- Use this profile if your microservice need: ORM, API, LAMBDA, SQS
- Consider building a microservice:
- Make sure you have activated conda environment and setup dev toolchain
- At project root, preform:
conda create -n hello-manager python=3.12
conda activate hello-manager
mkdir -p ./lib/workload/stateless/stacks/hello-manager
pip install Django
django-admin startproject --template skel/django-api hello_manager ./lib/workload/stateless/stacks/hello-manager
cd lib/workload/stateless/stacks/hello-manager
(make sure db is up)
make up
make ps
make install
python manage.py inspectdb
python manage.py showmigrations
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py showmigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py inspectdb
python manage.py inspectdb hello_manager_helloworld
python manage.py test
python manage.py shell_plus
>>> HelloWorld.objects.count()
>>> HelloWorld.objects.create(text="Hello World")
<HelloWorld: ID: 1, text: Hello World>
>>> HelloWorld.objects.count()
>>> HelloWorld.objects.first()
<HelloWorld: ID: 1, text: Hello World>
>>> exit()
make psql
orcabus# \l
orcabus# \dt
orcabus# \d hello_manager_helloworld
orcabus# select * from hello_manager_helloworld;
orcabus# \q
python manage.py runserver_plus
(in another terminal)
curl -s http://localhost:8000/hlo/v1/hello | jq
curl -s http://localhost:8000/hlo/v1/hello/1 | jq
open -a "Google Chrome" http://localhost:8000/hlo/v1/
open -a "Google Chrome" http://localhost:8000/swagger-ui/
open -a "Google Chrome" http://localhost:8000/schema/openapi.json
(CRTL+C to stop the server)
python manage.py help
- See Django doc for more.
- See Django Rest Framework doc for more.
- Unit test model
python manage.py test hello_manager.tests.test_models.HelloModelTests.test_save_hello
- Unit test proc handler
python manage.py test hello_manager_proc.tests.test_hello_proc.HelloProcUnitTests.test_handler
- Unit test service layer
python manage.py test hello_manager_proc.tests.test_hello_srv.HelloSrvUnitTests.test_get_hello_from_db
python manage.py reset_db
rm hello_manager/migrations/0001_initial.py
python manage.py showmigrations
At this point, you may rename the source code and continue developing the app or simply delete it.
Go back to project root and clean up like so:
make down
cd ../../../../../
rm -rf lib/workload/stateless/stacks/hello-manager
conda deactivate
conda env remove -n hello-manager
Each App stack comes with corresponding deploy/stack.ts
for CDK boilerplate code as well.
Typically, it is unfinished CDK deployment code. You will need to complete it.
Follow the FIXME
This App stack use the following CDK Construct library. You may need to refer their documentation for further enhancement or tweaking.