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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

2019: Archived
2019: Archived
Articles that are archived
2019: Content
2019: Content
2019: Done
2019: Done
Articles that are ready for merge?
2019: Fantasy
2019: Fantasy
Selected for Fantasy Basel
2019: final16
2019: final16
2019: final32
2019: final32
2019: Grammar
2019: Grammar
The Grammar of this article should be checked.
2019: Image
2019: Image
The graphics team should create an image/Adjust an image
2019: Plenum
2019: Plenum
The article will be discussed in the plenum
2019: Review
2019: Review
The review team should review the changes.
2019: Revise
2019: Revise
The autor should revise their article
2019: Testing
2019: Testing
This article can be used for testing
2019: Website
2019: Website
2024: Category - Funny
2024: Category - Funny
2024: Category - Informative
2024: Category - Informative
2024: Category - Practical
2024: Category - Practical
2024: Category - Theoretical
2024: Category - Theoretical
2024: Design - Done
2024: Design - Done
2024: Difficulty - Easy
2024: Difficulty - Easy
2024: Difficulty - Hard
2024: Difficulty - Hard
2024: Difficulty - Medium
2024: Difficulty - Medium
2024: Graphic - Approved
2024: Graphic - Approved
2024: Illustration - Final
2024: Illustration - Final
Final illustration in .svg format
2024: Length - Long
2024: Length - Long
2024: Length - Medium
2024: Length - Medium
2024: Length - Short
2024: Length - Short
2024: Needs Authors Revision
2024: Needs Authors Revision
2024: revised
2024: revised
Did the author create a new version based on the creative feedback?
2024: round 1
2024: round 1
articles of round 1
2024: round 2
2024: round 2
articles of round 2