This repository contains a Docker Compose file which can be used to deploy a Unified Remix demonstration environment.
For more details see Unifed Remix.
This environment only contains two use cases:
- Pre/Mid/Post roll
- Virtual Subclips
The interaction between the components is depicted in the following diagram:
rule sets
player --> cdn --> unified origin --> unified remix --> smil origin - ad networks
| \
a/v sources broadcast epg
- Install Docker
- Install Docker Compose
- Clone this repository
You need a license key to use this software. To evaluate you can create an account at Unified Streaming Registration.
The license key is passed to containers using the USP_LICENSE_KEY environment variable.
Start the stack using docker-compose:
export USP_LICENSE_KEY=<your_license_key>
docker-compose up
You can also choose to run it in background (detached mode):
export USP_LICENSE_KEY=<your_license_key>
docker-compose up -d
Now that the stack is running a demonstration page should be accessible at http://localhost/.