node-graceful is a small helper module without dependencies that aims to ease graceful exit of complex node programs including async waiting on multiple independent modules.
npm i -S node-graceful
yarn add node-graceful
Had any problem? open an issue
const Graceful = require('node-graceful');
Graceful.captureExceptions = true;
Graceful.on('exit', async () => {
console.log(`Received ${signal} - Exiting gracefully`);
await webServer.close();
// Graceful will wait until all listeners had finished
Graceful.on('exit', (signal) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
console.log("Another independent listener!");
setTimeout(() => resolve(), 1000);
import Graceful from 'node-graceful';
Graceful.captureExceptions = true;
Graceful.on('exit', async () => {
await server.close();
interface Graceful {
// add exit listener
on(signal: 'exit', listener: GracefulListener): GracefulSubscription;
// remove exit listener
off(signal: 'exit', listener: GracefulListener): void;
// remove all exit listeners
clear(): void;
// trigger graceful process exit with or without exit code and signal
exit(): void;
exit(exitCode: number): void;
exit(exitSignal: string): void;
exit(exitCode: number, exitSignal: string): void;
// whether to exit immediately when a second kill signal is received
exitOnDouble: boolean; // default: true
// maximum time to wait before hard-killing the process
timeout: number; // default: 30000
// whether to treat uncaught exceptions as process terminating events
captureExceptions: boolean; // default: false
// whether to treat unhandled promise rejections as process terminating events
captureRejections: boolean; // default: false
type GracefulListener = (signal: string, details?: object) => (void | any | Promise<any> | Promise<Error>);
type GracefulSubscription = () => void;
Read bellow for full API reference.
Add exit listener to be called when process exit is triggered.
listens on all terminating signals and triggers exit
Terminating events: SIGTERM
listener(signal, details?)
- listener functionsignal
- the signal that triggered the exit. example: 'SIGTERM'details
- optional details provided by the trigger. for example in case ofunhandledException
this will be an error object. on external signal it will be undefined.
The listener function can return a promise that will delay the process exit until it's fulfilment.
Graceful.on('exit', () => Promise.resolve('I Am A Promise!'));
Graceful.on('exit', async () => {
// async function always returns promise so shutdown will be delayed until this functions ends
await webServer.close();
return Promise.all([
if old style callback is needed, wrap the logic with a promise
const server = require('http').createServer(function (req, res) {
Graceful.on('exit', () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
server.close((err) => {
if (err) return reject(err);
the method returns a function that when invoked, removes the listener subscription.
the function is a shorthand for .off
// use the return value to remove listener
const removeListener = Graceful.on('exit', () => {});
removeListener(); // listener was removed and will not be triggered
Remove a previously subscribed listener.
const gracefulExit = () => {
// add listener
let removeListener = Graceful.on('SIGTERM', gracefulExit);
// remove listener'SIGTERM', gracefulExit);
// same as invoking the return value
// removeListener();
Unsubscribe all exit
// add listener
Graceful.on('exit', () => {
console.log("Received some exit signal!");
return Promise.resolve("A promise to be waited on before dying");
Graceful.on('exit', (done) => {
console.log("Another listener");
// remove all listener
Trigger graceful process exit.
This method is meant to be a substitute command for process.exit()
to allow other modules to exit gracefully in case of error.
- (optional) exit code to be used. default -process.exitCode
- (optional) signal to be simulating for listeners. default -SIGTERM
.on('listening', function () {
.on('error', function (err) {
if (err.code === 'EADDRINUSE') {
console.error("Damn, Port is already in use...");
// exit code and signal can be specified
// Graceful.exit(1);
// Graceful.exit(1, 'SIGINT');
// Graceful.exit('SIGINT');
Options are global and shared, any change will override previous values.
Whether to exit immediately when a second deadly event is received,
For example when Ctrl-C is pressed twice etc..
When exiting due to double event, exit code will be process.exitCode
or 1
(necessarily a non-zero)
Maximum time to wait for exit listeners in ms
After exceeding the time, the process will force exit
and the exit code will be process.exitCode
or 1
(necessarily a non-zero)
Setting the timeout to 0
will disable timeout functionality (will wait indefinitely)
Whether to treat uncaughtException
event as a terminating event and trigger graceful shutdown.
Graceful.captureExceptions = true;
throw new Error('DANG!'); // this will now trigger graceful shutdown
Whether to treat unhandledRejection
event as a terminating event and trigger graceful shutdown.
On newer node
versions unhandledRejection
is in-fact a terminating event
Graceful.captureRejections = true;
Promise.reject(new Error('DANG!')); // this will now trigger graceful shutdown
will obey process.exitCode
property value when exiting unless the exit is forced (double signal, timeout) in which case the exit code must be non-zero.