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Library settings

undergroundwires edited this page Feb 4, 2020 · 9 revisions

Library settings

SafeOrbitCore is a singleton class where you can change the security levels and start the library early.

StartEarlyAsync (recommended)

For better performance, it's highly recommended to start the application early in your application start with SafeOrbitCore.Current.StartEarly();.

The performance of the library can be improved by calling SafeOrbitCore.Current.StartEarly() method during the start of the application. This methods runs some inner StartEarlyTasks that does the necessary calculations early on, creates objects, starts filling entropy pools.

You can also set a protection mode from the start, see change security settings below.

Change security settings

SafeOrbit as a class library is secured as default against memory or code injections. The inner classes or SafeOrbit are provided by a SafeContainer that provides injection detection.

Memory injection is enabled as default. It provides self security on client side applications, but on a protected server disabling the memory injection for more performance is recommended.

Run this on application start on your server to disable memory injection:

 SafeOrbitCore.Current.Factory.ProtectionMode = SafeContainerProtectionMode.NoProtection;

For better security inner class protection against memory injections are enabled as default. For client side applications that it's recommended to enable it but it might be unnecessary for a server running in a protected environment as it'll lower the performance.

Self protection for SafeOrbit is off by default. When self protection is set to on, SafeOrbit will start stamping their classes against security attacks

You can change change the protection mode any time you'd like:

 SafeOrbitCore.Current.Factory.ProtectionMode = SafeContainerProtectionMode.FullProtection;

See also

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