypeScript have any warnings or errors transpiling?
- Which tests passed and which failed?
- How many lines of code / functions were covered by the tests?
This is done by the validation commands above so don't need to reproduce this But it's good to know
The JS output from TypeScript cannot be imported into CWL just yet, otherwise CWL will complain.
We do a couple of magical touch ups with sed before proceeding.
Let's go through each of the components separately.
removes the line use strict; -
removes all exports lines i.e _exports._esModule = true; -
removes all require lines -
removes a Object definition property statement at the header -
s%//(.*)%/* \1 */%;
converts single line comments (that use the // syntax) to /comment/ syntax -
converts class_ attribute to class, since cwl-ts-auto will use the class_ over class attribute -
s%:\ %:%g;
converts ": " to ":" since CWL will otherwise interpret ": " as a yaml key -
Replaces the File_class enum with just "File" -
Replaces the Directory_class enum with just "Directory"
Under the requirements.InlineJavascriptRequirement we include the JavaScript code
- $include: ./typescript-expressions/get_bam_file_from_directory.cwljs
We add in the deep listing requirement if we wish to run our expression recursively
# InlineJavaScriptRequirement...
loadListing: deep_listing
We must also update the expression such that the recursive parameter is set to true
expression: >-
return {"bam_file": get_bam_file_from_directory(inputs.input_dir, inputs.bam_nameroot, true)};
Let's create a test directory
mkdir inputs-test
touch inputs-test/foo.bam
touch inputs-test/foo.bam.bai
Run the cwl expression
cwltool get-bam_file-from-directory__1.0.2.cwl --input_dir inputs-test --bam_nameroot foo
This is still a work in progress but I will share what I have so far.
For cwl-ica users, just make sure your conda env is up to date and re-run the install.sh script in the cwl-ica cli repo.
For non cwl-ica users, this install.sh script performs the following tasks on the cwl-ica conda repo.
- Checks yarn is NOT installed by conda (removes it if so)
- Installs npm (v18+)
- Updates npm
- Checks npm prefix is the same as the conda prefix
- Runs corepack enable and corepack prepate yarn@stable --activate
- Instead installs yarn via npm
- Installs pnpm via npm
This is CWL_ICA_REPO_PATH for cwl-ica users
The package.json should have the following contents
"name": "cwl-ica",
"packageManager": "[email protected]",
"devDependencies": {
"@types/jest": "^29.0.2",
"@types/node": "^18.7.18",
"cwl-ts-auto": "^0.1.3",
"jest": "^29.0.3",
"ts-jest": "^29.0.1",
"typescript": "^4.8.3"
yarn install
This will create a few files under .yarn, please ensure that this is ignored by git.
This is ideally NOT in the same directory, saves having an extra .idea file in the directory.
I usually place mine in the default WebStormProjects in documents.
Configure Webstorm - make sure to click Apply after changing your settings!
Set the only content root to the top of your git repo
Set JavaScript version to 5.1
Set NodeJS binaries based on the installation inside your virtualenv / conda env.
Set node to the same value it was in the previous command.
But set TypeScript to yarn:package.json:typescript.
Then give webstorm a big all-mighty refresh by going File -> Invalidate Caches and ensuring that the Clear file system cache and Local History is checked.