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Astro is a web publishing platform built for use by the University of Kent.

Pages are assembled using pre-defined blocks. These are arranged into regions on page layouts.

The system is easy to extend using block, region and layout definitions. These files contain JSON describing the component to the system.

Astro has three separate components:

  • A RESTful JSON API, built on Laravel 5.4
  • A JavaScript editor interface (a client built with Vue.js)
  • A renderer, used to fulfil page requests



  • PHP 7.1
  • MySQL 5.5+ (?)
  • Node.js and npm/yarn (latest)
  • Composer (latest)

Configuration Options

There are a number of configuration options that can be set depending on whether you are installing to use as the editor, the api and / or the previewer.

The main config files are:

  • config/app.php
  • config/auth.php
  • config/editor.php
  • config/definitions.php

although other configuration files in the config/ directory may also be relevant.

Most of the configuration options for these can be defined in the .env file, but see the actual config/*.php files for definitive documentation.

The config/definitions.php file should mirror the sample configuration file from whatever set of definitions is being used, with the addition of using .env variables if present.

API Installation

  1. Checkout the repository
  2. Move into the astro path, e.g. cd /path/to/astro
  3. Install dependencies with composer install
  4. Copy .env.example to .env and configure your DB_ variables.
  5. Set your APP_KEY variable within .env. Running php artisan key:generate makes this simple.
  6. Pull in your definitions, i.e. for UoK: git clone [email protected]:webdev/astro-kent-theme.git.
  7. Update DEFINITIONS_PATH in your .env to point to the newly-cloned definitions directory.
  8. Edit any other relevant variables in the .env file (see above configuration options section for details).
  9. Create a symlink in the public folder to link uploads to storage/app/public/uploads. Depending on your system this would be with something like ln -s ../storage/app/public/uploads/ uploads.
  10. Run php artisan migrate --seed and DB_CONNECTION=mysql_test php artisan migrate
  11. Run php artisan astro:permissions install --yes-remove-non-default-permissions to setup roles and permissions (see Kent Profiles below)
  12. Ensure that everything is working properly, by running the test suite: phpunit

Kent Profiles

This section is only relevant if you are using the optional Kent Profiles Package.

This adds the initial data, permissions and the 'Profile Editor' role to Site Editor. This can only be performed after the initial migration and permissions steps have been completed in the API Installation.

  1. Run php artisan kentprofiles:categories refresh
  2. Run php artisan kentprofiles:socialmedia refresh
  3. Run php artisan kentprofiles:permissions add

Editor Installation

See the above configuration options section on where to look for options to configure.

yarn and npm should be interchangeable for these commands

cd /path/to/astro

// Install project dependencies
yarn install

yarn run dev

When developing definitions (blocks, layouts) including vue templates you may find it easier to yarn link to your definitions directory.

Otherwise you will need to run

yarn update <your-definitions-repo-name>

from within your astro directory to update to the latest committed version, before building with yarn.

To do so:

cd /path/to/DEFINITIONS
yarn link

cd /path/to/astro
yarn link <your-definitions-repo-name>

Developer Notes


API Requests, Authentication & Authorization

Anyone wishing to access the API will need a registered user with an API Token. An API Token is automatically generated when a User is added to the system.

API requests will need to request a JSON response with an Accepts: application/json header, and pass the access token with an Authorization: Bearer TOKEN header. Data can be passed to the API as form data or as a JSON object (with a Content-Type: application/json header).

The API is intended to be RESTful, uses Laravel naming conventions and should make semantic use of HTTP status codes.

Fractal is used to serialize the API output. This is covered in more depth elsewhere (see: Serialization).


At present, definition files are read from disk into the application; at a later date this should be refactored to use Redis. Definition files are versioned using their folder hierarchy, although the JSON content also contains a version key.

Definitions are represented within the system as models extending App\Models\Definitions\BaseDefinition and implementing App\Models\Definitions\Contracts\Definition. Their interface is very similar to Eloquent models but they should be considered immutable objects - as objects they are intended to give definitions a proper object representation within the system.


Whenever JSON is serialized in the application, Fractal is used to transform the data.

Serialization occurs in two main areas: App\Http\Controllers\Api\v1\* and when a page is published ($page->publish($transformer) requires a Fractal transformer instance to ensure that the baked JSON is in the correct format for the API to serve directly).

Many of the API endpoints support Fractal 'includes' by passing an '?include=' parameter with an API request. This accepts a comma-separated list of relations to include. Where an endpoint supports includes it is noted in the docblock.

Includes will resolve deep relations, i.e. 'block,block.definitions' but please use sparingly: depth restrictions are permissive but data is often lazy-loaded.

Pages, Revisions, Sites & Permissions

A Site has a host (domain) name, an optional path prefix, and one or more hierarchical structures (versions - e.g. "draft", "published"), each of which has at least one Page (homepage).

