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unhappychoice committed Nov 3, 2020
1 parent 94bd345 commit 54209d4
Showing 1 changed file with 94 additions and 0 deletions.
94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions source/articles/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
title: 圏論 | 圏の例
tags: programming,category_theory

## 圏の例
### 空圏 \\(\cats{0}\\)

\draw (0,0) circle (3);
\node (Category) at (-2, 3.2) {\large $\mathcal{C}$};

### 離散圏

\draw (0,0) circle (3);
\node (Category) at (-2, 3) {\large $\mathcal{C}$};
\node [circle, scale=0.6, fill=black, label=a] (A) at (-2, 0) {};
\node [circle, scale=0.6, fill=black, label=below:b] (B) at (0, -2) {};
\node [circle, scale=0.6, fill=black, label=c] (C) at (1, 1) {};

\draw [->, thick] (A) to[out=225, in=135, looseness=15] (A) node[below=8] {$\mathbf{id}_{a}$};
\draw [->, thick] (B) to[out=315, in=45, looseness=15] (B) node[right=12] {$\mathbf{id}_{b}$};
\draw [->, thick] (C) to[out=315, in=45, looseness=15] (C) node[right=12] {$\mathbf{id}_{c}$};

### 集合の圏 \\(\catl{Set}\\)
- 対象: 全ての集合
- 例: 実数の集合 \\(\set{R}\\) や、冪集合 \\(\set{R}\times\set{R}\\) 複素数の集合 \\(\set{C}\\) ...etc
- 射: 全ての写像
- 例: \\(f::\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{C}\\) の \\(f(x) = x + i\\)
- 恒等射: 全ての定義域と値域が同じ集合の写像
- 例: \\(f::\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\\) の \\(f(x) = x\\)

となるような圏。もちろん実数から複素数に写す写像は↑に限らず無数にあるので、それら全ての集合が \\(Hom(\mathbb{R}, \mathbb{C})\\) となる

\draw (0,0) circle (3);
\node (Category) at (-2, 3) {\large $\mathcal{C}$};
\node [circle, scale=0.6, fill=black, label={$R$}] (A) at (-2, 0) {};
\node [circle, scale=0.6, fill=black, label=below:{$R^2$}] (B) at (0, -2) {};
\node [circle, scale=0.6, fill=black, label={$C$}] (C) at (1, 1) {};

\draw [->, thick] (A) to[bend left=20] node[midway, above] {} (B);
\draw [->, thick] (B) to[bend left=20] node[midway, above] {} (C);
\draw [->, thick] (A) to[bend left=20] node[midway, above] {} (C);
\draw [->, thick] (B) to[bend left=20] node[midway, above] {} (A);
\draw [->, thick] (C) to[bend left=20] node[midway, above] {} (B);
\draw [->, thick] (C) to[bend left=20] node[midway, above] {} (A);
\draw [->, thick] (A) to[out=225, in=135, looseness=15] (A) node[below=8] {$\mathbf{id}_{R}$};
\draw [->, thick] (B) to[out=315, in=45, looseness=15] (B) node[right=12] {$\mathbf{id}_{R^2}$};
\draw [->, thick] (C) to[out=315, in=45, looseness=15] (C) node[right=12] {$\mathbf{id}_{C}$};

### プログラミングの圏
Haskell では Hask圏と呼ばれているものだが、ここではプログラミングの圏と呼ぶ。
注意しないといけないのは Hask は圏をなしていない。Haskも圏をなしていないので、他のプログラミング言語(純粋ではない関数をかける)ではもちろん圏をなしていない。

- 対象: 型
- 例: `Int`, `String`, `List<Int>`, ...
- 射: 関数
- 例: `func toString(number: Integer) -> String`, ...
- 恒等射: 関数
- 例: `func plusOne(number: Int) -> Int`, ...

\draw (0,0) circle (3);
\node (Category) at (-2, 3.2) {\large $\mathcal{C}$};
\node[circle, scale=0.6, fill=black, label=Int] (A) at (-2, 0) {};
\node[circle, scale=0.6, fill=black, label=below:String] (B) at (0, -2) {};
\node[circle, scale=0.6, fill=black, label=List<Int>] (C) at (1, 1) {};

\draw [->, thick] (A) to[bend left=20] node[midway, above] {} (B);
\draw [->, thick] (B) to[bend left=20] node[midway, above] {} (C);
\draw [->, thick] (A) to[bend left=20] node[midway, above] {} (C);
\draw [->, thick] (B) to[bend left=20] node[midway, above] {} (A);
\draw [->, thick] (C) to[bend left=20] node[midway, above] {} (B);
\draw [->, thick] (C) to[bend left=20] node[midway, above] {} (A);
\draw [->, thick] (A) to[out=225, in=135, looseness=15] (A) node[below=8] {$\mathbf{id}_{Int}$};
\draw [->, thick] (B) to[out=315, in=45, looseness=15] (B) node[right=12] {$\mathbf{id}_{String}$};
\draw [->, thick] (C) to[out=315, in=45, looseness=15] (C) node[right=12] {$\mathbf{id}_{List<Int>}$};

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