Release 1 - Resumo
Objetivos Alcançados
Entrega do MVP:
- Desenvolvimento de todos os requisitos levantados na release anterior.
- Conclusão da aplicação Next.js do frontend.
- Páginas Home, Pesquisa e Sobre completas.
- Configuração do axios e das requisições para cada gráfico.
- Implementação de testes unitários de componentes.
- Exibição e filtragem dos dados recebidos do backend.
Documentação, Qualidade e Deploy:
- Documentação completa do MVP.
- Pipelines de qualidade de código com testes unitários, linter e build.
- Pipelines de deploy na vercel tanto de preview para testes quanto para produção na main.
Melhorias e Conquistas
- Estabelecimento de uma base sólida para o desenvolvimento do projeto.
- Melhoria da qualidade de código com as pipelines de integração contínua.
Próximos Passos
- Implementar novos componentes gráficos para análise de dados ainda mais complexas.
- Planejar e preparar futuras releases para garantir o progresso contínuo do projeto.
Esta Release 1 representa um marco importante no desenvolvimento do projeto, estabelecendo a entrega final do projeto.
What's Changed
- Feature#48/configure eslint by @rafgpereira in #51
- Feature #49/implements filtes by @jlucasiqueira in #52
- Feature #50/configure apexchart by @rafgpereira in #53
- Feature #54/ranking component by @rafgpereira in #55
- docs(#56): Updates sprint 4 documentation and includes sprint 5 by @jlucasiqueira in #57
- Feature #58/second topic search page by @JoaoPedrooSS in #59
- Documentation and other features by @johan-rocha in #60
- Feature #62/update sprints documentation by @JoaoPedrooSS in #64
- feature#61/update-search-page by @jlucasiqueira in #65
- Feature#63/update contribute by @rafgpereira in #66
- Feature #67/search structure by @JoaoPedrooSS in #70
- Feature #68/initial service by @rafgpereira in #71
- Feature#69/documentation by @jlucasiqueira in #75
- Feature #72/responsive search by @JoaoPedrooSS in #76
- Feature #73/responsive home by @jlucasiqueira in #77
- Feature#74/initialize tests by @rafgpereira in #79
- tests#80: includes header unit tests by @rafgpereira in #81
- ci#82: includes quality pipeline by @rafgpereira in #90
- Fix#78/responsive rank by @JoaoPedrooSS in #91
- Feature #88/search tests by @JoaoPedrooSS in #92
- test(#85): implements filter tests by @JoaoPedrooSS in #93
- test(#83): implements ranking tests by @JoaoPedrooSS in #95
- Feature #89/home test by @jlucasiqueira in #96
- Feature #86/grouped bar chart tests by @jlucasiqueira in #97
- test(#87): implements stacked chart tests by @JoaoPedrooSS in #98
- Feature#99/documentation by @rafgpereira in #102
- Feature #100/select options value by @JoaoPedrooSS in #103
- Feature#104/backend connection by @rafgpereira in #107
- Feature#106/next deploy by @rafgpereira in #108
- updates main by @rafgpereira in #109
- chore#106: update jobs names by @rafgpereira in #110
- tests: includes pre commit testing lib by @rafgpereira in #113
- Feature #101/graphic informations by @jlucasiqueira in #111
- Feature #105/clean code by @JoaoPedrooSS in #114
- Fix #114/charts data by @JoaoPedrooSS in #117
- Feature#118/usable ranking by @rafgpereira in #121
- Fix #119/responsive filters by @JoaoPedrooSS in #122
- feat: create preview deployment by @rafgpereira in #123
- feat: includes all cities and levels on enrollment graphic by @rafgpereira in #125
- fix(#127): fixing filter wrap bug by @JoaoPedrooSS in #132
- Feature#128/toast sonner by @rafgpereira in #133
- handle order locale by @rafgpereira in #134
- feat(#129): includes codecov in quality cli by @rafgpereira in #135
- codecov pin by @rafgpereira in #136
- chore(#129): includes push on main to quality pipeline by @rafgpereira in #137
- codecov on main by @rafgpereira in #138
- feat(#129): includes codecov and push on main by @rafgpereira in #139
- codecov coverage by @rafgpereira in #140
- Feature #126/text informations by @JoaoPedrooSS in #141
- Feature#131/finally documentation by @rafgpereira in #142
- feat(#115): includes about page and tests by @jlucasiqueira in #143
- Feature #144/align frontend by @JoaoPedrooSS in #145
- Feature#130/backend mkdocs by @rafgpereira in #146
- chore(#147): includes about texts and links and fixing ranking bug by @JoaoPedrooSS in #148
- merge develop by @rafgpereira in #149
- Feature #151/graphics order by @JoaoPedrooSS in #152
- Fix/align texts by @jlucasiqueira in #153
- Feature#150/increase documentation by @rafgpereira in #154
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v1.0.0