A Site structure is comprised of Pages, stored as a nested set (using Baum, a nested-set implementation for Laravel) , scoped to that Site and Version.

A Page has a Revision which represents its current content (blocks), title and configuration.

A new Revision is created every time page content or definition is updated (but not for a Page move). Revisions have a created date, modified date, published date and deleted date and are associated with a single Page.

The URL to a Page is represented by concatenating its Site's hostname and path and the Page's path. The Page's path is generated automatically when saved by appending its slug to the end of its parent's path.

A single Page may be associated with multiple Revisions (providing a publication history and audit log)

When a Page is moved, a Redirect is created to point the old path to the new. If a new Page is created at the old location, the redirection is removed.

All changes to Pages including edits, moves, deletions and additions are made in the draft site structure, and must be published to the live site structure in order for them to take effect on the live version of the site.

When a Page is published a new Page is created with the same site_id, path, slug, revision_id and a version of "published", putting it in a completely separate nested set scope (tree) to the draft version.


Only admin users can create and manage Sites.

Users are added to Roles on Sites. Each Role has a predefined list of Permissions which determine what a user can do on the site they have a role on.

Notes on Publishing

Pages are published via /api/v1/page/ID/publish. Internally this calls $page->publish($transformer). When publishing:

  • A new PublishedPage instance is created, with the bake attribute populated with JSON (obtained using the Fractal $transformer)
  • The latest inactive Route is made both active, and canonical.
  • All other inactive Routes for the given Page are purged.

A Page and all descendants may also be published via /api/v1/page/ID/publish-tree.

Notes on Deleting

Pages are deleted by a DELETE request to /api/v1/page/ID/. This results in a soft-delete, where the Page and its associated Routes still remain in the database.

A DELETE request to /api/v1/page/ID/force will result in the Page being deleted entirely from the database. This will cascade at a database level to also delete Routes, Redirects.

PublishedPages will remain in the database (providing a history and allowing potential for a manual recovery process), but without Routes are not routable.

Blocks and Pages

Block instances are created when creating or updating a Page (by a POST to /api/v1/page, or a PUT to /api/v1/page/ID.

It is important to send ALL Block instances to the server when persisting a Page as all existing block instances are removed as a part of the persitance proces. Block instances are then re/created based on the submission matching the order in which they were submitted.

	"data": {

		"blocks": {
			"main": [
					"definition_name": "test-block",
					"definition_version": 1

					"definition_name": "test-block",
					"definition_version": 1


It is possible for Block definitions to contain validation rules, and for Region definitions to list compatible Blocks. This needs to be validated when persisting Block instances. This is currently implemented by the App\Models\Api\v1\Page\PersistRequest class using a the BlockBroker class:

  • PersistRequest defines its own validation rules in the usual way (as a standard FormRequest);
  • the getRules() method also loads Block and Region definitions based on the submitted data;
  • a App\Validation\Brokers\BlockBroker is then instantiated for each Block instance submitted (this class transforms the validation rules in the block definition to their Laravel-compatible equivalents);
  • the rules are then extracted from the BlockBroker and merged into the default ruleset within PersistRequest

The BlockBroker also supports getRegionConstraintRules, where a Region definition is the only parameter. This validates that the definition_name on the Block instance is allowed in the given Region.

Notes on setting up Roles and Permissions

The roles and permissions can be set up or refreshed with the command php artisan astro:permissions refresh. This will add the roles and permissions specified in the public static $roles_and_permissions array, which can be found in the 'app/Console/Commands/SetupPermissions.php' class. It will also remove any roles/permissions that have been romoved or even renamed (adding the renamed version as a new role).

To simply rename a role, use php artisan astro:permissions rename-role --old-name="<name of role to be renamed>" --new-name="<new name of role to be renamed>".


Unit Tests

PHPUnit has a good level of code coverage across the entire application.

Controller tests (deliberately) act more as integration tests than unit tests as they test much of the stack by default. Mocks are used for authentication/authorization, which is the main exception to this rule. Policies should be unit tested to ensure that they will function as expected. At present, serializers are not unit tested - their output is assessed by the Controller tests.

Tests are intended to run on their own database connection and will not migrate automatically. With a separate database connection configured as mysql_test, migrations can be run with DB_CONNECTION=mysql_test php artisan migrate.

The mysql_test connection falls back to use the standard DB_ config variables by default. They can be overridden using TEST_DB_ variables. The default connection for tests is set in phpunit.xml.

Functional Tests

Functional Testing is done with the Robotframework. A limited set of tests is currently in place. The intention is for these tests to serve as an starter for writing more tests.

More details in the readme


Thanks for making our lives easier!


Astro is licensed under the MIT license.