This code is a solution built for the CodeWars Car Park Escape kata, designed to provide a MOB refactoring challenge to a eXtreme Programming classroom.
The lesson is divided in 3 chunks:
- 1 pomodoro: review etichette and definition of the review areas and the review flow.
- 2 pomodori: MOB refactoring with time box bounduaries and TCR approach (Test-Commit-Revert)
- 1 pomodoro: lesson learned sharing
This draft review questions will be provided to the classroom to help them to understand what they are looking for:
- Am I having difficulty in read or understanding this code?
- Is there any complexity in the code which could be reduced by refactoring?
- Is the code well organized in a structure which makes sense?
- Are the names intuitive and is it obvious what they do?
- Are there any pieces which are notably large?
- Are there any particularly long methods/functions/...?
- Do all the method/functions/... names seem clear and intuitive?
- Is the code well documented by User Centric/E2E test scenario?
- Is the code well tested by a coverage at least equal to our standards?
- Does the code meet our teams styling standards?
- Are there ways in which this code could be made more performing/efficient/scalable?
- Are there ways in which this code could be made more secure?