A library that makes saving fixtures with
nock and
mocha easy. Just
use describeFixture
instead of describe
and it will record outbound requests
using nock into test/fixtures
and read from them the next time you run the
npm install --save-dev mocha-nock
Use describeFixture
instead of describe
and it will use nock to record all
The first time this test executes, it will save the HTTP request & response into your test/fixtures
Then on subsequent tests, it will return the saved data and not use the network.
const describeFixture = require('mocha-nock');
const request = require('request-promise-native');
describeFixture('normal test', () => {
it('works', async () => {
const response = await request('http://localhost:4000/users');
describe('some other test', () => {
// You can use mocha how you normally would to group tests
It also supports .skip
and .only
, like mocha does.
describeFixture.skip('skipped test', () => {
// Anything in here will be skipped
describeFixture.only('only test', () => {
// This will be the only test run
// This test will not record the request to localhost:4000.
// For anything it does record, it will also record the reqheaders.
const opts = {
excludeScope: 'localhost:4000',
recorder: {
enable_reqheaders_recording: true
describeFixture('normal test', opts, () => {
it('works', async () => {
const resp1 = await request('http://localhost:4000/users');
const resp2 = await request('https://google.com/');
// Don't record any requests to this scope
// It can be an array or string
excludeScope: ['localhost', '', ''],
// Re-record and overwrite your current fixtures
overwrite: false,
// Record fixtures when test fails
recordOnFailure: false,
// These options are passed to the nock recorder that runs behind the scenes
// to capture requests
recorder: {
output_objects: true,
dont_print: true
To overide these you can call describeFixture.setDefaults
with an object to
override them for ALL tests. It must be called before any describeFixture()
called to work properly. The best place is in a test helper file.
You also are able to pass in test specific options as the last parameter to
. See the Usage section above for an example.
Originally based off of an older version of nock-vcr-recorder by Jake Craige.
© 2018-2019 Unbounded Systems, LLC
© 2014 Poetic Systems, Inc.