- This is a golang based REST API with a diverse set storage capabilities, following best design practices and a loosley coupled model.
- simply fork the project and run
go get github.com/<your_github_handle>/go-api
currently by default the project uses a local sqlite3 file as a database.
we can use a firestore instance instead of an sqlite3 file, but that will require an os environment variable
pointing to your firebase project's secret json file path for access to firestore. -
go build .
in the root diretory -
export GO_API_PORT=8000
, you can select any other open port if you wish, this port will be used by the API server -
go run .
- the project currently relies on a redis cache instance running in the background, you can specify the host and port in the server.go main file.
- you can run
go test ./...
to recursively execute all test cases in all directories, or explicitly specify their path to the go test command.
- currently the project supports chi-router and mux-router, you can add your own implementation or an existing library implmenting the router interface.
- /posts : [GET] : returns an array of post objects
[{"id": _, "title": _, "text": _}]
- /posts : [POST]: expects a json payload of a post object
{"title": _, "text": _}
, returns the created post object with a unique id{"id": _, "title": _, "text": _}
- /posts/{id}: [GET]: returns the post object associated with the given id, if the id is not found then an error message is returned
{"id": _, "title": _, "text": _}