Min. SDK 29
- Show 10 items at Main Page / Activity.
- Use Parcelable for Intent between Activity.
- Use ListView for list
- Detail Page contains basic Information (Username, Name, Avatar)
- Good UI / Layouting.
- Clean code, identation, import usage.
- Use RecyclerView
- Detail Page contains all information.
- Splash Screen, share button, etc.
Search Page:
- Search user by API
- From search result, app user can go to Detail User
- List use RecyclerView
- RecyclerView use ConstraintLayout
Detail User:
- Use page as Submission 1
- Show fragment contain list follower and following from API
- Use TabLayout, BottomNavigationView, other to navigate list
Load Indicator while load data.
- Good UI / Layout
- Use SearchView for search feature.
- Clean Code
- Implement LiveData
- Localization (Indonesia & English)
Favorite User
- Add and delete user from list
- Show favorite list
- Item detail at list
- On Off Setting for reminder
- Daily reminder for each 9 AM
Consumer App
- Create new Module to show favorite user
- Use COntent Provider
- Good UI / Layout
- Clean Code
- Splash Screen, Share
- Add Stack Widget for Favorite User page
- Use Retrofit, FAN, etc
- Use Room, Realm, etc
- Apply design pattern MVP / MVVM / Arch, etc